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V01.6 No.4


Read and、Ⅳnte Periodical


April 20O9

Africa as a Spiritual Paradise

An Interpretation 0f The Snows 0f Kilimanj ar0



Absh.act:In “ Ilhe Snows 0f Kilimanjam”,Har ry considers Kilimanjar0,the House of God as his last h0pe to saVe his

0wn soul and get baptized.It is a str0ng token of Archetypal litemry criticism that pe0p1e in misery 0r depression wil1

“e8cape f_r0m tjme and retum to paradise”under the c0llective unc0nsciousness. Human can only get puri矗ed in places

litt1e touched by human civilization as A ca.The snows in Kilimanjaro bring people back to nature,reminding them 0f

their primitive wishes and desire.

KeyWords:The Snows of Kilimanjar0;Power of nature;ArchetypaJ I eory;Collective Unconsciousness; Human Civiliza-


中图分类号:I1O6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672—1578(20O9)4一OO118—02

1 In打0ductiOn.

We kn0W Emest Hemingwav mainly thr0ugh his famous

n0vels,but actually he wI_0te many sh0rt stories of high quali—

ty. I11e Snows of Kilimanjam” is 0ne of them.The pr0tagonist

Ha丌y is always believed to be Hemingway’s self-portrait.Har-

ry gave up a life of devoting his energies to writing and began

spending his time drinking, travelling, hunting, and chasing

rich women.As his hend Compton c0mes to him to take m

t0 a hospital, and as they nied away HaIry caught a glimpse

0f the summit 0f Kilimanjar0,a visi0n that awed him by its

purit)r. Only here,as he was dying, did he take pan in the

kind of cr℃ation and trlanscendence that he has always sought.

H哪 considers Kilimanjar0, the House of God as a pure

land and his last h0pe to save himself flr0m continuing to de—

generate. My question is why it is Kilimanjar0 and why the

stoIy is set in Afhca? Why human can only get puri ed in

places litde t0uched bv human civilizati0n as A陆ca?Archetv.

pal literary criticism enlightens me.When people are in misery

0r depr_ession, their unconsciousness will escape flr0m time and

retum to paradise.This paper is divided into 6ve parts to pre—

liminarily study into such cultural psychology with the help 0f

Archetypal Theo!y in order to be able to better und rstand hu—

man cu1ture.

2 LjteratlIre Re、riew

2.1 Domestic Studies

Manv sch0laI in china such as LiYanan. 0ulin and

UZhonghua show great interest in this short story, and are

aware 0f the symbolism that Hemingway endows his ordinary

peop1e and things, such as the snow—coved mountain and the

plain.zh鲫gqin(1996),XiongRongbin(1996),and“uChuan an

(20o7)al1 share the argument that Harry c0nsiders Kilimanjar0,

the House of IGod as his last hope to save his 0wn s0ul and

get b印tized.

2.2 Interna 0nal St1ldies

Malc0lm C0wley(1938),in the New Republic,n0ted that

the st0ry was “the only story in which [Hemingway]has al-

lowed himself to be conventiona1lv poetic.” Iacn0e Salavt0re

n98o1 points out that the teHn ”a1ienation” is a persistent

theme in American literature. In their studv of Hemingwav’s

w0rk,Ead Rovit and Genv Brenner(1986) ant“The Snows of

Kilimanjam” a pr0minent place,caUing it “Hemingway’s one

caIlei.ul pIlesentation of a non—ideal portrlait of an anist” and

using it t0 test their perceptions of Hemingway himsel£ Greg

Bamhisel r2001)writes that Kilimaniar0 itself represents the

heights of an.

2-3 Mv 0wn Comments

As Zhangqin,Xi0ngRongbin,and LiuChuangxian point 0ut

that Hamr considers Kilimaniar0,the H0use 0f G0d as his last

hope to save his own soul and get baptized.All those sch0lars

interpret the st0ry in dif_ferent aspects in len h and depth.But

none of them sees into the meaning implied in the story flr0m

culture aspect.As Greg Bam sel notes,Kilimanjam itself rep—

resents the he唔hts of art.1 was inspired by Archetypal theory

t0 tIy t0 find out reasons why human can only get pudfied in

Dlaces tde t0uched bv human civilization as Af ca? Is it co.

incidence or s0mething else?

3 Theoretjcal Framew0rk and Critical ApprOach.

Archetypal literary criticism is a type of critical theory

that interprets a text by f0cusing on recurring myths and

archetypes in the narrative, symbols, images, and character

types in a litemry w0rk.Archetypal litemry criticism’s ori ns

are rooted in two other academic disciplines, s0cial anthr0p0lo.

gy and psychoanalysis.Each contributed to the litemry criticism

in separate wavs, with the latter being a sub—branch 0f the

critical theory.Here is a fundamental archetype,general1y talk—

ing one 0f two basic na盯ative f0rn1s:

A——Escape fr0m time——retum to pamdise,the state 0f

perfect, timeless bliss enioyed bef0re man and woman bef0re

their tra c fall to comlption and morta1itv.

B——Mvstical submersion into cvclical time: the theme 0f

end1ess death and IlegeneI_ation——human beings achieve a

kind of immortality by submitting to the vast, mysteri0us

rhvthm of natuI ’s etemal cvcle。 particularlv the cvcle of the


W0rks bv n_azer,Car1 Gustav Jung are representatives 0f

this theory.Jung’s work theorizes ab0ut myths and archetypes

in I_elation to the unconscious, an inaccessib1e part of the


4 Discussi0n and A哪lysis

4.1Kilimaniar0,Af ca as a spiritual paradise

The images 0f Amca in Westem writings in general have

not changed greatly f om antiquity to the pI sent: that conti・

nent has alwavs been viewed as a land of mvster and lavish

exotica. Kanvandekwe。 Daniel, Ph.D., State Universitv of New

York at Buf_falo claims that one main line of American litem.

ture looked to the ”fr0ntiertI as a repository of natural values.

The disappearance 0f the”flr0ntie rt|has pr0mpted some impor_

tant American ters to look fl0r a substitute,which they fl0und

in African primitiVism.

The snow—coved mountain symbolizes etemity’s triumph

over death; noble pursuit def ating vulgar easiness. The n0bly

towering m0untain is a contrast to the plain where sick Han

lies and his waiting only fl0r death without nob1e pursuit in his

life. LiYanan, 0ulin (2007) pose the questi0n that why the


Vo1.6 No.4


Read and Write Periodica1


April 2009

LeoDard comes t0 the sn0w mountain in the sun burnt A ica?

And what did Harry t珂to壬ind in Kilimanjaro all the way

f_r0m America?Their answer is that Ki1imaniaro is symb0l of

unknown land,their last h0pe after others ef )rts failed.

4.2 Interpretation from Archetvpal The0ry

4.2.1ColIective unc0n8ciousness makes aI℃hetypal images and

idea p0ssible

As the Archetypal literary criticism claims, the coⅡective

unconsciousness,0r the objective psyche as it is less f equently

kn0wn。 is a number 0f innate thoughts,f elings, instincts, and

mem0ries that reside in the unconsciousness 0f aU people.

Fmm a Jungian perspective, myths are the “cultura1ly elaborat—

ed repI℃sentations of the contents of the deepest I℃cess of the

human psyche:the world of the archetypes”(Wa1ker,1995).To

Jung,an archetype in the collective unconscious, as quoted

flr0m Leitch,is “iITepr℃sentable”,but has eflfects which make

visualizations 0f it possible due to the lact they aI a£an in—

accessible paIt of the mind. The aI℃hetypes to which Jung

re南rs are represented thr0ugh primordial images. Pdm0rdial

images ori nate flr0m the inm al stages 0f humanity and haVe

been Dart of the collective unconscious ever since. (Leitch,


Human beings are products of cultures. Within a culture,

collective consciousness plays a great part in people’s thinking

and acting.What is good and what’s bad has been labe1ed by

some standards. The pmtag0nist Harry choose Kilimanjam,

Af ca as a 1]lace t0 get his heart purified and therefl0I七 t0

find back his creating power in writing as well as his meaning

of 1ife.It is a str0ng t0ken of Archetypa1 literary criticism山at

peop1e in misery or depression will “escape 0m time and re・

tum to Daradise” under the col1ective unconsci0usness. And

human bejngs achieve a ki『1d of inlmona1ity by submitting to

the vast。mvsterious rhvthm 0f namre’s ete丌1a1 cycle.(GueTin,


4.2.2Primitive land as Afriea brings human back to humanity

Af ca is c0nsidered unconsci0usly by pe0ple as a pa adise

in earthlv human wor1d. It’s serene, pure and holy. As

Kanvandekwefl996)notes,like the ”flr0ntier”,AfHca is a l0cus

of primitivism where American protagonists nee in quest of

spiritual tI_anscendence,escaping flr0m the waste land of West—

em civilizatioI1. Here comes the questi0n: as a primitive land,

what qua1ifies Africa as山e spiritua1 paradise?

Af ca is less cultivated than manv 0ther I gi0ns in the

wor1d. It’s c(1mpamtively quiet and peaceful_ Is that true that

human can only get purified mind in places 1ittle touched by

human civilizati0n as Af ica?First it could be the presence 0f

nature. The sn0ws in Kilimaniam bring people back to nature,

r℃minding them of their primitive wishes and desire. So at that

moment.Harry recal1s his o1d days and renects his whole life

ti1l he finds that he should not have abandoned writing, his

p—mi£ive pursui£as wel1 as a possible meanjngh】l ljfe. So it’s

the power of nature that brings human back to basic humanity.

In addjtion. in 1itefatu works, nature and human are

0m the real world as we1l as above it. Images and aI℃hetypes

are crea把d tllrough rich imagination and hu an wishes. under

their collective unconsci0usness,Af ca is a 1)uI_e and h0ly land

that is close to flavor of God as well as etemity.There )re they

believe that it’s an access t0 a;ret their souls purified.Other.

wise we could find little appealing points in such primitiVe and

remote place as Kilimanjaro and we may only get some sense

of loneliness and loss in places as AfTica.As f0r Frye,literary

archetypes “pIay an essentiaI mle in refashioning the material

universe int0 an altemative verhal universe that is human1y in—

telligible and viable, because it is adapted to essential human

needs and concems”fAbrams, 1993).

As they ny away Harry catches a glimpse 0f the summit

0f Kmma ar0,a visi0n that awes him by its purity.0n1y here,

as he dies.does he take Dart in the kind of creation and tr_an—

scendence that he has alwavs sought.

5 C0nclusi0n.

5,1 Maior Fjndjngs

Afhca has alwavs been viewed as a 1and of mvstery and

lavish ex0tica. It is a str0嚷token of Archetypal li£erary c订ti—

cism that people in misery or depressi0n wil1 “escape flr0m

time and retu瑚 t0 Dara出se” under the collective unconscious—

Human can 0nly get puri ed in places little t0uched by

human civi1ization as Africa. Firstlv, Africa is less cultivated

than many 0ther regions in the world. It’s comparatiVely quiet

and peaceful_ The sn0ws in Kilimanjam bring pe0ple back t0

nature, reminding them of their primitive wishes and desire.

Secondlv. in litefature works, nature and human are fmm the

real w0r1d as wel1 as above it. Images and aI℃hetypes aI cre—

ated thr0u rich imaginati0n and human wishes.

5.2S培ni cance and Limitation

This p印er applies AI℃hetypal The0ry to study into an ei—

ther cu1tuI_al or psych0logical t0pic: Why in peop1e’s col1ectiVe

consciousness,remote and primitive places as A ca are chosen

to be people’s印i imal paradise?Due t0 limitation of印phca—

ble academic materials and the author’s own knowledge capac—

ity, the paper can only partly gives out answers at shallow

leve1. Further studies on the point aI℃p0ssib1e and encour.aged.

Culture is human being’s comm0n wealth, which is mirmr as

wel1 as guide of human ciVilizati0n.

Ref rences:







【41张勤 熊荣斌.浮想至绝顶:《乞力马扎罗的雪》的意识流叙述风


『51Guerin,Wi1lf d L.A Handbook of Critica1 Approaches t0 Lit—


[6]Leitch, Vincent B.”Northr0p Frye.” The Norton Anth0logy:

I’heory and C打ticism. Ed. Vincent B.IJeitch [M1. New York:

Norton 2001.1442—1445.

[71Sega1,R0bert A.”Intmduction.”Jung on Mythol0gy[M】.I nce—

ton:Princeton Universitv Press,1998.3—48.

[8] alker,Steven F.Jung and【he Jungians on Myth(M].New

Y0rk:Garland Publishing。1995.3—15.














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