
更新时间:2023-06-23 03:08:15 阅读: 评论:0

a bando
bandon n放弃;遗弃v.go away from a person or thing or place
band age n.绷带(band-绑,age-名词后缀)
band it n.强盗(强盗就是把你给“绑起来”)
bound ary界限(把一个地区或国家给“绑”起来,就成界限了)
abstract抽象的isting in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical dis tract v分散;使混乱(dis分开+tract→思想被拉开→分心,分散)
ex tract v抽出;提炼出(ex出+tract→拉出来→提炼出)
re tract v缩进;退缩(re往回+tract→向后拉→缩进)
con tract合同(con-共同,合同就是拉住对方,起限制作用)
academy学院,学术n.school for special training
access通路,入口n.~means of approaching or entering(a place);way in re cess休息;隐居(re回+cess→走回去→休息)
re cess ion撤退;交还(recess+ion→走回去→撤退)
pro cess进度
accommodate提供住宿,供给,调节v.provide lodging or room for
mod esty n谦虚,有礼
rem odel v改形;改造(re再+mod+el→再造模型→改形)
mod ify v修改(mod+ify→规范化→修改)
com mod ity n商品(com共同+mod+ity→按照同样的模式做出来的东西→商品)accompany陪伴v.walk or travel with(sb)as a companion or helper;escort pan try n.面包房,食品室
accumulate积聚,堆积v.gradually get or gather together an increasing number
tlbaccurate精确的adj.free from error
cure v.把...弄牢;使安全;adj.安全的,放心的,可靠的
cur ity n.保安
ass ure保证,担保
ens ure保证,确保
a chieve达到v.gain or reach(sth),usu by effort,skill,courage,etc
a cknowledge承认,答谢v.accept the truth of admit(sth)
acquire获得,取得,学到v.gain(sth)by one's own ability,efforts or behaviour
in quire v.询问,问明,查究
query n.疑问,疑问号,质问;v.问
en quire v.询问,调查
quest ionnaire n.调查表
adapt使...适应,改编v.~sth(for sth)make sth suitable for
ad apt able有适应能力的广州金珠瑜伽
in apt不适当的;无能的(in-表否定+apt能力)
ad ept熟练的,老练的(ad+ept=apt→有能力→熟练的)
adequate足够的,充足的,适当的,能胜任的adj.~satisfactory in quantity or quality equ al a相等的,平等的
equal ity n平等
equa tion n方程式
equat or n赤道(equate+or→平分地球的地方→赤道)
adjacent毗连的,邻近的,接近的having a common endpoint
【词源解析】ad-强调,jec-来自ject(扔,投掷),ent后缀;不断向你仍过来→靠近。向里仍进去是注射-in ject,向前仍出去的是目标-pro ject,向下仍下去给大家讨论的是主体-sub ject,把别人送你的东西向后仍回去就是拒绝-re ject
adjust调整,使...适于v.put(sth)into the correct order or position;arrange
just    a.正义的,公正的adv.正好,刚刚,仅仅
just ice n.正义,公平;司法,审判;法官
just ify v.证明...是正当的;为...辩护(-ify动词后缀)
a dministrate管理,治理v.to administer
ad ministr ation n行政,管理(administer+ation)
di min ish v减少;缩小(di向下+min+ish→小下去→缩小)
min ority n少数;未成年(minor小或少+ity→少的状态→少数)
adult成人wn to full size or strength
【词源解析】ad-强调,ult=old(成长),old的原意也就是成长,不断地成长,也就是老了。为了加深印象,我们再来看一个简单词world。什么才是世界呢?答案是:男人的岁月!wor 是男人的意思,ld=old,在这里是age的含义。英语单词里重男轻女的现象不得不承认啊!【同源扩展】
adol escent青春期,青少年(escent表示开始,开始长成成人的时期→青春期)
ab ol ish废除(ab-离开,ol-old,ish后缀,在它还在生长的时候离开→废除)
advocate主张,提倡v.speak publicly in favour of(sth);recommend;support voc ation n职业;使命(voc+ation→受到召唤→使命;这里的voc可以理解为“召唤,呼唤”。既然你选择这份工作是上天对你
con vok e v召集(con共同+voke→喊到一起)
con voc ation n召集,集会
affect影响,作用,感动v.have an influence on(sb/sth);produce an effect on af fect ion n感情;友情(affect+ion→感动→感情)
af fect ation n假装(affect+ation→做出的感动→假装)
