
更新时间:2022-12-22 10:32:00 阅读: 评论:0




1、liabilities evaluation 负债评估

2、restore replacement cost 复原重置成本

3、renewal replacement cost 更新重置成本

4、non—patent technique and know—how 非专利技术和秘诀

5、rate of risk return on investment 风险报酬率

6、personal estate 动产

7、equal expedient method 对等权宜法

8、adjustment coefficient of road condition 车辆行驶路况调整系数 purcha cost of vehicle 车辆购置费

9、long term investment evaluation 长期投资评估

10、newness rate 成新率

11、real estate 不动产

12、product and store goods evaluation 产成品和库存商品的评估 transfer of property right 产权转让

13、change of property right 产权变动

14、principle of property right interests subject alteration 产权利益主体变动原则 reference object 参照物

15、material evaluation 材料评估

16、earning ratio of capital 本金化率

17、quote 报价

18、variable factor adjustment method 变动因素调整法

19、key—point evaluation method 重点评估法

20、engineering process method with recompod budge 重编预算工程进度法 replacement cost calculation method 重置核算法

21、replacement cost method 重置成本法

22、tangible asts 有形资产

23、physical wear 有形损耗

24、Sino—foreign cooperative business operation 中外合作经营

25、Sino—foreign joint venture 中外合资经营

26、intellectual property right 知识产权

27、expected rvice life 预计使用年限(有效使用寿命)

28、evaluation of construction engineering in process 在建工程评估

29、construction engineering in process 在建工程

30、evaluation of products in process 在产品评估

31、conversion rate 折现率

32、discount to prent value 折现

33、enterpri total asts evaluation 整体企业资产评估

34、total asts of enterpri 整体企业资产

35、duties of increa in value 增值税

36、travelled distance 已行驶里程

37、inquiry 询价

38、intangible ast evaluation 无形资产评估

39、earnings of intangible asts 无形资产收益额

40、intangible asts 无形资产

41、moral wear 无形损耗

42、special privilege evaluation 特许权评估

43、special privilege 特许权益

44、inflation rate 通货膨胀率

45、consumption tax 消费税

46、current market price method 现行市价法

47、current market price 现行市价

48、shop survey 现场勘查

49、price index method 物价指数法(指数调整法)

50、price index 物价指数

51、evaluation of right of u land 土地使用权评估

52、right of u land 土地使用权

53、land ownership 土地所有权

54、practical rviced life 实际已使用年限

55、claim 索赔

56、prent earning value method 收益现值法

57、prent value of earning 收益现值

58、evaluation of trade mark right 商标权评估

59、trade mark 商标

60、trade credit evaluation 商誉评估

61、trade credit 商誉

62、market of equipment transfer 设备调剂市场

63、equipment sublet out 设备租出

64、equipment sublet in 设备租入

65、adjustment coefficient of equipment work condition 设备工作状态调整系数 sale of equipment 设备出售

66、equipment purchasing 设备采购

67、installation and test cost of equipment 设备安装调试费

68、transportation cost of equipment 设备运杂费

69、equipment leasing with circulating funds 设备融资租赁

70、life of equipment 设备寿命

71、disposal cost of facilities 设备清理费

72、adjustment coefficient of equipment utilization 设备利用调系数

73、liquidation price method 清算价格法

74、liquidation price 清算价格

75、circulating asts 流动资产

76、nominal rviced life 名义已使用年限

77、book value method 历史成本法

78、(FOB) free on board 离岸价

79、system of land price 地产友情链接

80、verification and affirmation of asts evaluation 资产评估的验证确认 inassignable asts 不可确指的`资产

