
更新时间:2023-06-22 17:43:19 阅读: 评论:0

Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound to the
p la n et on wh ic h h e or i g i n ate d a nd d e v el op e d. Now h e h a s t h e ca p a b ilit y t o        1  leave that planet and move out into the univer to tho worlds which he has
known previously: only directly. Men have explored parts of the moon, put space-        2  ships in orbit around another planet and possibly within the decade will land into    3  another planet and explore it.
Can we be too bold as to suggest that we may be able to colonize other        4
p la n et within the not-too-distant future? Some have advocated such a procedure as        5  a solution to the population problem: ship the excess people off to the moon. But
w e m us t k ee p i n h ea d t h e b illi ons of do lla rs w e mi gh t sp e nd i n ca rry i ng ou t t h e      6  project. To maintain the earth's population at its prent level, we would have
to blast off into space 7500 people every hour of every day of the year.
W hy a r e w e sp e nd i ng so little m on e y on sp ace e xp l or ati on?    7
C ons i d e r t h e gr eat n ee d for im prov i ng ma ny a sp ect s of t h e g l ob al e nv i ron me n t, on e    8  i s sur el y j us ti f ie d i n h i s c on ce rn for t h e m on e y a nd r e sour ce s t h at t h e y a r e pour e d      9  into the space exploration efforts. But perhaps we should look at both sides of
t h e c o i n b e for e a rr i v i ng h a s t y c on cl us i ons.    10
[解析] have the ability to do sth.和have the capability of doing sth.是固定搭配。
[解析] 根据上下文可知这里要表达的是“间接手段”。
[解析] “在…着陆”,要使用land on (onto)表示。
[解析] so...如此…以致…。
[解析] other后面要跟复数名词。
[解析] keep sth. in mind是固定搭配,意为“将某事记在心里”。
[解析] 根据上下文可以看出这里要表达“大量”之意。
[解析] considering在这里作介词,意为“考虑到,鉴于”
[解析] that引导的是定语从句,指代the money and resources,they在此多余。
10. a rr i v i ng→r eac h i ng或
a rr i v i ng∧at
[解析] “arrive at a conclusion”,“reach a conclusion”是固定搭配,用来表示“得出结论”。
When Christopher Columbus landed in the New W or l d,
t h e Nor t h A me r ica n c on ti n e n t w a s a r ea of a s t on i sh i ng et hn ic    11
and cultural diversity. North of the Rio Grande, which now
ma rks t h e bord e r am ong t h e Un ite d S tate s a nd M e x ic o, w a s a    12
population of over 12 million people reprenting approximately
400 distinct cultures, 500 languages, and a remarkable
variety of political and religious institutions and physical and
et h ic t yp e s. C o m p a r e d t o t h e E urop ea ns, t h e Ind ia n p e op le s    13
were extraordinary heterogeneous, and they often viewed
t h e E urop e a s j us t a no t h e r t r i b e.    14
The varied tribal cultures were as diversified as t h e
La nd t h e Ind ia ns li v e d. In t h e h i gh p lai ns of t h e    15
Dakotas, the Mandan developed a peaceful communal
Society centered around agriculture. Only a few hundred miles
off, how e v e r, i n t h e nor t hw e s te rn Mon ta n a, t h e Blac k f eet    16
turned from agriculture and began to u hor, which had been
i n t rodu ce d by t h e Sp a n ia rds. As sk ille d r i d e rs t h e y b ecame    17
hunters and fighters and developed a fierce and aggressive
culture centered around the buffalo. In the eastern woodlands
surrounding the Great Lakes, the Potawatomis were expert
fisherman, canoe builders, and hunters. In the Northeast the
six Iroquois nations were among the most political    18
sophisticated people in the world, formed the famed Iroquois      19
confederation, that included the Senecas and the Mohawks.    20
This confederation, with its systems of checks and balances,
泡泡少儿英语教材provided a model for the United States constitutions.
∧a r ea→a n
[解析] area表“地区”之意时,是可数名词,故在它之前应添加不定冠词an。
[解析] 在两者之间用介词between。cfa培训
decision making13.
[解析] 两词拼写相似,词义不同。ethic是“道德规范,伦理”之意,而ethnic是“种族的,人种的”的意 思。根据句意,这里应该用后者。
[解析] 此处是说把欧洲人看成另㇐部落。
∧the Indians→where
[解析] live是不及物动词,因此定语从句要用where来引导。
[解析] 表示“距离某地有多远”时用副词away。tip是什么意思
[解析] 表示“某个国家人”时不需加定冠词the。
[解析] 修饰形容词sophisticated应该用副词形式。桌子的英文
[解析] 这里应该用现在分词表示主动。
[解析] 非限制性定语从句要用which来引导。
As anxiety-makers, examinations are cond to none. That i s
b eca us e so m u
c h
e p e nds on it. T h e y a r e t h e ma rk o
f su cce ss    21  or failure in our society. One's whole future may be decided on
one fateful day. It doesn't matter that he wasn't feeling very
well, or that his mother died. Things like that don't
c oun t on:t h e e x am go e s on. No on e ca n g i v e of h i s b e s t wh e n    22  he is in mortal terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this is precily
