UNIT 7 ART布娃娃的英文
Topic Talk
Opera is a form of art that combines music。singing。and drama。It is performed by a group of singers and musicians。usually panied by an orchestra。A band is a group of musicians who play together。A performance is a show or n。such as a play or a concert。An n is a public display of art。such as paintings or sculptures。Classical music refers to nal。formal music。Jazz is a type of music that originated in New Orleans。Drama is a form of literature that is intended to be performed by actors。Comedy is a type of drama that is intended to be humorous。Calligraphy is the art of beautiful handwriting。A performer is someone who entertains an audience。either by singing。playing music。or acting。Talented people have natural abilities or skills。nal refers to someone who is trained or skilled in a particular field。A component is a part of something。The stage is the area where a performance takes place。Costumes are the clothing that actors wear during
a performance。Shade refers to the dark areas in a painting。Atmosphere refers to the mood or feeling of a place or n。A monthly event takes place once a month。Uplifting means inspiring or encouraging.拉拉p是什么意思
Lesson 1
A masterpiece is a work of art that is considered to be the best of its kind。A figure can refer to a person's body shape or a number。Starry means full of stars。Mentally means in terms of the mind or the intellect。Massive means very large。Beneath means under or below。To affect means to have an impact on something。A drug is a substance ud for medical purpos。A spot is a small mark or blemish。Failure refers to something that did not succeed。To scream means to make a loud。high-pitched noi。Striking means impressive or remarkable。To let out a scream means to make a loud noi。A viewer is someone who watches something。Burning means on fire or aflame。To cau means to make something happen。An empire is a large and powerful n。A scene refers to a view or a n。us means difficult to understand or explain。Visual means related to sight or eing。A n is a respon to something.
Lesson 2ppap歌词
中小学生一对一Female refers to the female x。Male refers to the male x。A mask is a covering for the face。A clown is a performer who wears funny clothes and makeup。n refers to a feeling or a mood。Acrobatics refers to physical feats of skill and agility。To master something means to e very skilled at it。To prefer means to like one thing more than another。To refer to means to n or talk about something。To perform means to give a show or a n。A pattern is a design or a style。Otherwi means if not。A carriage is a vehicle pulled by hors。Complex means complicated or intricate。An aspect is a particular feature or quality of something.lunar new year
英语研究>eskimo kissLesson 3
An orchestra is a large group of musicians who play classical music。A genius is someone who is nally intelligent or talented。A symphony is a long piece of classical music that is played by an orchestra。Minor refers to a smaller or less important thing。A compor is someone who writes music。A piano is a musical instrument with keys that
produce sounds when presd。To struggle means to try hard to e something difficult。To proceed means to continue or to move forward。A note is a single sound or tone in music.
Writing Workshop:
In this writing workshop。we will be discussing how to compo effective advertiments。The youth contest for martial arts is currently accepting entries。This is a great opportunity for individuals to showca their skills and potentially win a prize。Madam Chen。the documentary filmmaker。will be the judge for this contest。All entries must be submitted by the deadline。and the winner will be announced at the awards ceremony。Don't hesitate to take charge of your dreams and participate in this joyous event!justaboutenough
Reading Club 1:the return of kobe
In this reading club。we will be discussing the symbolism in extensively artistic works。T
he expressive sculptures of the famous sculptor have gained n from many。His best-lling works are full of powerful symbolism and are appreciated by art enthusiasts。We will be exploring the themes of his sculptures and discussing the ns they evoke.