
更新时间:2023-02-01 21:51:30 阅读: 评论:0

托福三选一作文范文 第1篇

“Which is the most important thing for a country’s leader to assure the prosperity of the country?

1)Creating more jobs for unemployed workers;[范文的立场]

2)Increasing agriculture and lowering the food price;

3)Increasing access to affordable hou.”



Successful governance of a country is partly indicated by the country’s assure its people a prosperous country,the country’s administration could reduce the size of unemployed population,develop agriculture and cut food price,or provide more affordable I were the leader,I would opt for the first practice.


Body–Paragraph 1:Option 2 vs Option 1,Option 1 wins

First,【先就选项2让步:】it is reasonable to think that a nation should be properly fed before it has greater economic does a nation have the energy to produce anything if it is would work if the country’s government boosts the agricultural yield and ensures the prices of food are not at prohibitive levels.【话锋一转批一批:】However,as cheap as the foodstuff can be,it cannot be other words,the low prices are unlikely to make a difference【然后可以好好扒一扒选项1:】for the jobless population,who may not have any jobs,therefore,is more long as people are employed,they have the money to buy may also have greater purchasing power to demand other product,and the greater are the demands,the more flourishing is the country’s economy.

Body–Paragraph 1:Option 3 vs Option 1,Option 1 wins again




托福三选一作文范文 第2篇

“Which of the following is the best way to make friends?

1)Joining a sport team;

2)Volunteering in the community;[范文的立场]



Friends are necessary if a person wants to live a full personal life.[句话要快速切入命题的核心]Friends are met probably in a sport team,during volunteering in the community or during a friends of mine are my peers in the volunteering crew that I am part of.[表述不要过分直接,有点“言下之意”]


Body–Paragraph 1:Way 2

First,many charitable activities are arranged on a regular regular meetings are critical for a friendship to start,becau they enable any two individuals to know each other through individuals who engage in the same task are highly likely to have something in common and the same pursuit,which is the ba of a friendship.[无聊的理由,话少一点]The third and probably most important reason is that volunteers,people who do unpaid jobs,have admirable volunteering is a noble act,people who do the job at the expen of personal time are worth making example,many of my volunteer friends hold the values,shared by me,that it is their privilege to be able to help tho in is my pleasure to be part of them.

Body–Paragraph 1:Way 1&3





托福三选一作文范文 第3篇


















托福三选一作文范文 第4篇



Which is the most important thing for acountry’s leader to assure the prosperity of the country:

1. Creating more jobs for unemployed worker;

2. Increasing agriculture and lowering thefood price;

3. Increasing access to affordable hou.


1. 制造更多就业岗位;

2. 改善农业、降低粮食价格

3. 让老百姓买得起房


首先:降低房价使人们买得起房,才能做到生活稳定,只有生活上稳定了,才能安心在工作上创造最大的价值。相反,如果只是创作就业岗位,人们却居无定所,人们就无法安心专注于工作,不利于人们生活稳定和发挥最大价值。(这里将所选的观点3 跟没有选择的观点1来比较)

其次:降低房价刺激人们买房,消费过程中会创造很多税收。一套房子的金额平均下来往往要上百万,产生的各种税费能够为国家财政创利。相反,如果只是降低粮食的价格,哪怕能够刺激更多的粮食买卖,其产生的利润和税收跟房产交易相比要少很多(这里将所选的观点3 跟没有选择的观点2比较)


在做三选一题目时,假如我们将三个选项分别叫做A B C,并且我们选择了观点A,那么主体段可以有两种展开方式:


主体段1: A的优势&相比而言B的劣势

主体段2: A的优势&C的劣势



主体段1: A的优势1 & A的优势2

主体段2: B的劣势& C的劣势


When you make major purchas, for example,when you want to buy a computer or a car, which one of the following will youmost likely to choo when making decisions?

1. Get advices from your friends

2. Look for information on newspapers or on TV

3. Listening to the introduction of the llers

建议选择 1



托福三选一作文范文 第5篇

An age of popular entertainment stars, talk show hosts,hi-pop singers , or even the cyber celebrities from the populaceare the group who are enjoying great fame and fact to young university students , entertainment is even more prevalent and needed. But a question is how to entertain them better - performance by the student actors, the concert by professional musicians or a lecture by a professor? Bad on the thorough analysis, the plan of students’ performance in theatre will be the first choice .

