2022年12月27日发(作者:validate):Well, aren't you sweet? 难为你了。 -Sheldon:Anyway, should you have any interaction with her, it would be most helpful that she not e you as a xual rival. interaction:交际,互动 rival:竞争对手 你是不是该和她交流下的? 免得她把你当竞争对手。 -Penny:Yeah, I think she's pretty safe. pretty:非常 我觉得她可安全的很咯。 -Sheldon:You say that now, but consider the following scenario: consider:考虑 scenario:情节 你现在是这样说,但你设想一下。 You're sitting in your apartment, it's late, you're alone. Your hypothalamus is swimming in a soup of estrogen and progesterone and suddenly even Leonard ems like a viable xual candidate. Or a, uh, "hookup" as it's referred to by today's urban youth.
x0calone:孤单的 hypothalamus:下丘脑 soup:汤 estrogen:雌激素 progesterone:黄酮 viable:可实施的 candidate:候选人 referred to:提及 urban:城市的 youth:年轻人 可当你夜深独居闺房孤枕难眠,雌激素和孕酮刺激你的下丘脑使你饥渴难耐,就连 Leonard 也突然成为适合的交配对象了,或者说"吊男人" 当今大都市青年人口头常念叨的。 -Penny:Really? 是吗? -Sheldon:Yes. 是的。 Now, should that happen, I would ask you to find some way to suppress your libido. suppress:抑制(感情等) libido:性欲,本能冲动 以防万一,我希望你找些压抑性冲动的法子。 -Penny:I could think about you. 那我想想你就解决了。 -Sheldon:Fine, whatever works. 可以,只要奏效我无所谓。 -Penny:Always nice talking to you, Sheldon. 和你聊天总是很"愉快" Sheldon。 -Sheldon:Uh, peace out! peace out: (美口)= e you soon 拜拜了! Well, this is very pleasant. pleasant:令人愉快的 这真是太惬意了。 -Leonard:Glad you're enjoying yourlf. 很高兴你开心。 -Sheldon:And you said there'd never be enough pasta for the three of us. pasta:意大利面 你还说意面肯定不够三人吃呢。 -Leonard:I stand corrected. stand corrected:认错 我认错。 -Sheldon:You know, Italian houwives have a rule of thumb. Italian:意大利人的 houwives:家庭主妇 rule of thumb:凭经验的方法 要知道意大利主妇们有套经验。 A handful of dry pasta about an inch in diameter is sufficient for each person as it doubles in volume when cooked. inch:英寸 diameter:直径 sufficient:足够 double:使加倍 volume:量 一把直径大约一英寸的干意面煮熟后量会翻倍,足够每个人吃了。 -Stephanie:That's very interesting. 真是有趣。 -Sheldon:Thank you. 谢谢。 -Leonard:She doesn't mean it. She's just being nice. 她不是那意思,只是客套话。
x0c-Sheldon: Well, Stephanie, since Leonard ems to be dropping the conversational ball, I guess I'll just have to pick it up. drop:丢掉 conversational:对话的 pick up:捡起 Stephanie 既然 Leonard 不想聊
呆在这,我去找找咱们的座位。 -Stephanie:Uh, no, we have ats. 不用阿,我们有座位了。
x0c-Leonard:Not the right ats. 不是"正确"的座位。 -Stephanie:What is he doing? 他在搞什么? -Leonard:He's finding the acoustic sweet spot. acoustic:声音的 spot:地点 他要找一个"余音绕梁"的地儿。 -Stephanie:Does he always do this? 他经常这么干吗? -Leonard:Sometimes he brings a toy xylophone. toy:玩具 xylophone:木琴 有时他还会自带玩具木琴。 I am really sorry about this. 我对这一切很抱歉。 -Stephanie:No, it's fine. You know, he's sweet. 不,我没事,你知道的他人很好。 -Sheldon:My apologies, you've been sitting in it all along. all along:自始至终,一直 怪我,不就是你们一直坐的地儿嘛。 Leonard, you want to slide over one? slide:滑动,改变位置 Leonard 你能往那边移一个位置吗? -Leonard:No, just sit here. 不行,你好好坐这就得了。 -Sheldon:Oh, yeah, this is it. 乖乖,就是这儿了。 Leonard? Leonard? Leonard? -Leonard:What, Sheldon? What, Sheldon? What, Sheldon? 干嘛 Sheldon? -Sheldon:Tell me what you e here. 告诉我你看到了什么。 -Leonard:The blunt instrument that will be the focus of my murder trial? blunt:钝的 instrument:器具 murder:谋杀 trial:审判,审理 这个钝器将会是我的谋杀审理时的主要证据? -Sheldon:This is Stephanie's Facebook page. Facebook:著名的社区交友网站 这是 Stephanie 的 Facebook。 Now, where it should say "in a relationship," what does it say? 本该填"恋爱中"的地方看她写了什么? -Leonard:Stephanie Barnett is single. single:单身 Stephanie Barnett 单身。 -Sheldon:Yeah, furthermore, earlier this evening, she threw a digital sheep at some guy named Mike.
