2023年1月3日发(作者:必读书)1. Oh, I Know! He swept me off my feet!哦,我知道!他让我神魂颠倒。
Sweep someone off his/her feet 是一个习语,意思是说一个人魅力非凡,让人倾倒。
例句:Mary is madly in love with Bill. He swept her off her feet.
还有一个和脚有关的“热恋”短语是:Fall head over heels 热恋中的男女沉溺爱海,爱得死去活来,全然不顾其他。
2. My husband just pulled up.我老公回家啦!
这是Duchess 和Nate在房间里鬼混的时候看到楼下Duke从车里出来的时候说的。Pull up是“停车”的意思。我们平时所说的“靠边停”是“pull over”,通常都是让别人pull over,有时候在叙述中,也可以说某人puller over。
3. I only hooked up with him a week ago.我一周前才和他勾搭上的。
Hook up with someone是说和某人勾搭上并进而发生性关系,“123”除了常用的one night stand外也可以叫做one night hook-up。
4. Easy pickings
Picking 这里指钱,所以这个表达的意思就是“容易赚的钱或利润”。
5. Stag
Stag party 通常指的是给准新郎婚礼前夜举办的单身汉派对,也叫stag night 或者bachelor party。顾名思义,单身汉派对是庆祝结婚前最后的自由,当然不带女伴参加了。
6. …and he cans me
Can someone=give the sack to/sack/dismiss someone 这几个表达都是“解雇,炒鱿鱼”的意思,例句:
After only 2 weeks she was given the sack for being rude to a customer. 才两周,她就因为对顾客态度粗鲁被解雇了。
I think if I dyed my hair purple I’d get sacked. 我想如果我把头发染成紫色我会被解雇的。
John was dismisd for insubordination. 约翰因违抗命令而被开除。
7. There you go. Dan给Serena的外婆戴好项链后,对老人家说的一句话。意思是:好了。
我们在很多场合都可以用There you go。它可以表示对对方说法的赞同,对对方行为的鼓励,或者对对方行为的不耐烦。建议在平时的学习中多体会。
8. It had very strict dress code.它的着装要求很严格。
这里的it就是剧中的white party。 Dress code就是着装要求,着装规定。公司里说的行为守则是code of conduct。
9. If you didn’t stood me up in the airport in the first place…你要是先前不放我鸽子,让我一个人在机场苦苦等候……
Stand someone up=放某人鸽子,类似的说法还有cool one’s heel,比如“我空等了两个小时才见到他。I cooled my heels for two hours to e him.”如果说让某人苦苦等待结果,还可以说leave someone hanging,比如“我等了三个星期才等到电话,告诉我得到这份工作了。I was left hanging for three weeks before I got a call offering me the job.”
e worst luck comes my way, and I always end up taking it on the chin. 我总是对坏运气坦然接受。
4. Not that this makes her an any less forceful prence in my life.
5. Hey, if you need to work out the details of your takedown
韦氏字典给Takedown的解释是:the fact of being humbled,就是“丢人现眼,被辱”的意思,估计是来自摔跤运动中的takedown(将对方摔倒在地),拳击中叫knockout。
6. What are you up to right now. 你们在干嘛呢?
Be up to 是个固定用法,意思是“忙于……”。What are you up to lately/the days 可以用来问候对方“最近忙些什么,干些什么”。
7. They're obviously just trying to scare us to get us to rat out my dad.他们就是想恐吓我们,好让我们供出我爸的下落。
Nate的老爸此时正在外国躲避风头。Rat out 的意思是“背弃,出卖朋友、亲人。” Rat有“叛徒,告密者”之意。
8. He is outside of my regular circle. 他不是我交际圈里的人。也就是说他是个圈外人。
9. Ok, fine. I won’t bring it up again. 好,没问题。我不会再提此事。
10. A well-prerved 38. 保养很好的38岁女人。或许可以说风韵不减当年的38岁女人。
11. We know Chuck had a thing for elder women. 我们知道Chuck对老女人感兴趣。
Have a thing for就是“没来由的喜欢某样东西”。比如你隔壁邻居家的狗为什么对你老婆扔院子里的高跟鞋那么热情高涨,每天缠绵,你实在百思不得其解呀。Chuck喜欢老女人这件事也多少有些没道理,像怪癖一样。
1. X.O.X.O. gossip girl
这是片头独白中的一句。X.O.X.O.是什么意思呢?原来=hugs and kiss (亲亲抱抱)。关于这个词的来源,大家不妨看看下面的解释:
Even as little as a hundred and fifty years ago, not many people could read or write. The "X" at the bottom of a document took the place of a signature. They would kiss the "X" as a crucifix or bible was kisd to emphasize the importance of the mark. It was this practice that lead to the "X" reprenting a kiss.