81、devaluation by real degradation 实体性陈旧贬值

82、engineering process method 工程进度法

83、function and cost method 功能成本法

84、devaluation by functional degradation 功能性陈旧贬值

85、fair price 公允价格

86、scale economical profit index analysis method 规模经济效益指数分析法 contract 合同

87、rights and interests of contract 合同权益

88、insurance of ocean transportation 海运保险费

89、ocean transportation cost 海运费

90、exchange rate 汇率

91、time value of money 货币时间价值

92、machine equipment evaluation 机器设备评估

93、simple age limit method 简单年限法

94、price adjustment factor 价格调整系数

95、acceptance 接受

96、building 建筑物

97、replacement cost of building 建筑物重置价

98、functional devaluation of building 建筑物功能性贬值

99、economical devaluation of building 建筑物经济性贬值

100、building evaluation 建筑物评估

101、import duties 进口关税

102、economic devaluation 经济性贬值

103、assignable asts 可确指的资产

104、item request of asts evaluation 评估立项申请

105、effective period of asts evaluation 评估有效期

106、ba date of asts evaluation 评估基准日

107、links of evaluation 评估环节

108、joint operation of enterpris 企业联营

109、liquidation of enterpri 企业清算

110、sale of enterpri 企业出售

111、joint—stock system operation of enterpri 企业股份制经营

112、annexation of enterpri 企业兼并

113、resources asts 资源性资产

114、resources asts evaluation 资源性资产评估

115、original book value of asts 资产原值

116、net book value asts 资产净值

117、purpo of asts evaluation 资产评估目的

118、salient features of asts evaluation 资产评估特点

119、basis of asts evaluation 资产评估依据

120、subject of asts evaluation 资产评估主体

121、operating procedure of asts evaluation 资产评估[操作]程序(法定程序) work principle of asts evaluation 资产评估[工作]原则

122、written report of asts evaluation 资产评估报告书

123、statutes system of asts evaluation 资产评估法规体系

124、method of asts evaluation 资产评估方法

125、asts evaluation management 资产评估管理

126、asts evaluation organization 资产评估机构

127、hypothesis of asts evaluation 资产评估假设

128、operation principle of asts evaluation 资产评估经济性(操作性)原则 object of asts evaluation 资产评估客体(对象)

129、check and arbitration of asts evaluation 资产评估的复核仲裁

130、function of asts evaluation 资产评估的功能

131、asts evaluation files 资产评估档案

132、integrated age limit method 综合年限法

133、integrated remainder life 综合剩余寿命

134、integrated rvice life 综合服役年限

135、certified public asts estimator 注册资产评估师

136、patent 专利

137、evaluation of patent right 专利权评估

138、assignment of the patent right 专利权转让

139、know—how evaluation 专用技术(诀窍)评估

140、statistical analysis method 点面推算法

141、single asts 单项资产

142、(CIF) cost insurance and freight 到岸价


1. The courts will be asked to place a monetary value on his unfinished career.


2. Ast Evaluation expired become one of the reorganization of the controversy.


3. Part three: the internal environment of the asts appraisal.

第三部分: 资产评估机构执业的内部环境。

4. Asssment method Mainly take income method for resources property asssment.


5. Mechanism equipment appraisal is an important branch of asts appraisal.


6. Providing other asts appraisal rvices concerning financial affairs, investment and project consulting.

其它与资产评估相关的财务 、 投资和工程咨询服务。

7. For example, the registration system for pledges, and asts asssment system, etc.

比如, 担保登记制度 、 资产评估制度等等。

8. Asts valuation is an indispensable medium rvice trade in market economy activities.


9. No branch may issue any ast appraisal report in its own name.


10. Next, company asts evaluates lack to be restricted effectively.

其次, 企业资产评估缺乏有效的制约。

11. Next, aggrandizement evaluates the supervisory management of the organization to ast.

其次, 强化对资产评估机构的监督治理。

12. This is the asssment of the asts of the lending priorities.


13. Hedonic price index is a price index bad on quality adjustment.


14. Part two: the external environment of the asts appraisal.

第二部分: 资产评估机构执业的外部环境。

15. So the society pays clo attention on the quality of asts appraisal.


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标签:英语   资产评估
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