x0cdigital:数码的,电子的 没错,还有呢,今晚早些时候她送了一叫 Mike 的一只电子宠物羊。 Who's Mike? Why does he get a digital sheep and not you? Mike 是哪根葱,为什么他得到一只宠物羊而你没有? -Leonard:It's just her Facebook page and we've only been going out a couple of weeks. 这只不过是她的 Facebook 拜托,我们才拍拖了几个星期。 -Sheldon:You don't e it, do you? We're losing her. 你看不出来吗,我们要失去她了。 -Leonard:Okay, I'm going to make this very simple for you. simple:简单的 这样子,我把事情给你说简单点。 You are not in this relationship. I am. 你和她没有什么关系,我才有。 Ergo, you have no say in anything that happens between me and Stephanie. Ergo:因此 所以说我和 Stephanie 的事都轮不到你来插嘴。 -Sheldon:I'm afraid I can't allow that. 很抱歉恐怕我不能放任不管。 Pursuant to Starfleet General Order 104, Section A: You are deemed unfit and I hereby relieve you of your command. Pursuant:依照 Starfleet:星舰 General:总的 Order:命令
Section:章节 deem:认为 unfit:不合适 hereby:特此 relieve:解除 command:指挥权 根据星际舰队总则 104 条 A 款,你已经被视为渎职,我因此解除你的职务。 -Leonard:General Order 104, Section A does not apply in this situation. apply:应用 situation:状况 星际舰队总则 104 条 A 款不适用于这个状况。 -Sheldon:Give me one good reason why not. 给我一个信服的理由,为什么不行? -Leonard:Becau this is not Star Trek! Star Trek:星际迷航(美国电影) 因为这不是星际迷航。 -Sheldon:Penny? Penny? Penny? Penny? Penny? Penny? -Penny:What? 什么事? -Sheldon:This is banana bread. 这是香蕉面包。 -Penny:This is a door knob. door knob:门把手 这是门把手。 -Sheldon:It's my understanding that an unsolicited gift of food can be a precursor to an impromptu invitation to come in and chat. unsolicited : 主 动 提 供 的 gift : 礼 物 precursor : 先 兆 impromptu : 事 先 无 准 备 的 invitation:邀请 chat:聊天
x0c我认为主动送来食物就意味着即刻邀请对方进门并聊天。 -Penny:Sheldon, would you like to come in? Sheldon 你想进来坐坐吗? -Sheldon:I suppo I could spare a few minutes. spare:抽出 我想我应该可以小待一会。 Were you robbed? rob:抢劫 你被抄家了吗? -Penny:No. 没有。 -Sheldon:How can you be sure? 你怎么能这么肯定? -Penny:Sheldon, what do you want? Sheldon 你到底要干嘛? -Sheldon:I'm certain this will come as no surpri to you, but Leonard is failing in yet another relationship. surpri:奇怪 我肯定你已经见怪不怪了,Leonard 的恋情又一次玩完了。 -Penny:He's having problems with Stephanie? 他和 Stephanie 要吹了吗? -Sheldon:She's nding virtual livestock to random men on the Internet. virtual:虚拟的 livestock:牲畜 random:任意的 她送了一个电子宠物给网上的陌生男子。 If I had any hope of keeping them together, I need data. data:数据 想要他们俩破镜重圆的话我需要统计数据。 Specifically, I need to know exactly what Leonard did that caud you to pop an emotional cap in his buttocks. Specifically:具体地 buttock:臀部 emotional:情绪的【pop an emotional cap in his buttocks 这并不是个常见的俚语, Penny 听了都不知道什么意思。 连 这应该是个俚语演绎的 用法,Sheldon 自己编的. pop a cap in one`s buttocks 倒是一个黑帮俚语=shoot somebody (朝某人开枪) ,加上个 emotional 就表是生气的意思,就像中文“气得想抽他” 】 具体来说呢,我想知道 Leonard 做的什么事情能惹得你气愤。 -Penny:What? 什么? -Sheldon:Again, urban slang. slang:俚语 这次还是俚语。 In which, I believe I'm gaining remarkable fluency. gain:获得 remarkable:非常 fluency:流畅 我觉得我已经说的很溜了。 So, what is the "down" and the
"low"? 那些“次”的“坏”的方面是什么?
x0cAnd don't worry, this is all entirely confidential, entirely:完全的 confidential:秘密的 别担心,这完全保密, so, you feel free to include any and all shortcomings in the bedroom. shortcomings:短处 卧室里的任何"不愉快" 你都可以和我敞开心扉。 -Penny:We never got to the bedroom. 我们没有到那一步。 -Sheldon:Becau? 原因是? -Penny:Oh, okay, all right, you know what? I'll tell you what happened. 好的,这样子,你知道吗,我告诉你发生了什么。 We were young, we were very much in love, but we could only communicate through a time-traveling mailbox at my lake hou. time-traveling:穿越时空的 mailbox:邮箱【Penny 援引美版《触不到的恋人》中的情节】 我们两小无猜坠入爱河不能自拔,却只能守在湖边小屋用一个穿越时空的信箱互相通信。 -Sheldon:It's not enough that you made me watch that movie, but now you mock me with it? mock:愚弄 你逼着我看了那电影还不够,现在还要戏弄我是吧。 Gentlemen, I have a question about dating and relationships. 先生们,我有一个拍拖方面的问题。 -Raj:You told me you were going to have the talk with him. 你和我说过,你会和他好好谈谈的。 -Howard:I've been waiting for someone to have the talk with me. 我一直在等别人跟我谈呢。 -Sheldon:More to the point, it's about finding a way to keep Leonard and Stephanie together. 总的来说,就是要想办法让 Leonard 和 Stephanie 在一起。 -Howard:Oh, I don't think you can. 我觉得你办不到。 -Sheldon:Well, why not? 为什么? -Howard:Look at Leonard's record. 27 days with Joyce Kim. 看看 Leonard 的情史,和 Joyce Kim 共度了 27 天。 -Raj:During which she defected to North Korea. defected to:投靠 当中她就叛逃回北韩了。 -Howard:Two booty calls with Leslie Winkle. booty:战利品 booty call= call for x 和 Leslie Winkle 发生了两次123。 -Raj:For which she awarded him the nickname Speed of Light Leonard. award:授予 nickname:绰号 Speed of Light:闪电侠 她还授予了他一个外号--闪电侠 Leonard。
