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paid annual leaveannual paid leave均可

1:如英国某站提供的说法是:From 1 October 2007 all workers have a statutory right to at least 4.8 weeks paid

annual leave that's 24 days paid holiday if you work five days a week.

2:英国另⼀站在介绍英国带薪年休假增加到每年24天时的说法是:The Government introduced the right to 20 days'

paid annual leave in 1998. It proposes to phase in the additional leave starting with an increase from 20 to 24 days pro rata

for part time workers from 1st October 2007.

3:⽇本某站则是如此介绍带薪年休假的:"Annual paid leave" means workers can take any days off they like, except

fixed holidays, while being paid wages for regular work days.


paid time offpaid leavepaid vacationpaid holiday均可,表达休带薪假,使⽤动词take即可。

1 paid time off

paid time off是英语中⽤来表⽰带薪休假时很常⽤的表达,也许是因为这⼀表达具有简明扼要的优点,⼜⾮常⼝语化,因

此被⼴泛接受。这⾥的time off 实际上被当作⼀个合成名词,就是休假的意思。

1:英国某站就有如下的⽂字:Employees aged 16 or 17, who are not in full-time secondary or further education and

who have not achieved a certain standard in their education/training, will be entitled to reasonable paid time off during

normal working hours to study or train for a qualification which will help them towards achieving that standard, and improve

their future employment prospects.

2:美国杜克⼤学⼈⼒资源部门在站上介绍其带薪休假制度时候也使⽤了paid time off这⼀表达并且还说明其⾸字母缩写

PTODuke University Health System DUHS provides paid time off for eligible employees for the purpose of rest,

relaxation, illness, holidays, personal, and family needs. The Paid Time Off PTO program puts vacation, sick leave,

holiday, and funeral leave into one program.

3:美国另⼀⾼校卡内基?梅隆⼤学也在其校园站上介绍了其教职员⼯带薪休假的规定:The Paid Time Off Policy

provides regular, full-time staff members with an entitlement of days away from work with pay. Paid Time Off PTO days

may be used for vacation, personal time, illness or time off to care for dependents.

4:⽇本⼀家营销公司规定,员⼯失恋后可享受带薪假期。⽽且随着年龄的增长,这种疗伤假会增多:Lovelorn staff

at a Japanese marketing company can take paid time off after a bad break-up with a partner, and more "heartache leave" on

offer when they get older.

2paid leave

带薪休假最常见的表达⽅式,⽆薪假期则是unpaid 事实上是英语中休假的最常⽤表达,⽐如说病假就是

sick leave,妇⼥休产假叫做maternal leave,⽽这些年西⽅国家已开始流⾏妻⼦⽣产之后丈夫也可以休假,这种假期就叫做

paternal leave.

1:美联社的⼀篇最新新闻报道中提到:ew Jersey may be poised to become the third state to require companies to

offer six weeks of paid leave to workers wishing to care for a new child or sick relative.

Under the plan, which is backed heavily by organized labor, parents could take paid leave anytime in the first year after

a child's birth or adoption.

Workers would be allowed to take paid leave to care for a sick relative receiving inpatient care in a medical care facility

or under continuing supervision from a health care provider. A health provider could also certify a sick relative needs help at


If it passes, ew Jersey would adopt similar policies to those in California and Washington state. Federal law allows

some workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave.

3paid vacation

美国某站对于paid vacation有以下的解释:Paid vacation time is a voluntary benefit that organizations offer to

employees. There are no federal regulations requiring employers to provide vacation days, but it has become common

business practice to do so. Employees accrue hours of paid vacation time at a certain rate for each day worked. Different

employers use different formulas to calculate vacation time. So, an employee with 15 days of paid vacation time at one

company may or may not enjoy the same number of paid vacation days after changing jobs. Generally speaking, the amount

of paid vacation time depends on the length of service and the level in the organization. Usually companies have some scale

that decides how many paid vacation days an employee will receive. Four or five weeks of vacation is not unlikely for an

employee who remains with a company for more than 15 years, although that's typically the upper limit for vacation.

4paid holiday

其实这⼀表达与paid vacation没多少差异,只是⼀个为英国英语,⽽另⼀个为美国英语,因为美国英语中表⽰假期时更倾


如英国某站对英国的带薪休假规定做了介绍,其中的⼀段⽂字说:There is a minimum right to paid holiday, but your

employer may offer more than this. The main things you should know about holiday rights are as follows…

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