Aspen Flare System Analyzer enables engineers to perform steady-state design, rating, or debott lenecking of single or multiple flare and vent systems. The program can calculate minimum sizes for new flare systems or evaluate alternatives to remove bottlenecks in existing relief networks.
Aspen Flare System Analyzer can also be ud to identify potentially dangerous relief scenarios during design pha or current operational scenarios. Aspen Flare System Analyzer is a core ele ment of AspenTech’s aspenONE® E ngineering applications.
∙Completely modernized ur interface (UI) built on the latest Microsoft® WPF UI technology
∙Ability to import stream data input directly from Aspen HYSYS® or Aspen Plus®
∙Modeling of flare or vent systems, including convergent, divergent, and complex looped systems; modeling of single and multipha systems; and support of rating, design, and debottlenecking calculation modes
∙Detailed unit operations for modeling sources, pressure drop elements, and sinks
∙Depressuring utility peak flow can be imported directly
∙Design constraints on any combination of allowable back pressure, mach number, pha velocity, RhoV2, or noi
∙Optional u of rated flow for pressure drops in tail pipes for calculations in accordance with API RP 521概率论复习
∙Heat transfer calculator for pipes (external heat transfer from the surroundings calculated from ambient conditions with or without insulation)
∙PSV sizing to API standards, including Leung Omega (DIERS) method for multipha systems ∙Ur-defined pressure drop curves for flare tips
∙ A wide lection of reports (including Design Violation Report, summarizing all cas where the design constraints have been exceeded)
∙Enhanced thermodynamic engine using the same three-pha flash algorithm as Aspen HYSYS for a fast and robust solution
∙Multiple fluid flow/pressure drop methods supported, including isothermal and adiabatic gas, Beggs & Brill, Dukler, and Lockheart Martinelli
∙Rigorous multipha choking calculations formation
∙Extensive pipe fittings databa
Engineers may u Aspen Flare System Analyzer to efficiently model complete process plant prot ection systems designed to handle the complete range of pressurized fluids from the process. Th
e intuitive and graphically orientated layout enables entire systems to be modeled in minimum pr
oject time, allowing:
∙Verification of the engineering specifications for all system devices
∙Confirmation of current configuration and pipe sizes
∙Management of all relief scenarios
∙Checking of piping for all relief scenarios
∙Total system performance checking
∙Sizing new flare system to API standards
∙Production of detailed operating and performance package of the plant flare system
bad blood∙Regulatory compliance to API recommended practices
∙Reduction in engineering man-hours on flare system design by up to 65%
FLARENET可以帮助工程师完成单一或多重火炬系统的稳态设计、计算以及消除瓶颈。程序可以计算新的火炬系统的最小标准或消除已有的泄压网络的瓶颈。在设计相位或物流操作时,FLARENET也可以用来确定可能的泄压危险。在控制压力和噪音时也可以用FLARENET 对整个火炬和放空系统进行调整。
委托人英文FLARENET 具备了直观的工艺流程图的操作环境,可以清晰、精确的呈现整个火炬网络。一个典型的火炬或放空系统会由几百个相互连接的部分组成,其中包括:泄压阀、控制阀、管道、连接器(包括扩颈、缩颈、三通等)、分离器和火炬头。FLARENET 确保模型尽可能的简单有效。
Software for the design, rating, and debottlenecking of flare and vent systems
连衣裙英语怎么说Aspen FLARENET enables engineers to perform steady-state design, rating, or debottlen ecking of s
ingle or multiple flare and vent systems. The program can calculate minimu m sizes for new flare systems or evaluate alternatives to remove bottlenecks in existin
g relief networks. Aspen FLARENET can also be ud to identify potentially dangerous r
elief scenarios during design pha or current operational scenarios. Asp en FLARENET is
a core elem ent of AspenTech’s aspenONE™ Process Engineering applications.
∙Enhanced PFD-style graphical ur interface displays network drawing, key process variables, and annotations displaying pressure, mass flow, mach number, and noi ∙Ability to import stream data input directly from Aspen HYSYS® or Aspen Plus®∙Modeling of flare or vent systems, including convergent, divergent, and complex looped systems; modeling of single and multipha systems; and support of rating,
design, and debottlenecking calculation modes
∙Detailed unit operations for modeling sources, pressure drop elements, and sinks
∙Design constraints on any combination of allowable back pressure, mach number, pha velocity, RhoV2, or noi
∙Optional u of rated flow for pressure drops in tail pipes for calculations in accordance with API RP 521
∙Heat transfer calculator for pipes (external heat transfer from the surroundings calculated from ambient conditions with or without insulation)
∙PSV sizing to API standards, including Leung Omega (DIERS) method for multipha systems
∙Ur-defined pressure drop curves for flare tips
∙ A wide lection of reports (including Design Violation Report, summarizing all cas where the design constraints have been exceeded)
∙Enhanced thermodynamic engine using the same three-pha flash algorithm as Aspen HYSYS for a fast and robust solution
∙Multiple fluid flow/pressure drop methods supported, including isothermal and adiabatic gas, Beggs & Brill, Dukler, and Lockheart Martinelli
∙Rigorous multipha choking calculations formation
∙Extensive pipe fittings databa
Engineers may u Aspen FLARENET to efficiently model complete process plant protect ion systems designed to handle the complete range of pressurized fluids from the proc ess. The intuitive and graphically orientated layout enables entire systems to be model ed in minimum project time, allowing:
∙Verification of the engineering specifications for all system devices
∙Confirmation of current configuration and pipe sizes
∙Management of all relief scenarios
∙Checking of piping for all relief scenarios
∙Total system performance checking
∙Sizing new flare system to API standards
∙Production of detailed operating and performance package of the plant flare sys tem
∙Regulatory compliance to API recommended practices
∙Reduction in engineering m an-hours on flare system design by up to 65%
∙具备Excel Access 等接口输出
∙物流数据可由HYSYS 直接输入
∙是AspenTech 系列软件的一部分