英语演讲原文:With Energy CEOs

更新时间:2023-06-22 03:21:30 阅读: 评论:0

With Energy CEOs

THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  I just held a meeting with the CEOs of some of the most  innovative 1  energy companies in America to talk about growth and progress of a  ctor 2  that reprents a big piece of America's economic future. As our economy adapts to the challenges of a new century, new ways of producing and saving and distributing energy offer a unique opportunity to create millions of jobs for the American people.
And obviously, this is a timely discussion, on a day of sobering news.  The job figures relead this morning show that we lost 467,000 jobs last month.  And while the average loss of about 400,000 jobs per month this quarter is less  devastating 3  than the 700,000 per month that we lost in the previous quarter, and while there are continuing signs that the recession is slowing, obviously this is little comfort to all tho Americans who've lost their j
We've taken some extraordinary measures to blunt the hard edges of the worst recession of our lifetime, and to offer assistance to tho who've borne the brunt of this economic storm.  But as I've said from the moment that I walked into the door of this White Hou, it took years for us to get into this mess, and it will take us more than a few months to turn it around. beady eye

That's why the discussion that we had today is so important. It's men and women like the who will help lead us out of this recession and into a better future.  My job -- and our job as a government -- is to do whatever we can to  unleash 4  the great, generative powers of the American economy by encouraging their efforts.

And I'm absolutely confident that we can, at this period of difficulty, prove once again what this nation can achieve when challenged.  And I'm confident that we're not only goin
g to recover from this recession in the short term, but we're going to  prosper 5  in the long term.  To do that, we have to act now to build a new foundation for  lasting 6  growth.  And energy is one of the pillars of this new foundation, esntial both to our recovery and our long-term prosperity.

I'm plead to say that we've achieved more in the past few months to create a new clean energy economy than we had achieved in many decades before.  The recovery plan will double our country's supply of renewable energy, and is already creating new clean energy jobs.  Thanks to a  remarkable 7  partnership 8  between automakers, autoworkers, environmental advocates, and states, we also t in motion a new national policy to increa gas  mileage 9  and decrea carbon pollution for all new cars and trucks sold in this country, which is going to save us 1.8 billion barrels of oil.

And last Friday, the Hou of Reprentatives pasd an extraordinary piece of legislation that would make renewable energy the profitable kind of energy in America.  It
princelingwill reduce our  dependence 10  on foreign oil.  It will prevent the worst conquences of climate change.  And above all, it holds the promi of millions of new jobs -- jobs, by the way, that can't be outsourced. 
The CEOs  standing 11  behind me know a lot about the kinds of companies.  The are folks who companies are  helping 12  to lead the  transformation 13  towards a clean energy future.  Even as we face tough economic times, even as we continue to lo jobs, the CEOs here told me that they're looking to hire new people, in some cas to double or even triple in size over the next few years.  They are making money and they are helping their customers save money on the energy front. 

So the companies are vivid examples of the kind of future we can create, but it's now up to the Senate to continue the work that was begun in the Hou to forge this more prosperous future. We're going to need to t aside the  posturing 14  and the politics  -- and when we put aside the old  ideological 15  debates, then our choice is clear.  It's a ch
oice between slow decline and renewed prosperity.  It's a choice between the past and the future. 

The American people I believe want us to make the right choice, and I'm confident that the Senate will.  For at every  juncture 16  in our history, we've chon to ize big opportunities -- rather than fear big challenges.  We've chon to take responsibility.  We've chon to honor the sacrifices of tho who came before us -- and  fulfill 17  our obligations to generations to come.  That's what we're going to do this time, as well.

Thank you very much, everybody.

twilfit Q    Mr. President, do you have a message for the small business on health and economy?

THE PRESIDENT:  The message for small business is many of the business start
ed as small business and they're now getting to be big business becau of the extraordinary opportunities that are out there.

Another message is that they should probably contact some of the CEOs becau it turns out they can save small business and large business alike up to 20 or 30 percent on their energy usage. 

And when you hear the innovation that's taking place -- everything from LED  lighting 18  that can save a huge amount on energy costs to new concrete materials that last longer and are  waterproofed 19  from the inside out, and that can mean that bridges and roads and buildings can last 20 or 30 years longer than using conventional concrete; when you look at what's being done with solar energy right now in places like Houston and Florida; and the fact that many of the companies are exporting their goods and their rvices, but unfortunately, their biggest markets right now are Europe and Japan becau we haven't done enough to emphasize clean energy in our own country -- that gets you excit
ed about the future.

And one of the things that I've consistently talked about since I took office, and on a day where we e that our economy is still having a tough time getting moving, is we're going to have to shoot for the future and not look  backwards 20 . 

So much of the debate around health care, so much of the debate around energy, has been bad on this idea that somehow if we stand still and we don't do anything that we're going to be better off.  And that's just not how this world works.  It's certainly not how the modern economy works.  We know we're going to have to change how we u energy. 

We know we're going to have to change how we operate our health care systems.  We know that we're going to have to change how we train our young people to compete in this new global economy.  And so to make the argument that somehow we should just loc
k in on the status quo or  perpetuate 21  the same policies that got us into this mess in the first place, and that that somehow is going to solve our problems, just doesn't make any n. 

And what the folks are all about is the future, and that's what America has always been about.  We are not folks who are scared of the future or look backwards.  We always meet the challenges by moving forward.  And that's what I think is going to happen this time, as well.

Thanks, guys.

Q    Mr. President, when are you going to get solar panels and a wind turbine at the White Hou, sir?

THE PRESIDENT:  I was just talking to Secretary Chu about how he is going to consult w
ith the outstanding folks to figure out how we can improve energy efficiency here.

人教版八年级下册英语知识点 Q    When will that happen, Mr. President?

why so rious音译 THE PRESIDENT:  I just told you -- we're moving.  Come on, guys.  (Laughter.)  I don't have a date certain. 



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