x0c-Howard:And the three hour dinner with Penny. 和 Penny 共进了三小时的晚餐。 -Raj:Which would have been two and a half if they ordered the souffle when they sat down. souffle:蛋奶酥 而如果他们一进去就点蛋奶酥的话那就只有两个半小时了。 -Howard:Bad on the geometric progression, his relationship with Stephanie should have ended after 20 minutes. geometric progression:等比级数 根据等比级数定律,他和 Stephanie 的关系本应在见面后的 20 分钟后结束。 -Sheldon:Yes, I'm aware of the math. be aware of:知道 math:数学 这个我会算。 Y equals 27 days over 12 to the nth. equals:等于 nth:n 次的 Y 等于 27 天的 12 次方根。 The issue remains. issue:问
题 remain:仍然保留 问题仍然存在。 How do we circumvent his inevitable rejection? circumvent:回避 inevitable:不可避免的 rejection:拒绝,抛弃 我们怎么避免他被甩这个怪圈呢? -Raj:Well, if you want to guarantee his appeal to Stephanie, your best bet would be to kill all the other men on the planet. guarantee:保证 appeal:吸引力 best bet: (口语)最好的办法 planet:星球 想要确保他一直和 Stephanie 在一起,最好的办法就是把地球上的其他男人宰了。 -Howard:I'll tell you what you shouldn't do. 我来告诉你什么是本不该做的。 Don't spritz him with that body spray from the commercial where the women undress when they smell it. That doesn't work at all. spritz:喷 body spray:身体喷雾剂,香水 commercial:广告 undress:脱衣服 不要往他身上喷广告里那种香水,女人一闻到立马脱衣服,那个一点都不管用。 No matter how much you put on. 不管你往身上喷多少。 -Sheldon: that's all you've got? Apocalyptic genocide and "go easy on the cologne"? So, Apocalyptic:世界末日的 genocide:种族灭绝 go easy:少用,小心地用 cologne:古龙 水 这就是你们给出的建议,种族灭决和少用古龙水。 -Together:Yeah. 对头,没错。 -Sheldon:Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, -Penny:What? 什么事?
x0c-Sheldon:Penny? Zucchini bread. Zucchini: (中国俗称)西葫芦 Penny? 青瓜面包。 -Penny:Oh, thank you. 谢谢。 -Sheldon:May I come in? 我能进来吗? -Penny:No. 不行。 -Sheldon:I e. Apparently, my earlier inquiry regarding you and Leonard crosd some sort of line. I apologize. inquiry:询问 regarding:关于 我知道之前我询问你和 Leonard 的问题有点过头了,我郑重道歉。 -Penny:Well, thank you. 谢谢。 -Sheldon:So, have you and I returned to a social equilibrium? equilibrium:平衡 那么你和我回到社交平衡点上了? -Penny:Yes. 是的。 -Sheldon:Great. New topic. 很好,新话题。 Where are you in your menstrual cycle? menstrual cycle:月经周期 menstrual:月经的 你的经期是什么时候? -Penny:What? 什么? -Sheldon:I've been doing some rearch online, and apparently female primates, you know, uh, apes, chimpanzees, you. rearch:研究 online:在线 female:雌性 primates:灵长类 ape:猿 chimpanzee:黑 猩猩 我在网上做研究,很显然雌性灵长类,呃像猿类,黑猩猩,还有你。 They find their mate more desirable when he's being courted by another female. mate:配偶 desirable:可取的,合意的 court:求爱,献殷勤 当发现她们的雄性配偶被其他雌性追求时,便会觉得其配偶更加可取。 Now, this effect is intensified when the rival female is creting the pheromones associated with ovulation. effect:效果 intensify:使增强 rival:竞争对手 crete:分泌 pheromone:信息素, 费洛蒙 ovulatio
n:排卵 associated with:与„有关 当竞争雌性分泌与排卵有关的信息素时这种效果会更加显著。 Which brings me back to my question. Where are you in your-跟着也就回到我的问题,你的经期是.... Clearly, I'm 14 days too early. 看样子,她大姨妈还有 14 天才来。
x0c-Leonard:All I'm saying is if they can cure yellow fever and malaria, why can't they do something about lacto intolerance? cure:治愈 yellow fever:黄热病 malaria:疟疾 lacto intolerance:乳糖不耐症 lacto:乳糖 intolerance:(对食物、药物等)不耐性 如果他们能治愈黄热病和疟疾,怎么就不想办法治治不耐乳糖症呢? -Stephanie:Leonard, you're going to have to let this go. Leonard 别再折磨自己了。 You had a little chee dip, you farted. I thought it was cute. chee dip:乳酪酱 fart:放屁 cute:可爱 吃点乳酪就放屁,我觉得很可爱呀。 -Sheldon:Oh, hi, Stephanie. 噢嗨 Stephanie。 -Stephanie:hi. -Leonard:Want some more wine? 还要酒吗? -Stephanie:Yeah, I mean, I assume I'm not driving anywhere tonight. 好的呀,我想今晚我不用开车了。 -Leonard:What are you doing? 你在干嘛? -Sheldon:I have a craving for white asparagus that apparently is destined to go unsatisfied. craving:渴望 asparagus:芦笋 destine:注定 unsatisfied:无法满足的 我很渴望吃白芦笋,看情形是没法满足了。 -Leonard:Excu me. 失陪下。 What the hell is wrong with you? 你到底在干嘛? -Sheldon:I'm helping you with Stephanie. 我在帮你和 Stephanie。 -Leonard:By making constipated moo sounds? constipated:便秘的 moo:麋鹿 就凭学便秘的麋鹿叫? -Sheldon:When I fail to open this jar and you succeed, it will establish you as the "alpha" male. jar:罐 establish:建立 alpha:希腊字母中第一个字母,第一位的 male:男人,雄性 我开不了这瓶罐头而你能打开,就可以树立你的猛男形象。 You e...when a female witness an exhibition of physical domination, she produces the hormone oxytocin. female:女性 witness:见证 exhibition:表现 physical:身体的 domination:统治 hormone:荷尔蒙,激素 oxytocin:后叶催产素(脑下垂体后叶荷尔蒙的一种) 是这样的... 当雄性在雌性面前展现力量优势时,雌性会释放催产素荷尔蒙。 If the two of you then engage in intercour, this will create the biochemical reaction in the brain which lay people naively interpret as "falling in love." engage in:进行 intercour:交合 biochemical:生物化学的 reaction:反应 brain:
