1、 It’s taken from Chaucer , father of English poetry’s masterpiece “The Canterbury Tales “.In masterpiece(杰作) ,Chaucer gives us a faithful picture of the society of his time .Taking the standard of the rising bourgeoisie(资产阶级) , he affirms(断言) men and oppos the dogma(cigarette信条、教条) of asceticism(苦行主义、禁欲主义) preached by the church.. As a forerunner(先驱) of humanism , he prais man’s energy ,intellect ,quick wit and love of life .His tales expo(暴露gps gprs) and satirize(carryover讥讽) the evils of his time .They attack the degeneration(堕落、退化、颓废) of the noble(高尚) , the heartlessness of the judge ,and the corruption(腐化的行为,道德败坏心情很郁闷) of the church , etc .
2、 It’s taken from Shakespeare’ s greatest tragedy Hamlet . In this famous monologue(独白、独角戏) blurb,Hamlet , facing the dilemma(困境) of the action and mind ,is hesitating(犹豫、踌躇) whether he should revenge for his father , which may bring him death , or he should suffer and hide his hatred(仇恨) for his uncle in his deep heart , which may cure his life .
3、 Sonnet 18 is one of Shakespeare ‘s most beautiful sonnet . In the poem ,he has a profound meditation on the destructive power of time and the eternal(永久的,不朽的) beauty brought forth by poetry to the one he loves .A nice Summer’s day is usually transient(短暂的) , but the beauty in poetry can last forever . Thus Shakespeare has a faith in the permanence of the poetry , the rhyme of the poem is abab ,cdcd ,efef ,gg .
4、 英语专业四级The poem is written by John Donne , entitled A valediction(告别、告别词): Forbidding Mourning .John Donne thinks that the nature of love is a perfect union of body and soul . In his love poetry , Donne attempts to understand how intellectual side of love can be related to its physical side , and to reflect the complex evolution the poetry eks to reproduce . In A valediction : Forbidding Mourning , John Donne results too much display of evolution when two lovers apart . In his poem , we are familiarized with John Donne’s famous conceit : the two lovers(he and his wife) are liked to the two points of a compass(圆规) . The wife stays at home .She is often the fixed foot and the husband “roams” arofloorfiller歌词
und , but never deviates(背离) from the center . In a word ,John Donne ems to emphasize the importance of Platonic love .
5、 It’s taken from John Donne’s Death , Be not proud . It means that shortly after we die , we will make up (as from sleep) and live eternally . It reveals(揭露) the poet’s belief in life after death : death is but momentary while happiness after death is eternal . The poem reads like a bold challenge to the proud death .Under Donne’s pen , Death is neither “ “ nor “dreadful” , for men may derive “much” pressure from death , and death is a slave to many things . The poem ends with the claim . “ Death , thou Shalt die .” Written in a specific sonnet form , the poem prents an argument with its forcefulness , wit and dramatic comparison .
6、 It’s taken from Paradi Lost , written by John Milton . It is the greatest of John Milton’s epics . It is the only generally acknowledge epic in English . Literature since Beowulf . The story is taken from the Bible . The theme of the epi
c is man’s disobedience and the loss of Paradi , with its prime cau --Satan who rebels against God’s authority and tyranny(专制). The text can be interpreted as follows : by saying so Satan means that though he and his followers are driven out of heaven , he is not going to admit failure . After all , they have built up strength to fight against God , the symbol of tyranny , and shaken God’s ruling position .30 minutes
7、 In Robinson Crusoe , Defoe describes Robinson . Crusoe as the very prototype of the empire builder , the pioneer colonist(移住民、殖民地居民) . Caught in the hostile nature , Robinson Crusoe . struggle single –handedly . He is a real hero of a typical eighteenth –century English middle –class or the rising bourgeoisie . He survives with a great capacity for work , inexhaustible(耗不尽) energy , courage patience and persistence in overcoming obstacles , in struggling against the hostile natural environment . In portraying , Robinson’s life on the island , Defoe glorifies(颂扬) human labor and the puritan(严守清规戒律的人) fortitude(坚忍,刚毅) , which save Robinson from despair and are a source of pride and happiness . On the ot
her hand , we must admit the Robinson Crusoe ems incapable of deep feelings and is preoccupied(使全神贯注) with posssion , power and authority . For example , Robinson has a rvant named Friday and the first English word Robinson teaches him is “master” , Also , all that Crusoe does ems to concern nobody but welfare . His industry resourcefulness(善于随机应变) and solitary(孤独的) courage have made him a typical individual . Crusoe’s flaws(缺点) reflect tho of his time , and Defoe , through Crusoe , tell us much about frustration(挫败、阻止) , alienation(疏离感) , suffering and success of modern man .
校区英文8、 Jane Austen is one of the most important Romantic novelist in English literature . She creates six influential novels . Her main literary concern is about human begins in their personal relationships . She makes trivial daily life as important in English literature . Jane Austen has brought the English novel , as an art of form , to its maturity becau of her nsitivity to universal patterns of human behavior and her accurate portrayal of human individuals . She describes the world from a hanuman’s point of view , and depicts a group of authentic and
9、 Ode to the west wind is Shelley’s best of all the well-known lyric pieces . In this poem , Shelley’s rhapsodies and declamatory tendencies find a subject perfectly suited to them .