这篇日志是专门为中澳班的同学写的。 有些同学在课后问我该怎么复习雅思阅读,我的建议如下: 首先,将所有我们做过的考题拿出来归纳总结。其次,将考题当中那些影响我们理解的生词,长难句拿出来分析:单词要做到我单独列出的单词要会认,懂其意思, 该单词的那些近义词,和该单词相关的其他词性的词,也要记忆;而长难句,要仔细分析,理清句子之间的逻辑关系,是转折,因果,并列还是其他,直到自己完全搞懂为止。 再次,在规定时间内做题。在考试前至少要做10套题,特别推荐剑桥mistake怎么读4-7。做完之后再来查阅那些不懂的生词和难句。 最后,希望大家克服心浮气躁,只要静下心来,认真将我们学过的内容稍加总结记忆。要想取得一个比较理想的成绩,是不难的。 在此,先将heading作一归纳总结,以供大家参考,同时,欢迎大家提出你们对该类题型的见解。 a..根据首尾句原则进行解题。 由于英美人的直线思维,所以有很多文章,都在段落首句或者尾句直接给出该段落的中心思想句。 例如: In addition, mistakes may ari due to stubbornness. No one likes to abandon a cherished belief, and the earlier a decision has been taken, the harder it is to abandon it. Drug companies must decide early to cancel a failing rearch project to waste money, but find it difficult to admit they have made a mistake. in the 这段话的首句就是主题句。在同一篇文章当中,首句是主题句的就有四段话。大家可以把那套考题拿出来总结分析一下。 b.如果首尾句没有主题句,就看第二三句,第二三句中有转折词,比如but, however之类的词,该句就是小球球 我爱你heading句。 The idea of experimental is not quite as new to the social sciences as sneering natural scientists might believe. In fact, randomid trials and systematic interviews of evidence were introduced into the social sciences long before they become common in medicine. An apparant example of random allocation is a study carried out in 1972 of how to persuade people vote elections. And randomid trials in social work were begun in 1930s and 1940s. But enthusiam later waned. This loss of interest can be attributed , at least in part, to the fact that early experiments produced little evidience of positive outcomes. others suggest that much of the opposition to experimental evaluation stems from a common philosophical malai among social scientists, who doubt the validity of the natural ciences, and therefore reject the potential of knowledge derived from controlled experiments. A more pragmatic factor limiting the growth of evidence-bad education and social rvices may be limitations on the funds available for rearch. 解析: in fact 这句是概括性的句子,后面紧跟两句细节,从信号词"example" 和 "and'以及 "1972"和 "1930s and 1940s"可以看出。但是这段话真正的中心思想句就是but转折句。转折句后面跟了三个原因句子来详细说明 but句。 故此该段的中心句为why some early social science methods lost popularity. 其中,popularity---enthusiasm ---interest为近义词。 sanqiang c.承上启下句:上一段的heading可以通过下一段的第一句来进行确认; 例如: C. Yet there is a dark side to this picture: despite our progress, half of the world's population still suffers, with water rvices inferior to tho available to the ancient greeks and romans. As the United nations report on access to water reiterated in November 2001, more than one billion people lack access to clean drinking water; some two and a half billion do not adequate sanitation rvives. preventable water-related dias kill an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 children every day, and the latest evidence suggests that we are falling behind in efforts to solve the problems. D. the conquences of our our water policies extend beyond jeopardising human health. 根据D段的第一句,C段的中心思想和"health" 相关。 故选择: the relevance to health. d.语言信号词 1. 转折词的作用是否定转折词之前的内容,肯定转折词之后的内容。 常见的转折信号词有:but, however, nevertheless, yet, in fact, as a matter of fact, actually, whereas, converly, on A(正), but B(负), 反之亦然。作者强调的重点在转折词之后。 2.让步信号词: despite, in spite of, although, albeit, while, nonetheless despite A(正), B(负), 反之亦然。 作者强 调的是B,而不是A。 3.并列信号词: and, as well as, or, also, too,moreover, plus, in addition, additionally, furthermore, what is more, 以及标点符号中的分号“;"。 此种类型的信号词表示这些文字讲的是同一类事。 4. 比较信号词: 比较相同点:like, similiarly, in the same way,...similar, paralell, as.....as结构以及as is the ca with .... 比如说:like everyone el, people with intellectual disability also need a rewarding job and a place 比较不同点: by contrast, in contrast, converly, on the converly, on the other hand, by comparision, and even 标点符号分号";" for examle: in Spain, the one-adult houhold was so rare a decade ago it didnot register statistically; now the figure is 10%. 5. 举例信号词: for example, for instance, such as, like, a ca in point an apparent example an illustration/demonstration/ca/survey/ 另外,英语中的破折号和冒号同样有此功能。 