x0c大脑 naively:天真的 interpret:解释 如果你俩之后进行性交,大脑里会产生生化反应,普通人会天真地解释为是"相爱了"。 -Leonard:Would it work if I just punched you in the face? punch:用拳猛击 那揍你一拳能不能达到效果? -Sheldon:Yes, actually it would, but let's e ho
爱哭宝贝怎么样了。 -Leonard:I didn't cry. 我没有哭。 -Stephanie:Okay, I'm just teasing you. But, yeah, you did. tea:戏弄 好吧,算我在戏弄你,但是你的确哭了。 Okay, it's all good. What do you say we get you home and put you to bed? 很好,伤口没问题,我们把你送回家歇着怎么样? -Leonard:Oh, are you still going to spend the night? 噢,你还会留下过夜吗? -Stephanie:Uh, no, I think that you probably need to rest. probably:大概 呃不了,我想你需要好好休息。
x0c-Sheldon:She's right. As long as you're vomiting, coitus is contra-indicated. As long as:只要 vomit:呕吐 coitus:性交 contra-indicated:显示不当,禁忌的 她说的对,只要你还在呕吐性交不会爽到哪里去。 -Leonard:Thank you, Dr. Cooper. 谢谢你 Cooper 医生。 -Sheldon:You're welcome, Dr. Hofstadter. 不客气 Hofstadter 博士。 -Stephanie:Okay, I'm going to go get your discharge papers. discharge:获准离开,释放 discharge papers:出院单 好吧,我去拿你的出院单。 -Leonard:What? 干嘛? -Sheldon:Well, you em like a perfectly pleasant person. I can't understand why women have such a hard time loving you. 你看上去是个很亲切的人,真不明白要女人爱你咋就那么困难。 -Leonard:Hey, can you open this for me? 嘿,能帮我打开吗? -Raj:Can I e your stitches? 能看下你的缝线吗? -Leonard:Sure. 当然。 -Raj:Answering the question once and for all why Wolowitz bailed out of medical school. once and for all:一次了结地 bail out of:(从飞机上)跳伞降落,这里指退出 bail: 保释 一次性地解答了为何 Wolowitz 退出医学院的问题。 -Penny:Leonard, congratulations. Leonard 恭喜你。 -Leonard:What for? 恭喜什么? -Penny:Your Facebook status update. status:状况 update:更新 你 Facebook 的状态更新了。 Leonard Hofstadter is in a relationship. Leonard Hofstadter"恋爱中"。 -Leonard:What? No. No, that's not right. 什么? 不,不,不对啊。 -Howard:Oh, man, did you switch your status before she did? switch:改变,转换 噢伙计,你在她改状态之前就改了? Speaking as an expert, way to look needy. expert:专家 身为专家,我不得不说你太饥渴了呗。 -Penny:Seriously? You went first, after only two weeks? That's bold...
x0cbold:勇敢的 真的? 你先改了?才两周诶,真是厉害呀... -Leonard:It's not bold, it's a mistake. I didn't change my status. 不是厉害是错误,我没有改我的状态呀。 -Penny:Well, then who did? 那是谁改的? -Sheldon:I had no choice. He cried in front of her. 我没的选择,他在她面前哭了。 -Leonard:You hacked my Facebook account? hack:黑客 account:账号 你黑进我的 Facebook 账号? -Sheldon:Oh, it's hardly hacking when you u the same password for everything, "Kal-El." hardly:几乎不 password:密码 噢,你所有的密
码都是"Kal-EL" 这还用得着我黑吗? -Leonard:Are you insane? insane:疯狂的 你是不是疯了? Now she's going to think I'm desperate. desperate:极需要的 现在她会以为我很心急。 You've destroyed this relationship! destroy:毁坏 你毁了这段恋情! And you want to know what the worst part is? 想知道最糟糕的是什么吗? You don't even understand what you did wrong becau you can't conceive of something that you are not an expert in! conceive of:设想 你甚至不知道自己哪里做错了,因为你不在行的事你是干不来的!! -Sheldon:In which I am not an expert... 我哪方面不是专家... -Leonard:Don't even! 别跟我辩! I don't want to hear another word out of you. 我不想再听你说一个字。 -Penny:What's wrong, Lassie? Timmy fall down the well? fall down:跌倒 well:井 【Lassie 是只狗的名字 Timmy 是这只狗的主人】 怎么了 Lassie ,Timmy 掉进井里去了? She just updated her Facebook status. 她刚刚更新了 Facebook 状态。 -Howard:"Stephanie Barnett is in a relationship with Leonard Hofstadter." "Stephanie Barnett 和 Leonard Hofstadter 恋爱中"。
x0c-Leonard:Really? Oh, look at that. I have a girlfriend. 真的?噢看哪,我有女朋友了。 -Sheldon:If I am permitted to speak again, Dr. Sheldon Cooper for the win. 如果能允许我再次说话,胜利归 Sheldon Cooper 博士。 End
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季 1 集 The Bad Fish Paradigm
-Leonard: So you e, what you are eating is not technically yogurt, becau it doesn't have enough live acidophilus cultures. technically: 技术上的,学术上的 yogurt: 酸奶 acidophilus: 嗜酸的 你喝的不是酸奶,因为没有足够的乳酸菌, It's really just ice milk with carrageenan added for thickness. carrageenan: 卡拉胶 thickness: 厚度 其实不过是用卡拉胶加稠的冻牛奶罢了。 -Penny: Oh, that's very interesting. 真有趣啊。 -Leonard: It's also not pink and has no berries. berry: 浆果类 不仅颜色不对,也没有果肉。 -Penny: Yeah, but it doesn't really answer my question. 是,但你并没有正面回答我的问题。 -Leonard: What was your question again? 你问的啥? -Penny: Do you want some? 来点不? -Leonard: Oh... Right. No. I'm lacto intolerant. Right. So, gas. lacto: 乳糖 intolerant: 不能容忍的(偏执的) 对啊,还是算了我有乳糖不耐症是啊,遗憾啊。 -Penny: Yeah, got it. 明白了。 -Leonard: Well... good night. 好吧,晚安了。 -Penny: What are you doing? 你这是干吗? -Leonard: Oh, there's a draft. 这儿凉快 -Penny: I didn't feel a draft.
