quantity什么意思Open syllables and clod syllables
Syllable, syllable is the basic unit of pronunciation, and the pronunciation of any word is broken down into syllables. In English, vowels are especially loud, and a vowel phoneme can make up one syllable. A vowel phoneme and one or more consonant phonemes can also form a syllable. Generally speaking, vowel phonemes can form syllables, consonants, phonemes are not loud, and can not form syllables. But English consonants have 4 consonants [m], [n], [ng], [l] and their combination is sound, consonants, can also form a syllable. They often appear in the syllable suffix, usually unstresd syllables. English words have one syllable, two syllables, more than one syllable, one syllable is called monosyllabic word, the two syllable is called double syllable word, and the three syllable is called polysyllabic. Such as: take take, ta'ble table, Po, ta'to potato, Po, PU, la'tion population, con, GRA, Tu, la'tion, congratulations. Te ` le 'com' mu 'Ni' ca'tion telecommunication divides syllables, vowel phonemes are the main constituent of syllables, and consonants are the boundaries of syllables. Each vowel phoneme can form a syllable, such as: bed bed, bet bet. Two vowel phonemes can form a syllable, such as at at, beat beat, and beaut excellent beau'ty beauty. Between two phonemes, there is a consonant, phoneme, consonant, phoneme, etc. after a syllable, such as: stu'dent students, la'bour labor. When there are two consonant phonemes, one consonant phoneme goes to the previous syllable, one to the last syllable, such as: win'ter winter, fa'ther father, and tea'cher teacher.
There are two types of open syllables: absolute and relative syllables.
A stresd syllable of a single vowel letter with no auxiliary word t. For example: No, she, he, we,...
A stresd syllable consisting of a single vowel letter followed by a single consonant consonant followed by an unstresd letter E.
For example: name, the, bike, home, excu, like,...
You can say that:
1. a stresd syllable ending with a vowel letter. This vowel letter is printed in a word, it is in the alphabet, that is, its own pronunciation. Such as: No, he, table.
2. in a stresd syllable containing a vowel letter, there is
a consonant letter (except R) after the vowel letter, and an unstresd letter E, which is also an open syllable. The vowel sounds its own sound. Such as: name, fine. The clod syllable contains a vowel letter, and the stresd syllable at the end of the consonant (except R, w) is a clod syllable.
Generally open syllables, followed by "silent" "e""
What is a clod syllable?
A single vowel letter followed by auxiliary words (except R, W, y) and accented syllables ending with consonants.
For example: bag, draw, begin, fish, not, cup北京外教网
Clod syllables can be divided into vowels + consonants or vowels + consonants + consonants
Note: y is a festival
Stresd clod syllables
English stresd clod syllables is called vowel is itlf the letter, stresd clod syllables refers to a syllable ending in a consonant, syllable and syllable syllable syllable should be designated as apple the AP ap/ple front is a syllable with auxiliary tone phoneme end is clod syllable.
When you reread a clod syllable, you should double write and reread the clod syllable, that is, two consonants with a vowel in the middle
Such as: sit---sitting
Now let me give you two classic examples:
Forbid---forbidding (stresd, clod, double written)
Prohibit---prohibiting (stresd on cond syllable,
unstresd, clod syllable, not double written)
In order to make clear the syllables and the clod syllables, I need to make clear the vowels and consonants.
dairy是什么意思Vowel: A, e, I, O, u
Consonants: B, D, G, V, R, N, P, m, t, C (k, g), F, l, Z, s, h, J, X
Half vowel: R, y, w月报表
Rereading clod syllables: a vowel is held between two consonants.
Stress the three elements of a clod syllable:
1. must be stresd syllables;
喜力广告歌2. finally only one consonant consonant;
3. vowels produce short vowels
Double syllable should be ud to reread the clod syllable. Repeat the clod syllable, that is, two consonants with a vowel in the middle
Such as: sit---sitting
Begin---beginning (stresd on the syllable of gin, quite paired with gin)小马过河雅思
Like travel, this unstresd vel can be travelled,
It can also be traveled
How do you recognize open syllables and clod syllables?
留学出国中介1. syllables
1) a syllable ending with a vowel letter in which the pronunciation is pronounced.
previouslyExample: be, he. Formula: consonants + a vowel
2) syllables ending in consonant letters (except R.W.y) + silent E.
Examples: make, like, cake. Formula: consonant + one vowel + one or more consonants + silent e
boredom2. clod syllables
A syllable with one or more consonant letters (except R) ending with only one vowel letter in the middle; called a clod syllable.
Examples: map, desk, is. In stresd clod syllables vowel sounds are read into short vowels.
If it's not clear yet, I can't help it.