There isn't much known about the beginnings of the "O". It is a North American custom. The "O" reprents the arms in a circle around another person. Arms crosd in front of you do not mean the "X" as a hug! The "O" is the hug.
2. A few simple tips to beat the heat. 告诉你几条解暑的小贴士。
Beat the heat 直译过来并非“战胜暑气”,在这里,beat-=avoid。所以beat the heat的意思是“躲避暑气”,也就是所谓的“避暑”了。根据它的context,理解成“解暑”、“降署”会更贴
切。Beat the traffic/rush 就是“避开(交通,上下班)高峰”。
而后来Serena问Dan到底在怕什么,Dan开玩笑说是heatstroke(中暑)。中暑也可以用sunstroke表示。说“他中暑了”,可以说He suffers (from) heatstroke.
3. Try the on. 穿上试试。说衣服合不合身用“fit”。比如:The Jeans fit you like a glove. 这条牛仔裤你穿上很合身(简直像量身定做一样)
“量身定做,非常合适”可以用tailor-made 或customer-made 表示。
后面Blair的妈妈说了句“It’s hot and late. We will finish your fitting tomorrow.”这里的fitting也是“试衣”的意思。
4. I knew it! 我就知道(会这样)
5. I ran into Jenny out on the street. 我刚才在街上撞见/碰见Jenny。
Ran into的意思是“偶然遇见,不期而遇”,类似的说法还有come across,bump into,e,正式点的说法是encounter。
“事先约好”可以用schedule an appointment,fix a date来表达。
Street前面的介词用in和on皆可,office前面也是用in 或者at都可以。其实我们学英语是为了自己让对方明白,所以有时候是不必太钻牛角尖的,一般人其实没必要在一些细枝末节上花太多精力。
后面Vanessa说了句Nate is running late=Nate’s gonna be late. 如果说时间要用光了: Time is running out,如果说车的汽油快用光了:Gas is running out, 如果说电池快没电了: Battery is running low;电池没电了是battery is dead,后面Jenny 说她的手机没电了:My phone died. 说到这,我想起前段时间看的一份香港报纸,介绍“走地鸡(放养的鸡)”英语中叫做free-range chicken, 而肉鸡(笼养鸡)就是battery chicken。如果是竞选总统:run for presidency, 管理一家公司:run a company, 叫人拼命跑,赶紧逃命:run for your deal life.
’s Father: You two have worked out all your issues?你们俩的问题现在都解决了吧。
Dan: Yeah, got’em all squared away是的。都说清楚了。
Square away 这里相当于finish。
2 Saved by the bell.
这是一个idiom,意思是:rescued from a difficult or dangerous situation just in time by something that brings the situation to a sudden end. (From the sounding of a bell marking the end of a round in a boxing match.)
当时Serena正在步步紧逼,质问Dan,非让他说出原因来,这时候Serena的电话响了,Dan觉得如释重负(what a load off)。这其实又是一个双关(pun),因为在英式英语里面give someone a ring/bell就是给某人打电话的意思。
1 Hmm, Look, I’m sorry. 嗯,不好意思。
2 You two have rekind
试结束了,而且他再也不会给你电话。这句话出自Queen B。
很多时候,你要学会体会言外之意(read between the lines)。
1 Amanda. I just transferred ,我刚转学过来的。
Transfer还可以用来表示公司部门间和不同子公司间的“调动”,还有运动员在不同俱乐部间的转会。例如:I want to be transferred to the head office. Neither player wants a transfer.
Dan的回答很冷:I’m Dan. I… I just assaulted you. 我叫Dan。我……我刚撞了你……
2. Break-ups are easy. It’s having to e them date someone el that’s hard. Why do you think I rub it in Chuck’s face every chance I get.
Rub someone’s no in it/ in the dirt是什么意思呢?在口语中,其表示:1)由于对某人心怀怨恨,而不停地在某人面前提其过错或者揭某人伤疤,或者2)幸灾乐祸地不断提醒对方正处于不利境地的事实。这里Blair说成了rub it in Chuck’s face,并不影响理解。听说这个表达方式源自于通过不停地摩擦狗鼻子以示惩罚的行为。
例句:So I made a mistake! I wish you’d stop rubbing my no in it.
Rubbing my no in it is not going to correct the mistake.
说道批评别人,有一个习语挺有趣的,就是pick holes in,意思就是“挑刺,挑毛病,找不痛快”,比如:Why do you always have to pick holes in everything I say?
关于no,中文所说的“在某人的眼皮底下干什么勾当”在英语中是 do something right under someone’s no.。
1. Rufus: What brings you down here, Lily? Rufus:哎呀,你怎么来了
Lily: Oh, I just thought it would be nice to, um, to say hello, maybe catch up. Lily:哦,我就想过来问声好,叙叙旧什么都。
Rufus: Actually I was on my way out. Rufus: 太不巧了。我正要出门呢。
Lily: Of cour. I should have called first. You’re busy with work and– Lily: 没关系。我应该先打个电话的。你要忙工作的,而且……
Rufus: No, I just…"Repo Man" is playing at the Sunshine. You know how I love my Harry Dean Stanton.