x0c我怎么没觉着。 -Leonard: Why don't we just go into, uh, your... 我们何不去...你.... -Penny: Oh. Yeah, you know what; maybe we should slow things down a little. slow down: 减速 你知道吗?也许我们该放慢点速度。 -Leonard: No, no, I didn't mean to go into your apartment to go fast. apartment: 公寓
不,我不是说要去你的公寓去"加速"。 -Penny: No, I know. I know what you meant, it's just... this is only our first date. date: 约会 我知道,我明白你的意思,只是这才是我们第一次约会。 -Leonard: Yeah, okay, sure, no problem. Why don't we just figure out where we're going and when we want to get there? figure out: 算出,想出,理解 恩,好的,明白那我们不如想下接下来如何以及要用多久才可以到达。 And then rate of speed equals distance over time. Solve for R. distance: 距离 通过路程和时间计算出我们的速度。解决了。 -Penny: Or we could just wing it. wing: [美国俚语]临时准备;临时凑成 或者我们走一步看一步呢。 -Leonard: That might work, too. 这样应该也行。 -Penny: Good night, Leonard. 晚安,Leonard。 -Leonard: Good night. 晚安。 -Raj: He's coming-- screensaver! screensaver: 屏幕保护动画 他过来了,快开屏保。 -Howard: Oh, hey, Leonard. How was your date? 嘿!Leonard,约会如何? -Leonard: Bite me. Sheldon, how could you just sit there Sheldon and let them spy on me? bite me : 去死了你(过来打我吧) spy: 暗中监视,暗中观察 关你鸟事。你怎么能坐在那里放纵他们窥视我呢? -Sheldon: They were clever, Leonard. They exploited my complete lack of interest in what you were doing. lack of: 缺乏 他们聪明啊,Leonard。竟然发现了我对你的鸟事完全没兴趣。 -Howard: You should thank us. When future generations try to determine why your relationship with Penny crashed and burned this right here is the black box. generation: 后代 determine: 决定,确定 crash and burn: 彻底失败;累垮
x0c你应该感谢我们的,当后代们想要搞清楚你和 Penny 从相恋到失恋是怎么个过程时,这可就 是"黑匣子"啊。 -Leonard: What are you talking about? The date went fine. 你在说什么啊? 约会进行得很顺利 -Raj: Dude, she said she wants to slow things down. 伙计,她可说了她想慢下来。 -Leonard: Okay, so she said she wants to slow things down. 好吧,她说想把发展速度慢下来, It's like saying, "I'm really enjoying this meal. I'm going to slow down and savor it." savor: 尽情享受 就像在说 "这顿饭太美妙了,我真想把时间停下尽情享受。" -Howard: No, it's like, "This fish tastes bad, so I'm gonna slow down and spit it out." gonna=going to spit out: 吐出 不,她是想说“这些臭鱼真难吃。我可得慢下来,吐个干净。 ” -Raj: You being the fish. 你就是那鱼。 -Leonard: I'm not the fish. 我才不是。 -Howard: Oh, really? Did you make a cond date? 真的吗? 那你约好下一次了吗? -Leonard: Well, no, we sort of decided to wing it. sort of: 有几分地(稍稍,到某种程度) wing it: 随机应变 恩,还没,我们决定走一步看一步。 -Sheldon: Oh, even I know that's lame. lame: 跛足的,僵痛的,不完全的 天,连我都知道那是个
废话。 -Leonard: Okay, all right, let's assume your hypothesis. We went to dinner, we talked, we laughed, we kisd. assume: 假定,设想 hypothesis: 假设 好吧,我们就按照你们的假说来设想,我们一起去吃晚饭,开心地聊天还接吻了。 Where could I have possibly gone wrong? possibly: 可能地,也许 我能有哪里做得不对啊? -Howard: Think back, Leonard. The littlest things can t women off. Like, "Hey, the waitress is hot; t off: 引起;激起 waitress: 女服务员 再想想 Leonard,最小的细节也能触动女人的,就像 "看这个服务员真辣阿 I bet we could get her to come home with us." I bet: 我确信;我敢打赌 我敢说咱们可以带上她一起回家。" Or, "How much does your mom weigh? I want to know what I'm getting into." weigh: 重量 get into: 进入
x0c或者 "你妈妈多重? 我只是想进一步了解'未来的你'" -Leonard: I didn't say anything like that. 我可没有这么说。 -Howard: Good, 'cau they don't work. ‘cau=becau 好的,因为这些话一点用都没有。 -Raj: They also don't care for it. If you stare at them and hyperventilate. Sadly, that's my home run swing. stare at: 凝视 hyperventilate: 换气过度;强力呼吸 如果你死盯着她们大喘粗气也会令她们讨厌的,很遗憾我们全家都这个德行。 -Leonard: Look, everything went fine. I didn't even have to refer to my impromptu conversation starters. That woman across the hall is into me. refer to: 涉及 impromptu: 即席的,即兴的 conversation: 对话 be into: 喜欢,被迷住 嘿!一切都很顺利的,我甚至都没有用上我的即兴开场白,走廊对面那个女孩子看上我了! -Howard: Let's go to the tape. Look at her reaction to the good night kiss. reaction: 反应 我们还是看录像算了,瞧她对那个"我和你吻别在无人的夜" 的反应吧, No change in respiration, pupils un-dilated, no flushing of the chest. respiration: 呼吸 pupil: 瞳孔 dilated: 加宽的, 扩大的 flush: 流溢,面红,旺盛 我呼吸无变化,瞳孔无放大,胸部无抖动。 -Raj: Nice clo-up, by the way. clo-up: 特写镜头 不过你这大特写可拍得真好。 -Sheldon: Interesting. Her jaws are clenched, no tongue access. Clearly a bad sign amongst mating humans. jaw: 咽喉 clench: 牢牢抓住,钉紧 tongue: 舌头 access: 进入 mating: 交配 有趣啊,她咬紧牙关写着"打死我舌头也不让进",对交配期的人类来说无疑是个坏兆头。 -Leonard: That's not a bad sign. 才不是你说的那样。 -Sheldon: Plea, you might as well have been two iguanas with no dewlap enlargement. iguana: 美洲大蜥蜴 dewlap: 垂肉 enlargement: 扩大 得了吧,你俩还不如当两只没有双下巴的大蜥蜴算了。 -Raj: And the worst sign of all is you're here and not there. 最糟糕的是,你现在在这里,而不是"那里。" -Leonard: I'm not there. Becau I'm taking things slow, which, by the