af fect ive a令人感动的(affect感动+ive表示主动的形容词→令人感动的)aggregate聚集v.~sb(fml)be formed or bring sb into an asmbled group or amount
albeit虽然conj although
【词源解析】albeit=al be it=al(though)it be,虽然
allocate分配v.~sth allot or assign sth(to sb/sth)for a special purpo
loc ate v坐落,位于(loc+ate)
loc ation n场所,位置(locate+ion)
al loc ation n分配(allocate+ion)
re loc ate v重新定位(re重新+locate)
alter改变v.become different;change in character,position,size,shape,etc
a lternative替换,二选一adj.available in place of sth el;other
a mbiguous模棱两可的,不确定的adj.having more than one possible meaning
a mend修正v.correct an error in(sth);make minor improvements in;change slightly
a mend ment n改正,(宪法)修正
e mend v校订,改正(e出+mend→改正出错误→改正)
e mend ation n校订
analogy相似,类似n.~partial similarity between two things that are compared
【词源解析】ana-前缀,在...上面或旁边,logy-来自log-说,在旁边说的东西→相似log ic n逻辑(学)(说话的学问→逻辑学)
cata log ue n目录,一览表(cata下面+logue在下面要说的话→目录)
pro log ue n开场白(pro在前+logue→在前面说)
analy分析v.parate into its parts in order to study its nature or structure
a nnual每年的adj.happening every year
ann iversary n.周年纪念(ann年+i(元音填充字母)+vers转+ary名词后缀→周年纪念)a nticipate预期,期待v.expect
apparent明显的,表面上的adj.clearly en or understood;obvious trans parent a透明的;明白的(trans穿过+parent→穿过去能看见→透明的)
a ppend附加,悬挂v.~sth(fml)attach or add sth(esp in writing)
pend ant n下垂物a.吊着的(pend+ant)
ap pend ix n附录,补遗(append+ix表名词)
a ppreciate感激,欣赏v.understand and enjoy(sth);value highly
ap prai v评估(ap加强动作+prai→给以价值→评估)
preci ous a珍贵的(prec+ious→有价值的)
approach靠近v.come near or nearer to in space or time
approach able易接近的(appoach+able→能够接近的)
a ppropriate合适的adj.~suitable;right and proper
propr iety适当,得体
im proper不正确的
arbitrary任意的,恣意的adj.bad on personal opinion or impul,not on reason bat ter v连续猛打(bat+ter常表示连续动作,如stutter口吃)
com bat n战斗(com共同+bat→共同→共同打→战斗)
bat on n棍,警棍(bat+on)
area领域n.extent or measurement of a surface
aspect方面,外貌n.particular part or feature of sth being considered circum spect a慎重的(circum周围+spect→看周围→小心的)
ex pect v期待,盼望(ex出+spect→看出去→期待)
in spect v检查;视察(in内+spect→看进去→视察)
pro spect n展望,前景(pro向前+spect→向前看→展望)
re spect v/n尊敬(re再+spect→再看一眼→尊敬)
retro spect v回顾,回想(retro向后+spect看→向后看→回顾)
如何提高英语口语a smble聚集v.come together;collect
simi larity n类似(similar相似的+ity)
as simi late v同化;贯通(as不断+simil+ate→不断相同→同化)
re m ble v类似,像…一样(re再+mble→再一样→类似)
sim ulate模仿,冒充(做一样的东西)
asss评估v.~sth decide or fix the amount of sth
asss ment v评估,估价
asss or n.估计财产的人,确定税款的人
assign分配,指派v.~sth to sb give sth to sb as a share of work to be done
assist帮助v.~in/with sth;~(sb)in doing sth(fml)help
【词源解析】as-强调,sist-“站立”,s-强调,i衔接字母,st-=stand。站在一起→帮助assist ant n助手,助理(assist+ant→帮助之人)
con sist v由…组成;与…一致(con共同+sist→站到一起→组成)
assume假定,设想,承担v.accept as true before there is proof
