
更新时间:2022-12-29 22:53:39 阅读: 评论:0

2022年12月29日发(作者:日文歌曲)Gossip Girl (Kristen Bell): Hey Upper East Siders. Gossip Girl here. And I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91, nds us this: "Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodn." Was it only a year ago our It Girl mysteriously disappeared for "boarding school"? And just as suddenly, she's back. Don't believe me? See for yourlves. Lucky for us, Melanie91 nt proof. Thanks for the photo, Mel.

Rufus Humphrey (Matthew Settle): Welcome back. How was your weekend? How's your mom?

Jenny Humphrey (Taylor Momn): She's fine.

Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgely): She's good.

Jenny: Fine and good.

Dan: She's good and... fine.

Rufus: Like "maybe I never should have left Manhattan", fine? Or "taking time off from my marriage was the best idea I ever had" fine?

Dan changing the subject: Dad, you know what, I'm starving.

Gossip Girl: Spotted: Lonely Boy. Can't believe the love of his life has returned. If only she knew who he was. But everyone knows Serena. And everyone is talking. Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. Sure, they're BFF's, but we always thought Blair's boyfriend Nate had a thing for Serena.

Eleanor Waldorf: Blair. If you're going to wear one of my designs tell me so we can at least get it properly fitted.

Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester): Thanks mom. I'll keep that in mind.

Gossip Girl: Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock's ticking.

Kati Farkas (Nan Zhang): Oh my god! You'll never believe what's on Gossip Girl.

Isabel Coates (Nicole Fiscella): Someone saw Serena getting off the train at Grand Central.

Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick): Good. Things were getting a little dull around here.

Blair: I love you, Nate Archibald. Always have, always will.

Nate Archibald (Cha Crawford): I love you too.

Eleanor at the door: Blair. It's Serena!

Nate: Serena?

Blair: Serena's at school. Kiss me.

Nate: No, I just heard your mom say she's here. Don't you want to go say hey?

Serena van der Woodn (Blake Lively): So where is he? What, they haven't let him out yet?

Lily van der Woodn (Kelly Rutherford): Let's not talk discuss that right now, okay?

Blair: Serena! So good to e you. Come, we're about to have dinner.

Eleanor: I'll t a place for you at the table next to Blair.

Serena: Yeah, actually, um, there's somewhere I have to go.

Blair: You're leaving?

Serena: Yeah, I don't feel well. I just wanted to come by and say hi. I'll e you at school tomorrow. {she leaves}

Blair: School. So I guess she's back for good.

Kati: Didn't you know she was coming?

Blair: Of cour I did. I just wanted it to be a surpri.

Gossip Girl: Word is that S bailed on B's party in under ninety conds. And didn't even have one limoncello.

Gossip Girl: Has our bad girl really gone good? Or is it all just part of the act?

Gossip Girl: Why'd she leave? Why'd she return? Send me all the deets. And who am I? That's the cret I'll never tell. The only one. —XOXO. Gossip Girl.

Serena: Hey. H

ow are you?

Eric van der Woodn (Connor Paolo): You know. I've been better.

Serena: Eric, I know I've been a terrible sister. I'm just so happy to e you.

Eric: Must be a lot of rumors why you're back.

Serena: Yeah. But none of them mention you.

Eric: Just like mom wants, huh?

Serena: Let me guess, you told everyone Eric's just visiting Grandpa in Rhode Island.

Lily: Your aunt Carol in Miami.

Serena: So you're actually hiding him? He tries to take his own life and you're worried it's going to cost you Mom of the Year?

Lily: Serena, you've been gone. Doing who knows what with god knows who—

Serena: I told you, boarding school was not like that.

Lily: You know, as happy as I am to have you home, you have no idea what it's been like.

Rufus Humphrey: Guess who dad is cool.

Jenny: It's a trick question.

Dan: Yeah, 'cau it can't be ours.

Rufus: Look at this.

