学法语Sacred lotus, the long-living fruits of China Antique 期刊名称: Seed Science Rearch
nitro作者: Shen-Miller J.*七擒七纵的意思
年份: 2002年
期号: 第3期
关键词: abnormal offspring;China Antique;Nelumbo nucifera;ed ageing;ed
ol是什么意思longevity;soil -irradiation
摘要:In the West, lotus (Nelumbo nuciferaGaertn.) is relatively little known. However, for more than 3000 years, lotus plants have been cultivated as a crop in
Far-East Asia, where they are ud for food, medicine and play a significant role in religious and cultural activities. Holder of the world's record for long-term ed viability (1300 years) is a lotus fruit (China Antique) from Xipaozi, Liaoning Province, China. Five offspring of this variety, from 200–500-ye
ar-old fruits (14C dates) collected at Xipaozi, have recently been germinated, and are the first such edlings to be raid from directly dated fruits. The fruits at Xipaozi, prerved in
new zealanda dry ancient lakebed, have been expod to low-do γ-radiation for hundreds of years (having an accumulated soil irradiation of 0.1–1.0 Gy). Offspring from the