con sume v消费,吃光(con全部+sume→全部拿光→消费)
as sum ption n假设,承担(as+sumpt+ion,加上pt是为了衔接后缀)
pre sum e假定,推测
assure确保v.tell(sb)positively or confidently
sure ty n保证;保证人
改进英文assure nce n保证
in sur ance n,保险
attach系上,附上v.~sth fasten or join sth(to sth)
attain或得,达到v.succeed in getting(sth);achieve
wemaattitude态度,看法n.~way of thinking or behaving
attribute归于,属于v.~sth to sb/sth regard sth as belonging to
author作者n.writer of a book,play,etc
automate自动化v.cau to operate by automation
available可用的adj.that can be ud or obtained
val uable a有价值的(val+uable→因为强壮,所以有价值)
de valu ate v减价,贬值(de下降+val+uate→价值下降)
e valu ate v估价,评价(e出+val+uate→出价值→估价)
aware知道,意识到adj.~of sb/sth;~having knowledge or realization of sb/sth una ware a不知道的(un+aware意识到)
awar eness n意识,知觉(aware+ness)
behalf代表,利益in the interest of sb
benefit利益n.profit;gain;future good(ud esp with the vs and preps shown)
bond债券n.written agreement or promi that has legal force;covenant
brief简短的adj.lasting only a short time;short
capable能力adj.having ability;able;competent
capacity能力,容量n.ability to hold or contain sth
category种类,类别n.class or group of things in a complete system of grouping
考拉的英文cea停止v.come or bring(sth)to an end;stop
challenge挑战n.~(to do sth)invitation or call(to sb)to take part in a game
channel河道,通道n.sunken bed of a river,stream or canal
chapter章节n.(usu numbered)division of a book
chart图表n.detailed map ud to help navigation at a,showing coasts,,etc chemical化学的adj.of or relating to chemistry
circumstance环境n.condition or fact connected with an event or action
【词源解析】circum-周围,来自circle,stance-来自stand-站立,站在周围的东西→环境sta ble a稳定的(st+able→能站的→稳定的)
ob sta cle n障碍(物)(ob反+sta+acle→反着站的东西→障碍物)
cit ation引用,引证
in cite鼓励
in cit ation激动
civil国内的,公民的adj.of or relating to the citizens of a country
civil ity n谦恭,礼仪(civil市民→文明+ity→谦恭有礼)
civi lian n民众,平民(civil+ian)
civili zation n文明,文化
clarify阐明,澄清v.(cau sth to)become clear or easier to understand中文名字用英文怎么写
clear ance清算;清除
clari fication澄清;纯化
de clare宣称;断言(说清楚)
classic古典的,一流的adj.having a high quality that is recognized and unquestioned 【词源解析】来自class,最初是指古罗马最高阶层的人们,后面引申出古典和一流的意思。clau分句,从句n.group of words that includes a subject1(4a)and a verb
code密码n.(system of)words,symbols,etc that reprent others,ud for cret de code破译(de+code密码→去掉密码)
coherent一致的,明了的ted logically or consistent;easy to understand;clear 【词源解析】co-全部、一起,her-粘附,ent后缀,黏在一起→连贯
ad here v粘着,依附(ad-强调+here→粘上)
hes itate v踌躇,犹豫(hest+itate粘粘糊糊→犹豫)
hes itation n踌躇,犹豫(hesitate+ion)
coincide同时发生,巧合v.~(of events)occur at the same time
collap倒塌v.fall down or in suddenly
【词源解析】col-全部,辅音同化的结果,lap-=slip,滑落的意思全部滑下→倒塌lap v堕落;犯错误n.失误,差错
e lap v(时光)流逝(e出+lap→滑出去→时光流出)

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