栀子花的英文名字:cape jasmine
Now i want to talk story about gardenia.
Following i will tell you a story of gardenia.
So many flowers, my favorite is the gardenia in front of my hou.
It took a while, I remember I am not a gardenia, gardenia I was looking at ones!
Let it radiate its fresh fruity and glowing charm with an unexpected citrus-y top note of cedrat, a fresh middle note of gardenias and raspberries and a nsual ba note of cedar woods.
Plants like gardenias and Christmas cactus won`t t buds unless they he cooler temperatures, but once buds are t they will tolerate normal indoor conditions.Withhold water from the cactus to force it into bloom.
Thanks for the beautiful flower, they give me love and make me quilt.
Someone even told me that I was wrong since there cannot be such a large gardenia in the world.
百子莲的英文名字:african lily
Any of various plants of the genus Agapanthus having umbels of showy blue to purple flowers.
Plantings in the unfenced front of the hou are drought and deer tolerant—Suzman knows better than to say deerproof—with broad drifts of erigeron, Spanish lavender, coreopsis and agapanthus hugging the curvy, decompod-granite paths.
It contains extract from agipanthus, aminophenol albumen, vitamin, fibroin and active penetration agent.It can quickly penetrate inner layer of hair to nourish your hair and hair root.Your damaged or splitting hair can be effectively repaired.It can also effectively provide your hair with moisture and protein, so your hair can restore to be healthy, shiny, soft and elastic.
1Coleus, 2bougainvillea, 3snow-on-the-mountain, 4wandering Jew, 5violets, 6agapanthus, 7Johnny-jump-ups, 8poor-man`s-orchid, 9spider.They trade cuttings, smuggling them over state lines, to 10propagate at home.
Effects of Shading on Leaf Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Agapanthus praecox ssp.orientalis'Big Blue'
During the flowering process of a single plant, there was no obvious flowering peak.The percentage of open flowers per day were between 10~20% after blossoming for ten to twenty-four days.3.
英 [dzmn] 美 [dzmn]
1.The childrens hand hold fragrance the jasmine of the strong fragrance and dedicate to give onelf of mother.
2.Ingredients:Wild kudzu root esnce, ro esnce, geranium esntial oil, jasmine esnce, phospholipid vesicle
3.I patted her on the shoulder and said jokingly, I thought that the jasmine was ud for decoration in women's hair becau it was clear and round like a pearl; I did not know that it is becau its fragrance is so much finer when it is mixed with the smell of women's hair and powder.
4.Police alleged Ryan Alexander Jenkins removed the teeth and fingers of Jasmine Fiore, presumably to impede authorities in their efforts to identify the naked body after it was found stuffed in a suitca in a California trash bin over the weekend.
5.But whenever this point, the heart of winter jasmine another smile, it makes me grow.
6.The quality and optimum extraction technology of winter jasmine's yellow pigment were studied.
7.Suddenly, I saw a winter jasmine, which bloom on my smiling face.Yes ah!
银杏 ginkgo
芍药 paeony
蝴蝶兰 moth orchid
辛夷 violet magnolia
蟹爪仙人掌christmas cactus
玫瑰 ro
郁金香 tulip
茶花 common camelia
千日红 common globe-amaranth
非洲堇 african vioet
天人菊 indian blanket
栀子花 cape jasmine
木槿 ro of sharon
风信子 hyacinyh
百子莲 african lily
牵牛花 morning glory
君子兰 kafir lily
荷包花 lady's pocketbook
含笑花 banana shrub
非洲菊 african daisy
含羞草 esnsitive plant
茉莉 arabian jasmine
勿忘草 forget-me-not
睡莲 water lily
文心兰 dacing lady
吊兰 spider plant
白头翁 pappy anemone
向日葵 sunflower
矢车菊 cornflower
竹 bamboo
金鱼草 snapdrgon
夹竹桃 oleander
金盏花 pot marigold
扶桑 china ro
金银花 japane honeysuckle
长春花 old maid
金莲花 garden nasturium
非洲凤仙african touch-me-not
美人蕉 canna
曼佗罗 angel's trumpet
晚香玉 tubero
梅花 flowering apricot
野姜花 ginger lily
圣诞红 common pointtia
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