Dan reading Rolling Stone: "Top Ten Forgotten Bands of the 90s."

Rufus: Yeah. Check out who's number nine.

Jenny: He's very proud.

Dan: Hey! Hey! Way to be forgotten.

Rufus: But that's how you get remembered.

Jenny: One of the girls in my art class saw my calligraphy and she said that if I addresd all the invitations that I could have one.

Rufus: Sounds very fair. Sweat shops could learn a thing or two.

Jenny: Dad this is not platform for one of your anti-Capitalist rants.

Rufus: Yes it is.

Jenny: Besides, you make us go to private schools.

Rufus: That's for your education.

Jenny: So we should just be anonymous lors who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties.

Dan: Works for me.

Nate: Your mom told me you guys were staying here at the Palace.

Serena: Yeah, we're renovating again. You know my mom. If it's not broke, break it.

Serena: So what are you doing here?

Nate: Oh, I just wanted to e how you were. You emed kind of upt last night.

Serena: I gotta get going and change for school. I'm gonna be late.

Nate: Serena—

Serena: No. No.

Nate: But you're back now.

Serena: I didn't come back for you. Look, Blair's my best friend. And you're her boyfriend. And she loves you. That's the way things are suppod to be.

Chuck Bass: Serena looked effing hot last night. There's something wrong with that level of perfection, it needs to be violated.

Nate: You are deeply disturbed.

Chuck: And yet you know I'm right. You're telling me if you had the chance—

Nate: I have a girlfriend.

Chuck: You guys have been dating since kindergarten yet you haven't aled the deal.

Nate: Who says "al the deal"?

Chuck: Are you following us or something?

Dan: No, I go to your school. Identical uniforms, isn't that kind of a tip-off?

Nate: That's funny. {they leave}

Dan: So, you guys wanna sit together at lunch?

Serena: So. When's the party?

Blair: Saturday. And you're kinda not invited. Since until twelve hours ago everyone thought you were at boarding school. And now we're full. Jenny ud up all the invites.

Jenny: Um. Actually...

Blair: You can go now. {Jenny leaves} Sorry.

Serena: No, that's okay. I've got a lot of stuff to do anyway.

Blair: Well we should get going then. Unless you want us to wait for you. Looks like you've got a lot of yogurt left.

Gossip Girl: Spotted on the steps of the Met: an S. and B. power S think she could waltz home and things would be just like they were? Did B think S would go down without a fight? Or can the two hotties work it out? There's nothing Gossip Girl likes more than a good cat fight. And this could be a classic.

Dan: Ah, you know Dad, there's this thing called MySpace. Where you could post all this information online. Save some trees. Have a blog.

Rufus: Maybe if musicians got off their "blogs" and picked up their guitars the music business would be in better shape.

Dan: Spoken like a true relic.

Rufus: Thanks son.

Serena: I talked to the nur and I'm kidnapping you.

Eric: We're going shopping, aren't we?

Dan: Jenny. What is it? What's wrong?

Jenny: Do you like this on me?

Dan: Wait a cond. Is that why you needed me? I thought this was an emergency.

Jenny: A fashion emergency. I mean, come on, I've never been to a big dance before.

Dan: Neither have I.

Serena: Jenny, right?

Jenny: Yeah hi.

Serena: This is my—

Eric: Stylist. And personal shopper, Eric.

Chuck: This is some good stuff.

Nate: Yeah. I'm gonna need it. Blair's mom's at the country hou.

Chuck: Yeah? Well then maybe I should swipe some of my dad's Viagra. {Nate looks nonplusd}. Or my mom's Paxil? Nathaniel, you're finally about to have x with your girlfriend. It's like you're headed to your execution.

Nate: No man, I'm good.

Chuck: Talk to Chuck, buddy. You and Blair have been dating forever. All of a sudden there's a problem?

Nate: There's no problem. It's just... Do you ever feel like our lives have been planned out for us? That we're just gonna end up like our parents?

