Unit Six Travel
Part I Pre-reading Questions
1. How often do you travel? What’s the purpo of your last travel?
答案范例:gloveI usually travel twice every year, once during the summer vacation and once during the英语口语考试成绩 winter vacation. My last travel was to visit the Great Pyramid of Gaza.
2. Does tourism promote international peace? How?
答案范例:Yes, it does. Tourism can promote cultural understanding, mutual respect and peace dialogues at national and international levels. It also creates incredible opportunities for strengthening cross-border relations.
3. What do you think contributes to a wonderful destination?vet
答案范例:Many features such as friendly atmosphere, a safe environment, beautiful scenery, charming attractions, delicious food and comfortable accommodation can contri
bute to a wonderful destination.
Part II Extensive Reading
1. 主旨归纳:
2. 结构分析
I. 2008年的经济衰退给消费者和零售商创造了旅游黄金期。(Para. 1)free loop什么意思
II. 当前国内外旅游业发展态势良好,前景光明。(Paras. 2–5)
III. 科技和创新促进了旅游业的发展。(Paras. 6–9)
IV. 尽管近期旅游行业前景良好,人们也需要未雨绸缪,以应对随时而来的变化。(Paras. 10–13)
3. 难句解析
(1) There are consumers and retailers who are warmed by memories of heavy discounting as the economy unraveled in the waning months of 2008. (Para. 1) 消费者和零售商对2008年经济衰退时期旅游项目的巨大折扣仍记忆犹新。
discounting ['dɪskaʊntɪŋ] n. 折扣
e.g. So far most analysts say the ason's discounting was not out of line, boding well for retailers’ results. 到目前为止,大多数分析师表示,这一季的折扣并未超出常规,这对于零售商业绩而言是个好兆头.
suck cock(2) Much of travel’s traction is fueled by the ri of the middle and upper class in Asia— China, in particular—where opportunities for growth in every gment of travel are simply staggering. (Para. 3) 旅游业的发展动力绝大部分来自正在崛起的亚洲——特别是中国——
staggering ['stæɡərɪŋ] a. 难以置信的,令人震惊的
e.g. The cost was a staggering $10 million USD. 费用竟高达 1000万美元。
(3) I cannot find a credible contrarian to the rosy forecasts. (Para. 5) 对于这些美好的愿景,找不到可靠的反对者。
contrarian [kən'treərɪən] n. 采取相反态度者
e.g. Some contrarians were also more cautious as optimism at peak levels is usually a sign of a pullback and thus, negative for equities. 一些持反对意见的人也更加谨慎,因为乐观情绪达到顶峰通常预示着后市回落,因此利空股市。
(4) Even a rusty, old state-run railroad like Italy’s Trenitalia has been shaken awake by high-speed, fashionable competitor Italo and has proven it's up to the challenge, giving travelers a real choice for riding the rails in Italy. (Para. 7) 即便是老的生锈的意大利国营铁
(5) Pharrell Williams can (and did) make a 24-hour video of his song “Happy,” but nothing lasts forever. (Para. 10) 尽管法瑞尔·威廉姆斯能够(也的确)为他的歌曲“开心”制作了24小时的录像,可任何事都不可能永远延续。
4. 词汇注释
(1) mimick [ˈmɪmɪk] v.romeo and juliette 模仿
(2) hijack ['haɪdʒæk] v. 操纵
(3) co-opt[kəʊ'ɒpt] v. 借鉴,吸取
(4) summon ['sʌmən] v. 召唤
(5) corrosive [kə'rəʊsɪv] a. 小学英语说课稿损害性的,逐渐起破坏作用的
(6) gain momentum 发展加快,势头增大
(7) catastrophe [kə'tæstrəfɪ] n. 大灾难
(8) derail [dɪ'reɪl] v. 阻挠
(9) solace ['sɒlɪs] n. 安慰
(10) hedge [hedʒ] v. 两面下注以避免(或减轻)…的损失
I. 纵观历史和神话,旅游和游记对世界不同民族的联系和互相理解发挥了极大的作用。(Paras. 1–3)
II.旅行是全面了解人类文明的最佳方式。(Paras. 4–5)
III.旅行的最佳打开方式应该是“人与人”之间的直接接触。(Paras. 6ninja是什么意思–9)
IV.旅行可以增进人们之间的了解,促进世界和平,而世界和平和人们互相理解的加深也会促进旅游业的发展。(仪式英文Paras. 10–18)
(1)Marco Polo became a prince of merchants, papal envoy, governor of a Chine city, favorite of Kublai Khan, master of exotic languages, war correspondent, and the first travel writer. (Para.2)马克波罗先后成为贵族商人、教皇使者、中国城市的地方长官、忽必烈的好友、外国语大师、战地记者和第一位游记作家。
exotic [ɪg'zɒtɪk] a. 外(国)来的
e.g. But thinking of my husband as an exotic species gave me the distance I needed to consider our differences more objectively. 但是,将我丈夫视作一个外来物种给了我一种审视的距离,使我能够更加客观地来考虑我俩之间的差异。
(2) Whatever happens in any home——be it a modest wooden hou furnished with straw mats and rice paper windows in Kyoto, a solemn British mansion on Victoria Hill, a mud hut on the banks of the Nile, a Cape Cod bungalow, or a Rio de Janeiro apartment—being born, living, eating, drinking, resting, and dying are the same the world over.ferraz (Para. 5) 无论是以草为席、以纸糊窗的京都小木屋,维多利亚山上的英式豪宅,尼罗河两岸的泥巴房,科德角的别墅,或是里约热内卢的公寓,全世界所有的家庭中上演的出生、居住、饮食、休憩和死亡都是一样的。
bungalow ['bʌŋgələʊ] n. 平房,小屋
e.g. A bungalow is a small hou with one or two bedrooms and usually one bathroom. 平房是有一到两个卧室,并通常有一个浴室的小房子。
(3) If understanding and incread appreciation for other people’s way of life, mores, culture, and language make us more a part of a world community, then the answer must be “yes”. (Para. 10)