way, compared to you guys, approaches warp speed. And take down that camera. Compare to: 对比 approach: 途径,方法 warp: 弯,歪曲 我不在"那里。"因为我想慢慢来。不过话说回来,对你们来说,这已经是飞速了。拜托把那 个摄像头拆了! -Raj: He was a lot more fun when he had no hope. 他绝望的时候好玩多了。 -Howard: Give him time. 给他点时间吧。
x0c-Penny: Hi. 嗨。 -Sheldon: Oh, hi, Penny. FYI, the hot water is inadequate on machine two so colors only, inadequate: 不够的 嗨!Penny。顺便提醒一下二号机热水不够,只能洗带颜色的, and four is still releasing the fabric softener too early in the cycle, so I'd avoid using that for your delicates. relea: 释放 fabric: 织物,布,结构 softener: 软化剂,柔软剂 avoid: 避免 delicate: 雅致的,精致的 还有四号机仍然会提前流出柔顺剂,所以你那些好衣服就别用这一台洗了。 -Penny: Thanks. 谢谢。 -Sheldon: Oh, good Lord...why don't you just take your clothes down to the river and beat them with a rock? 上帝啊,为什么你不直接把衣服脱掉,用河里的石头"敲"干净。 -Penny: Sheldon, can I ask you a question? Sheldon,能问你个事吗? -Sheldon: I would prefer that you not, but I won't go so far as to forbid it. forbid: 禁止,不准 我宁愿你不问,但是我不会阻止你的。 -Penny: All right, I heard yes, so...Okay, here’ my question. Has Leonard ever dated, s you know, a regular girl? regular: 正规的 好吧,那你是答应了;好的,我的问题是:Leonard 是否曾经和一个正常的女孩约会过呢? -Sheldon: Well, I assume you're not referring to digestive regularity. Becau I've come to learn that such inquiries are inappropriate. refer to: 涉及 digestive: 消化的 regularity: 有规则,匀整,调和 inquiry: 打听,询 问 inappropriate: 不适当的 我想你不是指"消化正常"吧? 因为我觉得这样问不太合适。 -Penny: No, I meant, has he ever been involved with someone who wasn't a brainiac? involve with: 涉及 brainiac: 异常聪明的人 不,没有。我是说他有没有和一个不是"大脑发达"的女孩交往过? -Sheldon: Oh! Well, a few years ago, he did go out with a woman who had a PhD in French literature. PhD=Doctor of Philosophy 几年之前他倒是和一个法国文学女博士约会过。 -Penny: How is that not a brainiac? 那怎么能叫做"非大脑发达"? -Sheldon: Well, for one thing, she was French. For another, it was literature. for one thing, for another: 首先,其次 literature: 文学 第一个原因,她是法国人;第二个原因,文学诶。 -Penny: So... do you think that if Leonard and I keep dating, he'll eventually get bored with me?
x0ceventually: 最后 那么...你觉得如果 Leonard 和我继续约会,最终他会对我失去兴趣吗? -Sheldon: That depends. 那得看情况了。 -Penny: On what? 看什么? -Sheldon: Do you have a working knowle
dge of quantum physics? knowledge: 知识 quantum: 分配量,额,量 physics: 物理 你具备量子物理的知识吗? -Penny: No. 不。 -Sheldon: Do you speak Klingon? 那你会说"克林贡语"吗? (星际迷航) -Penny: No. 不会。 -Sheldon: You know any card tricks? trick: 恶作剧 会变扑克牌戏法吗? -Penny: Okay, you know what... I get it. 好吧,我知道了。 Leonard has no business being involved with a waitress-slash-actress who felt so incure that she lied to him about finishing community college. slash: 斜线 incure: 不安全的 community: 社区 Leonard 和一个骗他说是社区大学毕业的,自我感觉不良好的服务员/演员没有任何共同点。 -Sheldon: Why would you lie about that? 这你干吗要撒谎啊? -Penny: Well, he was going on and on about this college and that grad school, and I... I didn't want him to think I was some kind of stupid lor. grad school:研究生院,研究所 他不停地说这个大学,那个研究生院而我... 我不想他把我看作一个失败的笨蛋。 -Sheldon: You thought the opposite of "stupid lor" was "community college graduate"? opposite: 反面的 你认为"失败的笨蛋"的反义词是,社区大学毕业? -Penny: You know, there are a lot of successful people in this country who are community college graduates. 我们国家有好多成功人士,都是社区大学毕业的。 -Sheldon: Yeah, but you are neither. 是啊,但你以上皆不是啊。 -Penny: Right. Okay, look, this is between you and me. You cannot tell Leonard any of this. 好吧,这次谈话你知我知,你千万不能跟 Leonard 说。 -Sheldon: You're asking me to keep a cret? 你在让我帮你保守秘密?