Rufus::不是啦,Repo Man正在Sunshine上演呢。你知道我多么喜欢我的Harry Dean Stanton。
Lily: Playing hooky? Lily:翘班?
Rufus: Yeah, don’t tell anyone. Rufus: 是啊,别跟人说。
1) What brings you down here
就是我们中文所说的“那阵风把你吹来了”,“今天怎么有这雅兴啊”,英文里,为了表示对来客的到来表示欢迎和惊喜,可以说“what a pleasant surpri”,相当于 “哎呀,你怎么来啦!真没想到会在这里见到你。”
2) Catch up Catch up with someone的意
思是“和某个有段时间没见面的熟人见面,看看最近他们都做了些什么”,差不多就是“聊聊天,叙叙旧”,我们可以体会一下,catch的原意是“追赶”,这里由于你们很久没见,对于对方发生什么事情你很久没了解了,这个时候为了keep posted,你就要“迎头赶上”去获取对方的消息。而我们平时所说的I’ll catch up with you later 或者I will catch you later,可以用来替代I will e/talk to you later,也正是源于此。
Catch up on the news/gossip 的意思是 “获知最新的消息”。我们平时所说的“补觉”则是“catch up on sleep”,在特定语境下,你只要说 “just go get some sleep”或者 “get some Z’s”,也差不多。
3) I should have called first. 这是虚拟语气。不做详解,造几个例句让你慢慢体会可能更好: 1. I should have killed that scumbag in the first play. (now he comes back to compromi my plan) 2. You shouldn’t have disclo our company’s cret to her last time. Now rumors spread all over the China branch. 3. I should have known she only cared about my money (obviously you are devastated and regret for not knowing that earlier).
4) Play hooky?
Play hooky (BrE play truant)是“翘课,逃课,旷工(翘班),不参加一些会议,活动”等意思。这里指的是Dan的爸爸Rufus正事不干溜走去看Repo。例句:I played hook today and did not go to work.
事实上,play hooky 还有“爽约(to not keep an appointment)”的意思。例句: I don’t want to e her today, ‘cau I look like ---- today. So I think I will just play hooky. I don’t have time for the sales meeting today, so I think I’ll just play hooky.
读大学的时候曾经看过一部片子叫“翘课天才”,英文名叫“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off ”,这里day off的实际意思并不是指“逃课”,而是休息一天,不用去上班,可能是你今天轮休啊,或者今天放假啊,生病了啊。如果是请病假,还可以说take a sick leave, 请事假可是说take a casual leave 或者take a compassionate leave,如果是准假则是“be given a leave of abnce”。
综上所述,play hooky几乎可以用于任何表示你不参加某活动的情况。对应的英式英语是play truant。说到play,突然想到了我们平时说上海杭州的女生很“俏皮”,英文对应的说法是“play hart-to-get”。什么叫hard to get 呢?《肖申克的救赎》里面,坏蛋想Andy给他BJ,Andy严词拒绝,坏蛋说了句:hart to get,也就是“很难搞定”,“很难上”的意思。
从词源上分析,俚语中,hook有depart hastily的意思(匆匆离开),比如:We’d better hook for home. 俚语中有 “hook it”则有“to run away, depart, flee”的意思,这个hook it也就等于play hooky。例句:He hooked it when he saw the truant officer.(查课员,通常来自可怕
而我们平时所说的 “逃课”,还可以说skip class,而如果是上课的时候偷偷从后面或者窗户溜出去,则叫bunk off school。
She will be joining us of for lunch.
这里之所以用will be joining,而不是will join,是因为have lunch 是一个持续进行的过程。 而如果你说“我会杀了你的”,你只要说“I will kill you”,而不会说 “I will be killing you”,除非你可以翻来覆去不断杀死他。
说道kill,大学的时候用到最多的是说某某金属乐队kills。比如:“‘Gorgasm’ kills!”这个时候的kill,意思是某个金属或者摇滚乐队的专辑让你觉得 “超爽”,你认为他们很“牛逼”,能给你带来eargasm(听觉高潮,类似但有别于orgasm)。类似的词还有,请允许我用我最喜欢的乐队Windir来做例子: Windir owns/rules/kicks major ass/is badass. 如果说某个乐队很垃圾,你会说“… sucks.” 而说一张专辑或者单曲超爽、超好,你会说This album is a killer. 或者Check this out. This is definitely the killer track of the album.