Chuck: Man, what's a dark thought.

Nate: Aren't we entitled to choo? Just to be happy?

Chuck: Look, easy Socrates. What we're entitled to is a trust fund. Maybe a hou in the Hamptons. A prescription drug problem. But happiness does not em to be on the menu. So smoke up, and al the deal with Blair. 'Cau you're also entitled to tap that ass.

Serena: So how's your mom doing with the divorce and everything?

Blair: Great. So my dad left her for another man. She lost fifteen pounds, got an eye lift. It's been good for her.

Serena: I'm really sorry.

Blair: Yeah, I could tell. Since you didn't call or write the entire time it was happening.

Blair: Do you know how it felt calling your hou when you didn't show up at school and having your mom say, "Serena didn't tell you that she moved to Connecticut?"

Serena: I just, I had to go. I needed to get away from everything.... Plea just trust me.

Blair: How can I trust you when I feel like I don't even know you.

Serena: Let's fix that. I saw you at school with Kati and Iz, and I

get it. I don't want to take any of that away from you—

Blair: Becau it's just yours to take away, isn't it.

Serena: No, that's not what I mean, I... I miss you. I just want things to go back to the way they ud to be.

Serena: I love you, B.

Blair: I love you too, S.

Gossip Girl: Spotted at The Palace Hotel: S and B having a heart-to-heart. Hm... why so thirsty, S? You may have won over B for now but we still think you're hiding something.

Dan: Hey.

Jenny: Ah, The Invisible Man returns. You know, I really had no idea you could move that fast.

Dan: Yeah, well you're fashion emergency was solved so I figured my work was done.

Jenny: Come on, Dan. Serena said hi to you at a ninth grade birthday party and you've never forgotten it.

Dan: How could I? She was the only person that spoke to me.

Chuck: I love this town. I'm going to have to tell my parents the hotel they just bought is rving minors.

Serena: And if you get a drink they're also rving pigs.

Chuck: Oo. I love it when you talk dirty.

Serena: You just love when a girl talks to you.

Chuck: Actually I prefer them when they're not talking.

Serena: Hm. I've misd your witty banter.

Chuck: Let's catch up. Take our clothes off, stare at each other.

Blair: What's wrong?

Nate: Look, I don't know how to say this—or if it's even the right thing to do—but... there's something I need to tell you.

Serena: Oh my god, this is so good.

Chuck: Well if you're looking for a way to thank me I have a few ideas.

Serena: It's a sandwich, Chuck. {Chuck gets clor} This is not happening, Chuck.

Chuck: You worried Nate will find out?

Serena: What?

Chuck: Last year, the Shepherd wedding. You think I don't know why you left town?

Blair: But that was it? You guys kisd? {Nate's silent}

Chuck: The best friend and the boyfriend. That's pretty classy, S. I think you're more like me than you'd admit.

Serena: No. No, that was then. I'm trying to change.

Chuck: I liked you better before.

Gossip Girl: And just when B and S had built a bridge, it all had to come crashing down. But dry your eyes. The Kiss on the Lips party is just around the corner. And you know who loves parties? Gossip Girl.

Howard "The Captain" Archibald (Sam Robards): You guys broke up?

Nate: Yeah, I guess we did.

Howard: Blair is a great girl.

Nate: I know. I'm just not sure she's the girl for me.

Howard: You guys have been dating since kindergarten.

Nate: So I keep hearing.

Dan: Look, when Prince Charming found Cinderella's slipper they didn't accu him of having a foot fetish.

Dexter: And you're Prince Charming? There's Miss van der Woodn now. Ah, Serena!

Dan: No no no. What are you doing don't—

Dexter: Do you know this young man?

Dan: She doesn't know me. Nobody knows me. It's cool. It's fine.

Serena: Oh, from last night. Right? I'm sorry about that.

Dan: You remember me? {to Dexter} She remembers me.

Dexter: Well he claims he found your cell phone.

Serena: Oh, you f

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