x0c-Penny: Yeah. 是啊。 -Sheldon: Well, I'm sorry, but you would have had to express that desire before revealing the cret, desire: 愿望,欲望 reveal: 显示,透露 我很抱歉,但... 但是你应该先说清楚啊。 so that I could choo whether or not I wanted to accept the covenant of cret keeping. covenant: 盟约,契约 好让我决定是听还是不听再来答应你啊; You can't impo a cret on an ex post facto basis. impo: 强加 ex post facto: 事后地, 追溯地 你不能事后再告诉人家这是秘密啊。 -Penny: What? 什么? -Sheldon: Secret keeping is a complicated endeavor. One has to be concerned not only about what one says, but about facial expressions, autonomic reflexes. complicated: 复杂的 endeavor: 努力,尽力 facial expression: 面部表情 facial: 面部 的 autonomic: 自治的,自律的 reflex: 反射 保密是个复杂的过程,保密的人不仅要注意自己的言辞,还要注意面部表情,下意识的反应。 When I try to deceive, I mylf have more nervous tics than a Lyme dia rearch facility. It’s a joke. Deceive: 欺骗 facility: 设备 我撒谎的时候,身上紧张的”虱子” 要比一台莱姆病研究设备还多,这是个笑话。 It relies on the homonymic relat
ionship between “tick,” the bloodsucking arachnid, and “tic,” the involuntary muscular contraction. rely on: 信赖, 依靠 homonymic: 同音异义字的,同名的 bloodsucking: 吸血的 arachnid: 属于蜘蛛类的节肢动物 involuntary: 自然而然的 contraction: 收缩 只是同音不同义,tick 是指吸血蜘蛛,而 tic 是肌肉自然的抽动, I made it up mylf. make up: 编造 我自己编的。 -Penny: Okay, look, if Leonard finds out that I lied, I will absolutely die of embarrassment. absolutely: 绝对地 embarrassment: 尴尬 如果 Leonard 发现我撒谎了,我会因尴尬而死的。 -Sheldon: Physiologically impossible. physiologically: 生理上 从生理上说,不可能的事情。 -Penny: Oh, Sheldon, plea. Look, I am asking you as a friend. Sheldon 拜托了,我是在向你请求朋友的帮助。 -Sheldon: So you're saying that friendship contains within it an inherent obligation to maintain confidences? inherent: 内在的,固有的 obligation: 义务 那么你是说朋友之间就应该为彼此保密?
x0c-Penny: Well, yeah. 对啊。 -Sheldon: Interesting. One more question, and perhaps I should have led with this. When did we become friends? 真有意思。还有一个问题,也许我应该这样问:我们啥时候成朋友了? -Sheldon: i.e., I couldn't become Green Lantern unless I was chon by the Guardians of Oa, 也就是说,除非被 OA 星的守护者选中;否则我就不会成为"绿灯侠"。 but given enough start-up capital and an adequate rearch facility, I could be Batman. start-up: 启动 adequate: 足够的 rearch facility: 研究设备 但是拥有足够的资金和一些优良的设备,我就能当"蝙蝠侠"了。 -Leonard: You could be Batman? 你能当蝙蝠侠? -Sheldon: Sure. I'm Batman. See? 当然啦,我就是蝙-蝠-侠。怎么样? -Penny: Hi, guys. 嘿,伙计们。 -Leonard: Hey. 嗨。 -Sheldon: Hi, Penny. 你好,Penny。 -Leonard: Penny, if you're not doing anything Friday night, I thought maybe we could go to e a movie. Penny,如果这周五你没事的话,我们去看场电影如何? -Penny: Oh, um, you know, I think I have the dinner shift on Friday. shift: 移动,转变 噢,周五我晚餐时间要上班。 -Leonard: Okay, what about Saturday? 好的,那周六呢? -Penny: You know, I'm not sure; the manager hasn't posted the schedule yet. How about let you know? schedule: 时间表 我也不清楚啊,经理还没排好班呢,我会告诉你的。 -Leonard: Great. Okay. So you just let me know when you know. Okay, so... Oh, God, I am the bad fish. 你一知道就要告诉我啊。好吧,那... 天哪,我就是那"臭鱼"。 -Leonard: What did I do wrong? 我做错了什么啊? -Sheldon: Why are you asking me? I have no information about your interactions with Penny other than what you have provided me, interaction: 相互作用,相互影响 other than: 除了 问我干什么?我可不知道任何你和 Penny 的事
x0cnor do I have any method of learning such things. 其他的我怎么可能知道? -Leonard: What does that mean? 那是啥意思? -Sheldon: Nothing. You em to be implying an informational back-channel between me and Penny where obviously none exists. imply: 暗示 obviously: 明显地 没啥意思,你说得好象我和 Penny 私下里互通有无一样,可明显根本就没有! -Leonard: No, I didn't. I just think you need to be careful how you phra things, sir. phra: 表达,叙述 我可不是这么想的,我觉得你该注意自己的表达方式了,伙计。 -Leonard: What's going on with you? What's going on with you: 你怎么了?【口语常用语】 你到底怎么了? -Sheldon: I might ask you the same question. Why do you insist on attempting to drag me into matters which have nothing to do with me? insist on: 坚持 attempt to: 企图,试图 drag into: 把„„拉进 我还正想问你呢,你为什么不停的想把我拉下水,这些事跟我没有一点关系, but exist between you and Penny, a person to whom I barely speak? barely: 几乎不 都是你和 Penny 之间的事情,而我跟她都不怎么说话。 -Leonard: What's wrong with your face? 你的脸怎么了? -Sheldon: There's no reason to bring my looks into this. Good day, Leonard. 没什么东西把我弄成"这样",祝你愉快,Leonard。 -Leonard: What? 啥? -Penny: I said, "Good day." 我说祝你愉快。 -Leonard: Good day? 祝你愉快? -Penny: Also today, we have a fresh-caught Alaska salmon, and that's rved with a teriyaki glaze and sticky rice. Our soup of the day is... salmon: 三文鱼 teriyaki: 红烧的 glaze: 釉,覆罩的一层 sticky: 粘的,粘性的 今天我们还有新鲜的阿拉斯加三文鱼,淋上照烧酱配糯米饭,今天的汤是... -Sheldon: You must relea me from my oath. relea: 释放 oath: 誓言 你必须解除我的誓约。 -Penny: Sheldon, I'm working. Sheldon,我在工作。 -Sheldon: Why don't you take a minute to decide? 你们可以慢慢决定。 -Penny: Oh, my...