what the examination system expects you to do. The moment    23  a child begins school, he enters into a world of vicious competition    24  where success and failure are clearly defined and measured.
Can we wonder at the increasing number of "drop-outs": young people
who a r e wr itte n off a s u tte r f ail ur e s b e for e t h e y h a v e e v e n em b a rk e d    25  a career? Can we be surprid at the suicide rate among students?
A good education should, among other things, train one to
t h i nk for h im s el f. T h e e x ami n ati on sys tem do e s no t h i ng bu t t h at.    26  What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, so the student
is encouraged to memorize. Examinations do not motivate a student
t o r ea d w i d el y, bu t r e s t r ict h i s r ea d i ng;t h e y do no t e n a b le h im t o s ee k    27  more and more knowledge, but induce cramming. They lower the
s ta nd a rds of teac h i ng, for t h e y d e pr i v e teac h e rs off all fr ee do m s.    28  Teachers themlves are often judged by examination results and
instead of teaching their subjects, they are reducing to training their    29
students in exam techniques which they despi of. The most    30
successful candidates are not always the best educated; they are
the best trained in the technique of working under duress.
[解析] 代词误用。结合上下文不难判断出,此处的代词应指代前面的“examinations”,指“许多事情都 要通过考试才能解决”。
[解析] 介词误用。根据上下文可知,此处要表达的意思是“那些事情都不重要”,count单独使用时表 示“重要,有意义,有价值”。count on意为“依靠,指望”。故此处应删掉介词on。
[解析] 代词误用。此处的代词应与前半句话中的his和he保持代词的前后㇐致性,故应将you改为 him。
[解析] 介词误用。enter在此作及物动词,相当于“come or go into”,原句中的介词into是多余的,故应 删掉。
em b a rk e d∧→on
[解析] 词汇错误。embark单独使用时表示“乘船,登机”,而embark on意为“从事,着手,开始做”。结合句意可知,此处应加上介词on。
[解析] 根据上下文可以推测出,作者在此要表达的意思是“考试绝对实现不了这㇐点”。nothing but意 为“只不过,仅仅”,而anything but意为“根本不,绝对不”。因此,应将nothing改为anything。
∧r e s t r ict→t o
[解析] 语法错误。根据前半句中的“motive a student to read widely”可知,restrict his reading和read widely是并列结构,因此应在restrict前加上介词to使其完整。句子大意为“考试并没有促使学生们的广 泛阅读,反而限制了他们的阅读范围”。
[解析] 介词误用。本题考查的是deprive与介词的搭配,deprive of意为“剥夺,失去”,故应将off改为 of。
[解析] 词汇错误。be reduced to意为“陷入某种不好的状况,沦落到”,为固定搭配。因此,应将
[解析] 介词误用。despi为及物动词,后接表示人或事物的名词,意为“轻视,鄙视”,不用接介词, 故删掉介词of。
Usually, there are two reasons to pursue scientific knowledge: for
the sake of the knowledge itlf, and for the practical u of that knowledge.
Beca us e t h i s s ec ond a sp ect of s cie n ce e ff ect s t h e li v e s of m os t p e op le,    31
it is much more familiar than the first. Knowledge must be gained,
how e v e r, a f te r it ca n b e a pp lie d, a nd of te n t h e m os t im por ta n t tec hno l og ical    32
advances ari from rearch pursued for its own sake.
Traditionally, new technology has concerned with the construction    33
of machines, structures, and tools in a relatively large scale. The    34
development of materials for building bridges, skyscrapers or highways
i s a n e x am p le of t h i s, a s it i s t h e d e v el op me n t of t h e i n te rn al-c o m bus ti on    35
engine and the nuclear reactor. While such activities involve all ctions
of t h e s cie n ce s, t h e ov e rr i d i ng go al h a s b ee n t h e s ame, t h at i s, im prov e    36
t h e hu ma n c ond iti on by f i nd i ng good w a ys t o d eal w it h t h e mac ros c op ic wor l d.    37
Since World War Ⅱ, the focus of technological activity underwent
a major change. While the old activities are still pursued, they have been
largely superded by applications of technology at the microscopic level.
Instead of building large-scale structures and machines, modern-day
tec hno l ogy te nds t o c on ce n t r ate on f i nd i ng im prov i ng w a ys t o t r a nsf e r    38
information and to develop new materials by studying the way atoms come
together. The silicon chip and microelectronics typify this new technological
t r e nd, a s d i d t h e b l osso mi ng of g e n etic e ng i n ee r i ng. T h e t r e nd ca n b e    39
e xp ecte d t o c on ti nu e for t h e for e s eea b le d eca d e s.    40
[解析] 易混淆词误用。句中的主语“this cond aspect”指代的是上文中的“practical u”。联系上下文 可知,谓语动词effect不符合原文意思,故应将effect改为affect。
[解析] 逻辑关系连接词错误。应用知识的前提是要掌握知识(knowledge must be gained),因此应将介 词after改为before才符合句子间的逻辑关系。
∧c on ce rn e d→b ee nospirit
[解析] 语法错误。concern作“涉及,有关”讲时,为及物动词。be concerned with是concerned的被动形 式,结合现在完成时态可知,应在concerned前加上过去分词been。
[解析] 固定搭配中介词误用。on a large scale意为“大规模地”,是固定搭配。

本文发布于:2023-06-22 17:43:19,感谢您对本站的认可!



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