6.因果信号词: becau, as, since, in that, on the due to, owing to, result from,be attributed to, be ascribed to 后紧跟原因 result in , as a result, conquently, thus, hence..so, therefore.后紧接结果 A is a factor of B A is a cau A is a result admit什么意思 A A leads to (导致)B... A contributes to(促成) B..... A gives ri to (产生)B 哈尔滨英语学校A brings about(带来) B 非组织政治活动A triggers (引发)B.... 7.表示目的的信号词: so that,(以便于) so ...as to. the purpo/aim/goal of A A is A is A is for ....in A is tailored to B , A is oriented to B 8. 表示总结的信号词: overall, above all, in brief. in a word, in conclusion, all in all, to conclude, to 例如: The idea of experimental is not quite as new to the social sciences as sneering natural scientists might believe. In fact, randomid trials and systematic interviews of evidence were introduced into the social sciences long before they become common in medicine. An apparant example of random allocation is a study carried out in 1972 of how to persuade people vote elections. And randomid trials in social work were begun in 1930s and 1940s. But enthusiam later waned. this loss of interest can be attributed , at least in part, to the fact that early experiments produced little evidience of positive outcomes. others suggest that much of the opposition to experimental evaluation stems from a common philosophical malai among social scientists, who doubt the validity of the natural ciences, and therefore reject the potential of knowledge derived from controlled experiments. A more pragmatic factor limiting the growth of evidence-bad education and social rvices may be limitations on the funds available for rearch. heading: why some early social science methods lost popularity. 解析:in fact 提示作者的重点是在这句。 之后紧跟两句例子,从信号词"example in 1972 “和"in 1930s and 1940s"可以得出,这两句是细节。 但是这段内容到此并不是作者要讲的主要内容。后面的转折信号词“but",将段落意思一转,接着紧跟了三个复杂句。仔细看看,这三句话有很有语言信号词,can be attributed to, therefore 和factor. 因此,后面三句讲的是原因。 But 句是中心思想句。 尽管段落比较复杂,但是经过这么一分析,段落结构很清晰,中心思想也就很容易总结出来了。 e."核心词"阅读法: “核心词”阅读法,是做这类题目最保险的一种阅读方法。这种阅读的基本技巧就是将整个段落以一个句子为单位,在阅读的时候只读句子的主谓宾/主系表/主谓,忽略句子的修饰成分,然后将几个句子进行总结,选择最具概括性的那一个答案。这种方法是最为保险的中心思想阅读方法。 例如: whether all this is any more than a modern-day version of pherenology, the Victorian obssion with linking lumps and bumps in the skull to personality traits, is unclear. there have been no large scale studies, so scans of a handful of subjects may not be a reliable guide to consumer behavior in general.Of cour, focus groups and surveys are flawed too: strong personalities can steer the outcomes of focus groups, and some people may be untruthful in their respons to opinion pollesters. And even honest people cannot always explain their preferences. 解析:there are 4 ntences in total in this paragraph. the first one is very long, 但是这句话的基本意思就是: !) whether all this is any more than sth is unclear. 2) scans of a handful of subjects may not be reliable to sb. 3) focus groups and survey are flawed 根据这三个短句的三个核心单词,可以得出其中心思想跟“drawbacks"相关。而动词"flaw"就是”缺陷,缺点“的意思。 f.根据单词的上下义关系,可以比较快地看出一个段落中哪些句子是概括性的,哪些是细节性的。 再综合理解含有上义词的句子,稍微加以总结, 可得出该段的中心思想。 例如: At first, it emed that only companies in Europe were prepared to admit that they ud neuromarketing. Two carmakers, DaimferChrysler in Germany and Ford's Europe arm, ran pilot studies in 2003. But more recently, American companies have become more open about their u of neuromarketing. A marketing firm bad in LA, is collaborating with California Institue of Technology to enable movie studios to market test film trailers. more controvertially, the New York Times recently reported that a political consultancy , FKF Rearch, has been studying the effectiveness of campaingn commercials using neuromarketing techniques. 上义词:Europe 下义词: Germany 上义词:American 下义词: LA, California, New York 根据这些词,我们可以断定,含有“Europe”和“American"的句子就是概括句。 把这两句稍微归纳一下,可以得出该段的中心为:broadening applications applications------u为一组近义词 |
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