(2023 北京东城 统考二模)September 2022 was apparently the month artificial intelligence essay anxiety boiled over in academia, after a ur of an AI writing rvice claimed to be getting straight A’s with essays “written” using artificial intelligence. Most professors expresd concern. One wrote, “Grading something an AI wrote is an incredibly depressing waste of my life.”
As all this online depression was playing out, I asked my students, who were mostly majors in writing, to submit a 2,000-word proposal about a local issue. I asked them to rely on the AI as much as possible. After reviewing their 22 AI essays, I can tell you confidently that the technology just isn’t there. My students ud free accessible text generators online and put in a lot of effort. But, if I had believed the were genuine student essays, the very best would have earned somewhere around a C or C-minus. Many of the essays had obvious red flags for AI generation: outdated facts, quotes from prior university presidents prented
as current presidents, fictional professors and named student organizations that don’t exist. At the same time, the students reported that using AI required far more time than simply writing their essays the old-fashioned way would have.
There has been a fair amount written about the suppod impressiveness of AI-generated text. There are even veral high-profile AI-written articles, essays or even scientific papers or screenplays that showca this impressiveness. In many of the cas, the “authors” have access to higher-quality language models than most students are currently able to u. But, more importantly, the published examples are generally the polished form of professional writers and editors. In contrast, many of my students’ AI-generated essays showed the common problems of student writing—uncertainty about the appropriate writing style, issues with organization and transitions, and inconsistent paragraphing. Obviously, producing a quality essay with AI requires having high writing skill and revising skill to produce appropriate outputs.
My experimental so tells me that a good assignment sheet is the best defen against AI
essays. If your assignment is “Describe the reasons for the U.S. Civil War”, you are more likely to get AI or downloaded essay submissions. My assignment was a challenge becau it asked students to address local issues of concern. There are just not enough relevant examples in the data the AI text generators are drawing from.
It has been just over five years since computer scientists declared, “We should stop training radiologists(放射科医生) now. Deep learning is going to do better than radiologists.” Well, we’re still training radiologists, and there’s no indication that deep learning is going to replace human doctors anytime soon. In much the same way, I strongly suspect full-on robot writing will always and forever be “just around the corner”.
1. What can we learn about the students in the experiment?
A. Their writing efficiency was affected.
B. Their essays were better structured.
car camC. They preferred AI-written essays.
D. They overcame AI’s weakness.
2. What does the author imply in Paragraph 3?
A. Online text generators are far from reliable.
B. Genuine student essays derve higher marks.
C. Students need to have better mastery of technology.
D. Revising applications decide the quality of AI essays.
3. In the author’s opinion, what may discourage the u of AI text generators?
schedule是什么意思A. Standard criteria B. Strict regulations..
C. Clear instructions. D. Unique writing tasks.
4. What is the main purpo of the passage?
A. To asss AI’s influence on students’ writing.
regard是什么意思B. To discuss the threat of AI to the teaching of writing.
C. To appeal for the appropriate application of AI text generators.
D. To analy the differences between genuine and Al-written essays.
(2023 北京西城 统考二模)Faced with an attempt by a new chatbot to imitate(模仿)his own songs,the musician Nick Cave delivered a strong respon: it was “an absolutely horrible attempt”.He understood that AI was in its babyhood, but could only conclude that the true horror might be that “it will forever be in its babyhood”. While a robot might one day be able to create a song, he wrote, it would never grow beyond “a kind of burlesque(滑稽的模仿)”,becau robots-being compod of data-are unable to suffer, while songs ari out of suffering.
Fans of Cave and his band will agree that his music is inimitable, but that doesn't mean they would necessarily be able to tell the difference. A few days before Cave's remarks, experts were asked to distinguish between four genuine artworks and their AI imitations.
Their conclusions were wrong five times out of 12, and they were only unitedly right in one of the four picture comparisons.