
更新时间:2022-12-21 02:10:00 阅读: 评论:0


GPA(Grade Point Average)指的是平均绩点,通常指平均学分绩点。某些学校采用学分绩点制对学生学习质量进行评定,平均学分绩点是主要考察指标。下面是帮大家整理的gpa表达的意思到底是什么,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。



gallons per acre 加仑/英亩;grade-point average 平均分数(美国四分制考试成绩的计算方法)


1. 平均学分积:语言要求:学生在第四年学习结束参加雅思语言考试成绩应至少达到6.0 分,听、说、读、写单科成绩不低于6.0分,本科阶段所学课程平均学分积(GPA)不低于75分;语言要求:学生在第四年学习结束参加雅思语言考试成绩应至少达到6.0 分,

2. 通用放大器:飞思卡尔半导体公司日前推出11种新型设备,从而扩展了其砷化镓(GaAs)通用放大器(GPA)系列设备. 这些功率放大器直接使用5V直流电源|稳压器运行,提供了从DC到6GHz的多种电源选择和频率范围,而且包括了常见应用的直接替代品.

3. 发电机和输电保护系统:发电机和输电保护系统(GPA)的设计与采购岭澳核电厂发电机容量9903MW,是目前国内单机容量最大的百万千瓦级发电机组,本文简要介绍了发电机和输电保护系统(GPA)在保护配置、继电器选型上的主要特点,并考虑到维修与生产运行需要,

4. gpa:the government procurement agreement; 政府采购协议

5. gpa:government purcha agreement; 《政府采购协议》

6. gpa:government property agency; 政府财产部

7. gpa:gamigo publishing alliance; 游戏米果运营联盟


1. Among them, some politely wished me good luck and others simply told me my GPA was too low...


2. The results showed that the Young's moduli of ungrafted armchair (5, 5), (10, 10) and zigzag (9, 0), (18, 0) single-walled carbon nanotubes were 948, 901 and 804, 860GPa, respectively.


3. The effects of 6 different volumetric shrinkages and 2 different elastic moduli on stress of adhesive layer were analyzed.


4. The result shows that the liquid-solid pha transition of n-octane takes place around 0.8 GPa.


5. High pressure Raman spectra of n-octane were investigated by diamond anvil cell at pressure up to 7 GPa and ambient temperature.


6. Not taking just one paper and score would be 100!And for tho that are unwilling to do aproject, there is no chance to get an A. So that is more well rounded measurement, but would take up more of teacher's time to prepare and evaluate the result.


7. Not taking just one paper and score would be 100! And for tho that are unwilling to do a project, there is no chance to get an A. So that is more well rounded measurement, but would take up more of teacher's time to prepare and evaluate the result.


8. Objective Application of glycophorin A locus mutation assay as a new biodosimeter.

目的 研究血型糖蛋白A(GPA,glycophorin A locus)突变分析用作新的辐射生物剂量计。

9. When Taiwan accedes to the GPA, its firms will also gain access to more than US$300 billion in U. S. government procurement, which is open only to GPA Members and bilateral free trade agreement partners.


10. At the same time, hydroxymethyl or hydroxymethyl reacting with alive hydrogen of aromatic ring formed diphenyl ether linkage and carbonyl brigdes, so that spinning solution with the low degree of crosslinkage and linearity structure was prepared.


11. objective effects of plant tannins, chebulinic acid and tellimagrandin i on chemically induced hemoglobin synthesis in k562 cells were investigated. methods the hemoglobin synthesis situation was assayed with benzidine staining. erythroid antigens glycophorin a expression on the surface of k562 cells was labeled by direct immunofluorescence using fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated anti-gpa antibodies. then flow cytometric analysis was performed to detect gpa expression levels on surface of the cells. results both chebulinic acid and tellimagrandin i could inhibit the hemoglobin synthesis of butyric acid and hemin-treated k562 cells in a concentration-dependant manner. however, the ba-induced k562 cells were more nsitive to two tannins than heroin-induced cells. conclusion chebulinic acid and tellimagrandin i have inhibitory effect on the erythroid differentiation.

目的 研究可水解单宁诃子酸和特里马素i对氯化高铁血红素和丁酸钠诱导k562细胞红系分化的影响。方法四甲基偶氮噻唑蓝法分析诃子酸和特里马素i对k562细胞生长的影响,联苯胺染色法检测血红蛋白合成情况,应用免疫荧光和流式细胞术检测血型糖蛋白a在细胞表面的表达。结果诃子酸和特里马素i在0.04~0.09?mmol/l浓度下均可显著抑制k562细胞的生长增殖。2种单宁化合物(0.002~0.01?mmol/l)可显著抑制丁酸钠诱导的k562细胞血红蛋白合成,2种单宁化合物(0.01~0.05?mmol/l)还可显著抑制氯化高铁血红素诱导的血红蛋白合成,特里马素i(0.01?mmol/l)还抑制丁酸钠诱导的gpa在细胞表面表达。结论诃子酸和特里马素i对红系分化有抑制作用。

12. An employer would much rather e you preforming well than know that you had a 3.8 gpa in college.


13. The reaction mechanism of micron diamond and silicon powder at 800~1200 ℃ and 5.1 GPa was studied.


14. The damage to my car is negligible.


15. The resin's glass transition temperature, the carbon fiber composite's shearing strength and the tensile strength as well as the tensile modulus were 107℃, 70MPa, 1020MPa, and 98GPa, respectively.


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