assistant line辅助线 | |
automatic fare collection自动售检票设备 | |
automatic train control(ATC)列车自动控制 | |
automatic train operation(ATO)列车自动运行 | |
automatic train protection(ATP)列车自动防护 | |
procession automatic train supervision(ATS)列车自动监控 | |
AW0空载 | |
AW1每位乘客都有座位 | |
AW2每平方米6人 | |
broken rail force of amless track无缝线路断轨力 | |
Building Automation System建筑设备自动化系统 | |
centralized power supply mode集中式供电 | |
centralized traffic control(CTC)调度集中 | |
clo made operation闭式运行(主要靠人工空调系统,并装风帘和屏蔽门来隔绝外界) | |
combined power supply mode混合式供电 | |
combined wer system合流制排放 | |
combined substation牵引降压混合变电所 | |
computed length of platform站台计算长度 | |
concentration supervisory control and management集中监控和管理 | |
connecting line联络线(在不同线路之间起连接作用的线,就叫联络线(即地铁线路之间的联络线和地铁与国铁的联络线) | |
cover and cut-bottom up盖挖顺筑法 | |
cover and cut-top down盖挖逆筑法 | |
cut and cover明挖法 | |
deformation joint变形缝 | |
depot车辆段 | |
designed lifetime设计使用年限 | |
distribute power supply mode分散式供电 | |
examine and repair period检修周期 | |
examine and repair program检修修程 | |
fire alarm system火灾自动报警系统 | |
gauge of track轨距; gauge; track gauge;标准 ~ standard gauge | |
gauge限界 | |
global position system(GPS)全球定位系统 | |
grade of waterproof防水等级 | |
high voltage substation主变电所 | |
immerd tube method沉管法 | |
Intermodality Data Center清结算数据中心 | |
local alarm system区域报警系统 | |
longitudinal horizontal force of amless track无缝线路纵向水平力 | |
main line正线 | |
Man Machine Interface人机接口 | |
mining method矿山法 | |
Ministry of Corporation建设部 | |
monolithic track-bed整体道床 | |
Motor Car With Pantograph(Mp(B))带受电弓的动车 | |
Motor Car(M(C))动车 | |
bracket moving pavement自动人行道 | |
NanJing Metro Corporation南京地铁公司 | |
NanJing Transportation Card System南京一卡通系统 | |
open made operation开式运行(自然通风,用活塞通风原理,靠列车在隧道中运行,带动新风对流) | |
网上确认审核需要多久Open Transport Network开放传输网络 | |
operation concept运营概念 | |
operation control center(OCC)运营控制中心 | |
operation speed旅行速度 | |
piston action ventilation活塞通风 | |
public zone of station车站公共区 lotno | |
remote alarm system集中报警系统 | |
rigid-flexible joint of aled zone刚柔结合的密封区 | |
Scan Control Alarm Databa??供电系统管理自动化 | |
amless track无缝线路 | |
shield method盾构法 | |
stabling yard停车场 | |
stray current杂散电流 | |
subgrade路基 | |
synchronous digital hierarchy transmission system(SDH)同步数字传输系统 | |
system integration(SI)系统集成 | |
testing line试车线 | |
track structure轨道结构 | |
Trailer Car(Tc(A))拖车 | |
Uninterrupted Power Supply不间断电源供给 | |
urban rail transit/mass transit城市轨道交通 | |
6-car t/unit motor car 六节编组动车 | |
ATC automatic train control system 列车自动控制系统 | |
ATO automatic train operation 列车自动运行系统 | |
ATP automatic train protection 列车自动保护系统 | |
ATS automatic train supervision 列车自动监控系统 | |
Automation vending machine 2019数学自动售票机 | |
Auxiliary circuit 辅助电路 | |
AW3每平方米9人 | |
Buffer connecting device 车钩缓冲连接装置 | |
美丽 英文Concour 站厅 | |
Conductor rail collector 第三轨受电器 | |
Console 操作台 | |
Contactless Smart Card(CSC)非接触智能卡 | |
Contactor box 接触箱 | |
Crowd management 客流控制 | |
Current collector 众议员 英文受流装置 | |
Electromagnetic rail brake 磁轨制动 | |
Entry gate curity check 安检 | |
Equipment Operating Data(EOD)设备运行参数 | |
Flat fare 单一票制 | |
High-speed magnetic levitation(MAGLEV)高速磁悬浮系统 | |
High-speed rail (ASK)高速铁路系统 | |
Interchange station 换乘站 | |
monsoonInterior equipment 车辆内部设备 | |
Main control box 主控制箱 | |
pairwi Mind the gap 小心台阶跨度 | |
Motor air compression unit 电动空气压缩机组 | |
Plants 入闸机 | |
Platform screen door 屏蔽门 | |
Power circuit 动力电路 | |
Power source tranformer 电源变压器 | |
Relay ca 继电器箱 | |
Rheostatic brake 电阻制动 | |
Semisurtender 半自动 | |
Shoe gear collector 受电靴装置 | |
Spray 喷淋 | |
Station operator 站务员 | |
Swipe 在解码器上刷卡 | |
Unmanned 无人驾驶的 | |
UPS (uninterruptible power supply)不间断电源 | |
Wheel chair lift 残疾人牵引车 | |
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