I don't like John. Becau
he's lfish. 他很自私.
He's lf-centered.
He's lf-rving.
He only cares about himlf.
He doesn't care about anyone but himlf
He takes things too riously.
He's simpleminded. 单纯的、头脑简单的
He's a simple man. 单纯的、实际的
He isn't so smart.
He's on edge today. 今天他情绪烦躁.
He's in a bad mood today.
He's talkative. 喜欢说话、多嘴多舌
Yeah, u can say that again.你也这么说呀
He's a motor-mouth.
He never shuts up.
He's quite well off. 有钱、富裕
He's a wealthy man.
He's rich.
He's rolling in it.scenery是什么意思
七夕快乐用英语怎么写He always tries to touch me.
Yeah, he's fresh. 是啊,他很好色。
He's a dirty-minded man.熬更守夜
He's a dirty old man. 他是个讨厌的老头
All he thinks about is x.
He's a smooth talker. 他的嘴甜着呢.sop
He's honey-tongued.
Watch out for him.
He's nobody's fool.难打交道、不容轻视
He's very shrewd.
He often says absurd things.荒谬,没道理的(他竟说些傻话.)
He often says ridiculous things.
He says strange things a lot.
卫报He says a lot of weird things.
He has no n of responsibility.