在口语中,kill用的比较多的还有 “某某is killing me”,意思是 “某某让我很苦恼,郁闷,不爽”,比如:
he new shoes are killing me. I cannot take it anymore.
The translation of “steelwork plan” is killing me.
回到lunch。我发现很多人吃中饭的时候用“eat lunch”,同时又有很多人嘲笑他们,说这是中式英语。不过eat lunch也是正确的英语,不过更常用的说法应该是 “have lunch”。问别人中饭想吃什么可以说“What do you want to have for lunch?”上次有朋友和我说“喝汤”应该是“eat soup”,而不是 “drink soup”,事实上用“drink”也可以。而如果你要说“他们吃中饭的时候达成口头协议”一般是说“They reached on a verbal agreement over lunch”,会比说“… when having lunch”要好。Over是个很奇妙的单词,大家在平常工作和生活中应该自己去慢慢体会。
Join someone for something是一个固定用法,一个可以让你少用have something with someone的用法。比如:
I invite him to join us for a few drinks.
Care to join us? I can buy you a beer. (beer在表示一杯/罐酒的时候是可数的)。
说道care to,这一集里出现了一句叫“… is unavailable, would you care to leave a message?” (Would you) care to do something 是非常有礼貌地邀请,建议别人做某件事的时候用的。而someone is unavailable 是用来说“某人不在”。当然如果有人打电话找你老板,而他正在带客户参观新建厂房,你也可以说He is not in the office或者He is busy now,并没有多少讲究,能把事情讲清楚就行了。但是通常你并没有义务告诉人家你老板到底在哪里,以免不经意间泄露商业机密(Let them into your company’s cret by taking advantage of
your stupidity),而给竞争对手有可乘之机。说到商场上的竞争对手,一般是用“competitor”或者“rival”,opponent是不贴切的,后者往往是体育比赛啊,辩论赛,打架这类很game的活动里用的。
1. If the electricity goes out…如果没电了……“停电”还可以用“have a power cut/outage, have a blackout”表示。
2. Eleanor put me in charge and it’s really big deal.
Big deal在这里=very important 在口语中,如果说“Big Deal!”则相当于“So what? What does it matter?”比如: A: Hurry up. We are late for school!快点啦。我们上学迟到了。 B: Big Deal! 管他呢!(有什么了不起的)
So you just made a minor error. NBD. (no big deal) 你就犯了个小错啦。别放心上。(没关系的,不用担心啦,别大惊小怪的。)你还可以说no biggie / no big whoop / don’t worry / no worries / take it easy。
你让别人“不要大惊小怪,小题大做”,可以说Don’t make such a big deal ( a meal; a drama; a fuss) out of it。如果你真的觉得对方很小题大作,可以这样说来加强语气:So I dated your little sister. Like it’s such a big deal! 我就和你妹妹约会来着。他妈地有什么大不了的啊。电视剧中Dan 后面说了个package deal,愿意是“一整套、一揽子的服务或者交易”,这里指的是既然Serena和Blair那么要好,她们两个就形影相随,你就算不喜欢Blair也没办法,邀请了Serena,另一个就要跟着来,否则Serena就会很难做。买一送一(buy one and get one free).
1. That guy is totally into you. 那帅哥对你很有意思呀。
Be into someone的意思是“like someone very much 喜欢,为某人着迷,对某人很有感觉,对某人有意思”。 Totally=absolutely=obviously,表示一个很深的程度。 除了用be into, 你还可以用下列英语来表示“对某人有感觉”: be crazy about someone be attracted to someone love someone head over heels 等等。
2. He thinks of me a little sister. 他把我当成小妹妹啦。
Think of在这里的意思相当于regard/take… as. 其他很多时候则相当于come up with。
3. The other night 那天晚上
The other night用来指“不久前的一个夜晚”,比如:We went to movies the other night. 我们那晚去看电影了。
1. I’m just been so on edge. 我紧张得要疯掉了。
Be so on edge的意思是:你因为某些看似不妙的事情要发生而坐立不安,就像要抓狂了。 你说自己很upt,因为一些不痛快的事情发生了。Eleanor因为即将要来的客人而担忧发狂,她的女儿则是因为听不到Chuck的 “I love you”而很伤心情绪很激动。说到upt,如果你故意说什么事情去upt一个人,就是触到了人家的痛处、伤心处,叫做“touch a sore point with someone
2. I went over it a hundred times. 我都检查了一百遍啦。Go over =examine cloly = go through。
3. Caterer thought he was hitting on him. 伙食包办人说他当时想泡他。
Hit on someone的意思是“和某人调情,勾引某人,想泡某人”,相当于to flirt with someone,to make a pass at someone,to make a move on someone。如果你说两个男女鬼混或者某人只是想和你玩玩的,用play around。说“某个姑娘向我抛媚眼送秋波”用“Agnes is making goo-goo eyes at me. ”