It was a nice day.
All the days had been nice. There had been rather more than ven of them so far, and rain hadn’t been invented yet. But clouds massing east of Eden suggested that the first thunderstorm was on its way, and it was going to be a big one.
The angel of the Eastern Gate put his wings over his head to shield himlf from the first drops.
“I’m sorry,” he said politely. “What was it you were you saying?”
“I said, that one went down like a lead balloon,” said the rpent.
bling“Oh. Yes,” said the angel, who name was Aziraphale.
“I think it was a bit of an overreaction, to be honest,” said the rpent. “I mean, first offen and everything. I can’t e what’s so bad about knowing the differece between good and evil, anyway.”
“It must be bad,” reasoned Aziraphale, in the slightly concernedtrumpet是什么意思 tones of one who can’t e it either, and is worrying about it, “otherwi you wouldn’t have been involved.”
“They just said, Get up there and make some trouble,” said the rpent, who name was Crawly, although he was thinking of changing it now. Crawly, he’d decided, was not him.
“Yes, but you’re a demon百里挑一马徐骏. I’m not sure if it’s actually possible for you to do good,” said Aziraphale. “It’s down to your basic, you know, nature. Nothing personal, you understand.”
“You’re got to admit it’s a bit of a pantomime, though,” said Crawly. “I mean, pointing out the Tree and saying ‘Don’t Touch’ in big letters. Not very subtle, is it? I mean, why not put it on top of a high mountain or a long way off? Makes you wonder what He’s really planning.”
“Best not to speculate, really,” said Aziraphale. “You can’t cond-guess ineffability, I alw
ays say. There’s Right, and there’s Wrong. If you do Wrong when you’re told to do Right, you derve to be punished. Er.”
They sat in embarrasd silence, watching the raindrops brui the first flowers.
Eventually Crawly said, “Didn’t you have a flaming sword?”
“Er,” said the angel. A guilty expression pasd across his face, and then came back and camped there.
“You did, didn’t you?” said Crowly. “It flamed like anything.”
“Er, well---“
“It looked very impressive, I thought.”
“Yes, but, well---“
“Lost it, have you?”
“Oh no! No, not exactly lost, more---“
Aziraphale looked wretched. “If you must know,” he said, a trifle testily, “I gave it away.”
Crawly stared up at him.
“Well, I had to,” said the angel, rubbing his hands distractedly. “They looked so cold, poor things, and she’s expecting already, and what with the vicious animals out there and the storm coming up I thought, well, where’s the harm, so I just said, look, if you come back there’s going to be an almighty row, but you might be needing this sword, so here it is, don’t bother to thank me, just do everyone a big favor and don’t let the sun go down on you here.”
He gave Crawly a worried grin浙江高考英语.
“That was the best cour, wasn’t it?”
“I’m not sure it’s actually possible for you to do evil,” said Crawly sarcastically. Aziraphale didn’t notice the tone.
“Oh, I do hope so,” he said. “I really do hope so. It’s been worrying me all afternoon.”
They watched the rain for a while.
“Funny thing is,” said Crawly, “I keep wondering whether the apple thing wasn’t the right thing to do, as well. A demon can get into real trouble, doing the right thing.” He nudged the angel. “Funny if we both got it wrong, eh? Funny if I did the good thing and you did the bad one, eh?”
“Not really,” said Aziraphale.
Crawly looked at the rain.
“No,” he said, sobering up. “I suppo not.”likely
Slate-back curtains tumbled over Eden. Thunder growled among the hills. The animals,
freshly named, cowered毕业演说 from the storm..
Far away, in the dripping woods, something bright and fiery flickered among
uptting the trees.
It was going to be a dark and stormy night.
A Narrative of Certain Events occurring in the
last eleven years of human history, in strict accordance as
shall be shewn with:
The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter
Compeled and edited, with Footnotes of an Educational
Nature and Precepts for the Wi,
by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
God (God)
Metatron (The Voice of God)
Aziraphale (An angel, and part-time rare book dealer)
Satan (A Fallen Angel; the Adversary)
Beelzebub (A likewi Fallen Angel and Prince of Hell)
Hastur (A Fallen Angel and Duke of Hell)
Ligur (Likewi a Fallen Angel and Duke of Hell)
Crowly (An Angel who did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards)