
更新时间:2022-12-31 22:18:18 阅读: 评论:0

2022年12月31日发(作者:最漂亮最简单的贺卡), duct = lead introduce , produce , reproduce , reduce , conductivity 导 电 性 , conducive有助于,deduce演 绎, deduct扣除, abduct诱拐, transducer换能器,viaduct高 架桥

x0cTax deduction Fresh air is conducive to health. flu = flow fluid , fluctuation 起 伏 , fluent , confluence 汇 合 , superfluous , influence,flushing toilet,flue 烟道, flute长笛, flume笕槽, effluent污水的排放 Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the ason. He speaks fluent Chine.

x0cIt's the confluence of three rivers. What we are eing increasingly is a society of private affluence and public squalor. geo, gee = earth geography地理学,geometry 几何学, geology 地质学, geocentric以地球为中心的, geothermal 地 热 的 , apogee 远地点, perigee近地点,Gaea gram = letter

x0cprogram , telegram , diagram,barogram气压图, epigram警句,cryptogram密 码 , gramophone 留 声 机 , hologram 全 息 图 , monogram , parallelogram 平 行四边形,ismogram地震 波图,grammar One of Oscar Wilde's most frequently quoted epigrams is "I can resist everything except temptation". gress = go (grad)

x0ccongress代表大会, progress, digress 偏离主题, regress 倒 退, retrogress倒退, transgress 越界 She suffered brain damage from the car accident and regresd to the mental age of a five-year-old. His behavior transgresd the moral rules of the social conduct. herit, here = heir inherit 继 承 , inheritance 遗

x0c产, dis-inherit, heritage遗产, heir 继 承 人 , heirloom 传 家 宝,heredity遗传,hereditary 遗传的 This ring is a family heirloom. a hereditary dia It is a hereditary title, so Mark Howard will become Sir Mark Howard on his father's death. Her father said he'd disinherit her if she married Stephen. A particular gene is responsible for the

x0cinheritance of eye colour. At twenty-one she came into her inheritance. heritage-listed building (= a building of great historical or artistic value which has official protection to prevent it from being changed or destroyed) hexa = six hexahedral 六 面 体 的 , hexagon六边形 infra = below

x0cinfrastructure , infrared , infrasonic, infra dinitatem/dig 有失体面的 Diane thinks it's a bit infra dig to do her own houwork. Isn't it a bit infra dig to go to a launderette when you can afford a washing machine of your own? insul, isl = island island, isle小岛, isolate孤立, peninsula半岛,insular岛的, 狭隘的, insulator 绝缘体,

x0cinsulin胰岛素 The royal family is insulated from many of the difficulties faced by ordinary people. lax = loon relax, lax不严格的, laxative, prophylaxis预防 He took a gun through baggage control to highlight the lax curity. lax muscles Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a

x0cprophylactic treatment. lust, luc = light illustrate 作 插 图 说 明 ,

Psychedelia relates to music, art, fashion, etc. that is

x0ccreated as a result of the effects of psychedelic drugs. She knew, at some deep level of her psyche, that what she was doing was wrong. We think quality is the psyche of a corpotation. Freud's account of the human psyche A characteristic of the feminine psyche is to ek approval from others. In Italian footballing circles the North Korean goal scorer (in 1966 World Cup finals

x0chosted by England), Pak Do-ik, is still known as "the dentist" for the pain he inflicted on the national psyche. rect = straight rectitude , rectify 改 正 , rectilinear 直线的, correct, direct , rectangle 长 方 形,rectifier整流器 an austere man of unquestioned moral rectitude The price has taken on a trend of rectilinear ri.

x0cI did my best to rectify the situation, but the damage was already done. to rectify an injustice scope = device oscilloscope , telescope , microscope , periscope , kaleidoscope 万 花 筒 , spectroscope 分 光 镜 , stethoscope 听 诊 器 , endoscope内窥镜, borescope 管道探测镜 The street bazaar was a

x0ckaleidoscope of colours, smells and sounds. I take it you know what a stethoscope is. Periscopes are ud in submarines to allow you to look above the surface of the water. scribe, script = write describe,prescribe开处方, script 剧 本 , manuscript , ascribe 归因于, subscribe 订 购 , circumscribe 限 制 , conscript征召,inscription铭

x0c刻, postscript附言, proscribe (法律)禁止,scribble潦草 地写,the Holy Scripture圣 经 , transcription 誊 本 , superscript,subscript a transcript of the interview Police regulations prescribe that an officer's number must be clearly visible. % = stipulate He ascribed his failure to bad luck. We subscribe to veral sports channels on TV. The Athletics Federation

x0chave banned the runner from future races for using proscribed drugs. The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the law. qu,cut = follow conquence 结 果 , conquent(ial) , quence 次 序 , subquent 随 后 的 , concutive 连 续 的 , procute起诉,quel续集, obquious谄媚的,queue

x0cthe u of harmful chemicals and the conquent(ial) damage to the environment a conquential decision He was procuted for drunken driving. the quel to 'Gone with the Wind' xt = six xtant六分仪, xtuplet六胞 胎,xtuple六重的 spec(t), spic = look at expect,respect,inspector,

x0cperspective视角,prospect远 景, specimen样本, speculate 推测,suspect,retrospect回 顾 , spectrum 频 谱 , conspicuous显眼的,despi In many respects, genius are no different from other people. A traffic sign should be conspicuous. conspicuous consumption Astronauts have brought back specimens of rock from the moon. We can speculate that the

x0cstone circles (= Stonehenge) were ud in some sort of pagan ceremony. He likes to speculate on the

stock market. sum = take assume , consume , resume 继续,presume相信(但没把 握 ), summon 传 唤 , sumptuary 节 制 的 , sumptuous大排场的 sumptuary laws/tax (designed to regulate extravagant expenditures or

x0chabits especially on moral or religious grounds) a sumptous feast I wouldn't presume to tell you how to run your own business. Everyone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. It would be presuming on his generosity to ask him for money. sym, syn = together symbiosis共生,symphony交

x0c响乐, sympathy, symposium 讨论会,synchronize使同时 发生,synagogue犹太教堂, synap /'/(神经) 突触, syllabus 教学大纲, syllable音节 sympathy vote It's time for action, not just tea and sympathy. synchronized swimming tele = distance telephone telecommunication , ,

x0ctelegraph,telescope tempo = time temporary , contemporary 同 时代的,temporal,tempo节 拍 , contretemps , extempore/extemporaneous 即席的,temporize(为争取 时间)拖延 an extempore speech/performance Compromi makes a good umbrella but a poor roof; it is a temporary expedient.

x0cYour tempo is too slow. They have been ignoring me since our last contretemps. a univer which has spatial and temporal dimensions terr = land terrain地形, territory, terrace 阳台, terracotta 赤陶, terra firma陆地,terra incognita Jeeps handle particularly well on rough terrain. football terracing Although its physical characteristics may vary to a

x0cgreat degree, a terrace will generally be larger than a balcony and will have an "open-top" facing the sky. Our kitchen tiles are made from terra-cotta. It was good to get back on terra firma again after that awful a crossing. Dealing with children is terra incognita to me. The courtyard was full of exotic plants in terra-cotta pots.

x0ctors, tort = bend torture,torment折磨,distort 曲 解 , contort 扭 曲 , extort 敲诈勒索, retort顶嘴, torsion 扭转,torque扭矩,tortuous 弯曲的 A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms. Her face was contorted with pain. tract = draw attract,abstract摘要,extract

x0c摘录,contract合同,subtract 减, detract 贬低, protractor 量角器,retract收回 Plea remember to subtract the amount of the coupon. The undercarriage failed to retract. Police then arrested him and he was relead on $6 million bail only after retracting his accusations, something he says he did under duress. ultra = beyond ultraviolet , ultrasonic ,

x0cultramarine蓝色,ultrathin超 薄的,ultrafine超细的 ver = true verdict 判 决 , verify 核 实 , veracity真实性,verity真实, aver断言, She averred that she had never en the man before. to confirm the verity of a cret document She has spent her life in a arch for eternal verities. Doubts were cast on the veracity of her alibi after

x0cthree people claimed to have en her at the scene of the robb

ery. The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure. His statement was verified by veral witness. vers = turn controversy 争论, diver 多 样 的 , rever , adver , traver , conver 相反的, malversation 腐 败 行 为 , perver 有 悖 常 理 的 ,

x0ctransver横向的, Evil is the inver of good. He’d been trying to divert suspicion away from himlf. transver/longitudinal wave She gets a perver satisfaction from making other people embarrasd. In the US, you drive on the right hand side of the road, but in Britain the conver applies. volt, volu, volv = roll revolution革命,evolution进

x0c化 , convolution 卷 积 , revolver左轮枪,revolt The people revolted against foreign rule and established their own government. Her book is full of long, convoluted ntences. 量级的表示 垓 tera = 10^(12) 京 giga = 10^(9): gigantic 兆 mega = 10^(6): megalith, megalomania, megaphone

x0c千 kilo = 10^(3): kilogram (kg), kilometer (km) 百 hecto = 10^(2): hectare 十 deca = 10^(1): decade, decathlon (100 metres, Long jump, Shot put, High jump, 400 metres; 110 metres hurdles, Discus throw, Pole vault, Javelin throw, 1500 metres) 分 deci = 10^(-1): decimal, decibel, decimation 厘 centi = 10^(-2): centigrade, centipede, centimeter (cm)

x0c毫 milli = 10^(-3): millimetre (mm), millilitre (c.c.) 微 micro = 10^(-6): microscope, microphone, microwave 纤 nano = 10^(-9) 沙 pico = 10^(-12): picofarad, piccolo 尘 femto = 10^(-15): femtocond


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