horizontal是什么意思An Analysis of the Syllabic Structure of English Mute in the Light of Sonority Sequencing Principle
【Abstract】Syllable is the hierarchic natural feature of a language,and there are rules of the phonological quences of the syllabic structure.Bad on the Sonority Sequencing Principle (SSP),this paper will try to discuss and analyze phonological quences of the syllabic structure of English mutes.
【Key words倒装句讲解】平安夜快乐英文English mutes德文翻译中文;春望的翻译 syllabic structure; sonority
English mute refers to the letter which is not pronounced in a word.For example,[ ]in “comb” [ ]and [ ]in “autumn” [ ]are lack of the phonological realization.English mutes are the interactive product of the synchronic as well as the diachronic.On the one hand,mutes res
ult from the historical change and language development in terms of diachronic perspective; on the other hand,phonological rules such as English syllable patterndango,the Sonority Sequencing Principle (SSP),the Obligatory Contour Principle (acca课程费用拜见岳父岳母OCP) and stress distribution should be included to account for the phenomenon of English mutes from the point of synchronic study.