after a measurement and in questions) measuring a specified distance from top to bottom
far above ground, a level, or another point of reference
extending above the normal or average level
[attrib.] (of territory or landscape) inland and well above a level
near to the top of a real or notional list in order of rank or importance
[attrib.] performed at, to, or from a considerable height
great, or great-er than normal, in quantity, size, or intensity
a high point, level, or figure
[usu. in sing.] informal a state of high spirits or euphoria, especially one induced by drugs
informal, chiefly N. Amer. high school
a high power tting
at or to a considerable or specified height
at a high price
(of a sound) at or to a high pitch
ace(或 king 或 queen等) high (in card games) having the ace (or another specified card) as the highest-ranking(纸牌游戏中)A牌(或K、Q等指明的大牌)最大。
from on high from a very high place 从高处。
■from remote high authority or heaven 从高层(权威部门);从高空;从天堂: central government programmes coming down from on high. 从高层下发的中央政府计划。
high and dry out of the water, especially the a as it retreats 不在水中(尤指海水退潮后)。
■in a difficult position, especially without resources 处境困难(尤指没有收入来源): your family would be left high and dry by the death of the breadwinner. 你家会因养家糊口之人的去世而处境困难。
high and low in many different places 四处,各处: I arched high and low for a new teacher. 我四处寻找一位新老师。
high and mighty important and influential 有权有势的,趾高气扬的: the accurd high and mighty elite. 可恶的自以为了不起的精英分子。
■informal thinking or acting as though one is more important than others〈非正式〉高傲的,盛气凌人的。
the high ground a position of superiority (originally in military conflict)(源于军事冲突)优势地位,优越位置: if he turns it down, he will have lost the moral high ground to the president. 如果他拒绝的话,就会把道德上的优势输给总裁。
a high old ― [attrib.] informal ud for emphasis〈非正式〉(用于强调)非常,很: a high old time of it we all had. 我们都玩得非常开心。
high, wide, and handsome informal expansive and impressive〈非正式〉无忧无虑地。
[origin: from Arizona Nights by Stewart E. White (1873—1946), American author.] it is high time that ― it is past the time when something should have happened or been done 早该是…的时候了: it was high time that she faced facts. 早该是她面对事实的时候了。
on high in or to heaven or a high place 在(向)天堂;在(向)高空,在(向)高处: a spotter plane circling on high. 在高空盘旋的侦察机。
on one's high hor informal ud to refer to someone behaving in an arrogant or pompous manner〈非正式〉逞威风,摆架子。
run high (of a river) be full and clo to overflowing, with a strong current(河流)水满的,高涨的;水流湍急的。
■(of feelings) be inten(感情)强烈,剧烈: passions run high when marriages break up and children are involved. 当婚姻破裂、孩子们也牵扯进来时,情绪就激动起来了。
abandon v. 放弃,抛弃
abashed adj. 局促不安的,羞愧的
abate v. 减少
abbreviate v. 缩写,缩短,使简略
abdicate v. 放弃权利
abduct v. ,诱拐
abhor v. 憎恶 abhorrent adj.
abide v. 遵守;忍受
ability n. 能力
ablaze adj. 闪耀的
abnormal adj. 异常的
abolish v. 废除;取消
aboriginal n. 土著; adj. 土著的,原来的
abortive adj. 失败的;流产的;早产的
abridge v. 缩短,删节
absolute adj. 绝对的
absolve v. 赦免;解除(责任)
absorb v. 吸收,吸引;并吞
absorbing adj. 引人入胜的
杨过看到远处ablaze的鬼火,感觉事情有些abnormal,于是临时决定abolish英雄大会,absolve了李莫愁的罪过,以absorb更多的人加入到对付金轮法王的战斗中。而abortive的法王为了abridge与杨过的实力差距,absorb了aboriginal的勇士,这样的对决在当时是absolute absorbing大新闻。
abstain v. 戒绝
abstinence n. 禁戒;节制
abstract v. 摘要,提炼; adj. 抽象的
abstraction n. 抽象概念,摘要;出神
abstru adj. 深奥的
absurd adj. 荒谬的
abundant adj. 充裕的
abu v. 滥用,***;n.滥用
abyss n. 深渊
academic adj. 学院的、理论的
accelerate v. 加速,增速,行进,迫使
accentuate v. 强调;重读
access v. 接近;n.通路,入门
accidental adj. 偶然的
acclaim v. 称赞;喝彩,欢呼
accommodate v. 容纳;供应
accompany v. 伴随
accomplice n. 从犯
accomplished adj. 熟练的;完成的
accost v. 向人搭话
account n. 户头;描述;原因;账目
accredit v. 归功于
accumulate v. 积聚
accurate adj. 准确的
*accusation n. 控告
accu v. 控告,归咎
accustomed adj. 习惯的
achieve v. 完成;实现;达到
acid adj. 酸的,尖酸的
acknowledge v. 承认
acquaintance n. 熟人,熟悉,认识,了解,
acquiesce v. 默许,勉强同意
acquire v. 获得
acquisitive adj. 贪得无厌的;可获利的
acquit v. 宣告无罪
acrid adj. 辛辣的
acrimonious adj. 尖酸的
acrimony n. 刻薄
acronym n. 首字母的缩写词
acting adj. 代理的
action n. 作用;行动
active adj. 活动的,活跃的
actual adj. 实际的,现行的
acumen n. 敏锐
acute adj. 敏锐的;急性的.(疾病)
adage n. 格言,谚语
adapt v. 改编,(使)适应
adaptable adj. 能适应的;可改写的
*adaptation n. 适应;改写
addict v. 对…有瘾 n.沉溺于…者
*addicted adj. 沉溺的,上瘾的
韦小宝虽然addict美色,但是他还是用自己actual action证明了那句adage:不想当元帅的士兵不是好士兵。他acute发现了抄家的巨大利益,他的acumen使他adaptable各种的环境,利用active战术而百战百胜。最后因为得了acute疾病死在鹿鼎山。他的故事最后被金庸adapt成电影。
additive adj. 附加的 n.添加剂;
adept adj. 擅长的
adequate adj. 足够的
adhere v. 坚持,粘着
adherent n. 信奉者,信徒 adj. 依附的
adhesive n. 粘着物 adj. 粘着的;
adjacent adj. 邻近的
adjoin v. 毗连,靠近,贴近
adjoining adj. 邻近的,接近的
adjourn v. 延期
adjust v. 调节;使适于
***ister v. 管理
***istration n. 行政
admirable adj. 可敬的,极好的
admire v. 赞美,夸奖;钦佩
admit v. 承认
admonish v. 警告
adopt v. 采用;收养
adore v. 敬爱,极喜爱
adroit adj. 机巧的
advance v. 提出;前进
adver adj. 敌对的;不利的
adversity n. 逆境,不幸
advice n. 建议,忠告
advisable adj. 合理的
advi v. 劝告;告知
advocate n. 拥护者,辩护者;v.拥护
aesthetic adj. 美学的;审美的
affable adj. 和蔼可亲的
affect v. 影响,感动
affection n. 爱,情感
affectionate adj. 挚爱的,亲切的
aesthetic博士小李探花是和平的advocate,面对adversity,依然那么沉着,深深的affect了阿飞,阿飞看到情形对小李飞刀是adver,advance联手对抗少林,面对advisable advice,affable小李advi阿飞冷静考虑对林仙儿的affection,不可以为自己冒险,一想到自己affectionate女人,阿飞的心软了。
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