x0c天。 -Sheldon: I can't keep your cret, Penny. I'm going to fold like an energy-bad de novo protein in conformational space. keep the/a cret: 保守秘密 fold: 折叠 protein: 蛋白质 de novo : (拉)重新;更始 conformational: 构造的 Penny,我没法帮你保密了我就快像构象空间里的内源蛋白一样折叠了, Like a Renaissance tryptich. Like a cheap suit. renaissance:文艺复兴 就像文艺复兴时期的三联画屏(折叠的) ,像套便宜西装。 -Penny: Look, why is it so hard for you to keep one little cret? 我说叫你保守一个小秘密就那么难吗? -Sheldon: I'm constitutionally incapable. That's why I was refud clearance for a very prestigious government rearch fellowship constitutionally: 本质地,天生,体质上 incapable: 本质地,天生,体质上 prestigious: 享有声望的 fellowship: 奖学金 我天生做不到,
ll excu me, I'm going to pack. 你们不介意的话我去打包了。 -Howard: That's kind of an overreaction to a little harmless necrophilia. overreaction: 反应过度 harmless: 无害的 necrophilia: 恋尸癖 反应过度了吧,只不过是一点无害的恋尸癖而已。 -Leonard: It's not you, Howard. He says he's moving out. 不是因为你。Howard,他说要搬出去。 -Raj: What did you do? Did you change the contrast or brightness ttings on the television? contrast: 对比度 brightness: 亮度 你什么?重调了电视的亮度或者对比度? -Leonard: No. 没有。 -Howard: Did you take a Band-Aid off in front of him? Band-Aid: n. [商标]邦迪创可贴 在他面前撕创可贴? -Leonard: No. 没有。 -Howard: Did you buy generic ketchup, forget to rin the sink, talk to him through
x0cthe bathroom door? generic: 一般的,普通的,共有的 ketchup: 蕃茄酱等 rin: 清洗 买了天然番茄酱,忘了刷水池,或者从浴室里和他说话? -Raj: Adjust the thermostat, cook with cilantro, pronounce the "t" in often? thermostat: 恒温计 cilantro: 芫荽叶 乱调温度计,烧饭用香菜,还是说 often 的时候发了"t"的音? -Leonard: No. 没有。 -Howard: Did you make fun of trains? 你开火车的玩笑了? -Leonard: No, I didn't do anything. He's just gone insane. insane: 疯狂的,精神错乱的 没有,我什么都没干,他就是发疯了。 -Raj: Well, we all knew this day was coming. 哦,我们都知道总会有这一天的。 -Leonard: Well, that was fast. 收拾这么快。 -Sheldon: It's my pre-packed disaster evacuation bag. It's recommended by the Department of Homeland Security. And Sarah Connor. evacuation: 撤离,疏散 recommend: 推荐 department: 部门 这是我事先准备的紧急疏散包, 是国土安全部推荐过的, 还有 Sarah Connor(终结者女主角)。 -Leonard: Where are you going to live? 你准备去哪里住? -Sheldon: Until I find a permanent place, I will stay with friends. permanent: 固定的 我去朋友那里,直到找到固定住所为止。 -Howard: Bye. 再见。 -Raj: Well... you can't stay with me. I have a teeny-tiny apartment. teeny: 极小的(微小的) apartment: 公寓 你不能和我住,我那里只有一丁点大。 -Sheldon: Excu me, but isn't hosting guests an aspect of "manushya yajna," one of the five central religious duties or sacrifices of the Hindu houholder? aspect: 方面 religious: 宗教的 sacrifice: 牺牲 Hindu: 印度人(的) 不好意思, 热情待客难道不是 manushya yajna 的一个方面吗? 那不是印度教家庭的五大宗教 戒律之一么? -Raj: I hate trains. 我讨厌火车。 -Sheldon: Don't be ridiculous, you love trains. ridiculous: 荒谬的,可笑的 少胡说八道,你喜欢火车的。 -Raj: Yes, I do. Come on. See you later, Leonard. 好吧,是的来吧,回头见,Leonard。 -Leonard: This could work.
x0c这样也不错。 -Sheldon: This is a very old building. 这栋建