早上好 日语Targinact for restless legs syndrome.
期刊名称: Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin韩国语在线学习>bulgari
作者: Sara Marelli
what s up年份: 2016年
captan期号: 第4期脑图英语>rvant
摘要:Idiopathic restless legs syndrome (RLS)-also known as Willis-Ekbom dia-is a neurological condition characterid by an overwhelming urge to move the legs, occurring during rest or inactivity, especially at night.(1-3)Symptoms are highly variable in frequency and verity, and can affect sleep and quality of life. First-line management includes addressing precipitating or aggravating factors and providing explanation, reassurance and advice on lf-help strategies.(4-9)Drug therapy (e.g. a dopamine agonist) is ud for patients with more vere symptoms.
友情链接英文(6)In December 2014, the marketing authorisation for a modified-relea preparation containing oxyco
done and naloxone (Targinact-Napp Pharmaceuticals) was expanded to include u in the treatment of vere to very vere RLS after failure of dopaminergic therapy.(10)Here we