be tempted to造句
1. I was tempted to eat another slice of cake even though I knew I shouldn't.
2. He was tempted to break the rules and sneak out after curfew.
3. She was tempted to buy the expensive dress even though she couldn't afford it.灵巧的手指
单词不用记下载>go through4. They were tempted to quit their jobs and travel the world instead.
5. He was tempted to cheat on the exam, but decided it wasn't worth the risk.
6. She was tempted to skip the gym and stay in bed all day.
7. He was tempted to give up on his dreams, but pervered through the challenges.
8. She was tempted to confront her boss about their unfair treatment at work.
9. They were tempted to raid the fridge even though it was late at night.
10. He was tempted to ignore his responsibilities and spend the day gaming.
11. She was tempted to text her ex, but ultimately decided against it.
12. He was tempted to take the shortcut even though it was against the rules.
13. She was tempted to accept the invitation despite her rervations about attending the party.
14. They were tempted to splurge on a luxury vacation even though they hadn't saved enough money.
15. He was tempted to gossip about his coworkers but cho to stay silent.
16. She was tempted to procrastinate on her project but managed to maintain her focus.
17. He was tempted to quit his job and start his own business.
18. She was tempted to lie to her friend to avoid hurting their feelings.
19. They were tempted to skip their anniversary celebration, but decided to make an effort instead.
20. He was tempted to skip the family reunion becau of a previous conflict with his relatives.
21. She was tempted to drink too much at the party, but controlled herlf.
22. He was tempted to give up on his relationship, but they worked through their issues and stayed together.
23. She was tempted to binge-watch her favorite ries instead of doing her homework.
六级多少分及格24. They were tempted to withdraw all their savings to invest in a risky venture.
prom>barn25. He was tempted to ignore his doctor's advice and continue with his unhealthy lifestyle.儿童英文歌