First , the plan of students’ performance in theatre, rather than the plan of concert by professionals and the one of lecture by professors ,will attract a wider range of students to engage in such an entertainment .

Second , my proposal rather than the counterpart ones will better suit students taste-more enjoyment will be hoped.

Last , considering the classical masterpieces needed in rehear, my suggestions will cultivate the more genuine and deeper love for appreciation for aesthetic values.

托福三选一作文范文 第6篇



You community has a piece of land and is considering introducing a business to this land. Which business would you prefer? Shopping mall? A performing art center? A hotel?

A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?

When choosing a place for living, which factor is the most important one for you? Living in an area that is not expensive? Living clo to relatives? Living in an area with many shops and restaurant?

In times of economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending on? Education? Healthcare? Unemployment benefits?

每当托福考生遇到这样的题目,内心一定是崩溃的,一方面因为我们写惯了二选一比较级类型题,思路是比较模式化的,然而对于三选一题目准备并不充分,导致考场思路严重短路。因此,这篇文章就有两个目的了:1. 掌握三选一独立写作的结构 2. 思路拓展与梳理


与比较级类型题一样,作为独立写作偏于议论文的文体,考生需要在一定时间内自圆其说地表明自己的立场并给出相应的论证说理和事实举例。比较级类型题是要求考生在A和B 两个主体之间做出选择,如果支持A,就要说明A的好处有哪些,这些好处在B处找不到;亦或是B有哪些漏洞和缺点,然而A显得比较有优势。比较级类型题中这样“对比”的思维是一定要构建的,这是因为,如果没有对于题目两个主体的讨论就是对于题目理解的不够全面,阅卷时会相应减分。同理,三选一的题目也是需要考生在三个主体中选择最支持的一方,并对余下两个进行分别比较,这样一来,行文就比较严谨了,论证也更能说服人。因此,我一般建议小锤锤们在处理三选一类型题时有这样的全文结构:







You community has a piece of land and is considering introducing a business to this land. Which business would you prefer? Shopping mall? A performing art center? A hotel?

首先,我支持建shopping mall,然后就想两个好处吧!

1. Shopping mall 可以提供生活用品,方便居民的生活

2. Shopping mall 可以带动这个社区的经济水平


Shopping mall 其中包括supermarket,这样一来人们有机会购买到生活必需品,还有每日新鲜的水果蔬菜,就在社区周围,所以非常节省时间。比如,大家下班后就会先去买食材再回家做饭,或者直接在shopping mall吃吃吃,省的回家做饭惹。还比如,如果忘记给朋友家人选购礼物,shopping mall就可以快速解决这个问题。相比之下,a performing art center 只有周六日才能发挥其功用,因为工作日大家都去上班,不会有太多人去参观艺术品,而且喜欢艺术的人也是有限的,所以,对于人们生活的帮助就不那么大了。

第二点,以此类推,还是要说明shopping mall在经济方面的贡献,但是不要涉及第一段已经解释过的关于“生活便利性”的内容,不然两个支持段会非常相似。正是因为Shopping mall会有每天residents们的光顾,它所产生的经济价值是源源不断的,人们买买买,吃吃吃,约约约,而且不光是本community的人,周边的人也会来玩耍(比如,大悦城的顾客就不仅限于周围的社区居民,室内各区的人都会选在大悦城约约约!)那么shopping mall的营业额就会大于hotel的营业额,由此一来,shopping mall可以为这个社区创造更多的经济利益,为community的建设美化提供了经济支持。反之,hotel的受众也是有限的,主要就是游客,因为居民区大家都住自己家,谁会住酒店呢?长期以往,酒店没有什么使用机会,地方得不到高效利用,其实是一种浪费。


托福三选一作文范文 第7篇

1. 阅读部分不是只要写论点句,如果阅读部分的细节和听力的内容中是对应相反的,这些阅读细节是一定要写的;剩余阅读部分的细节对于时间充裕的同学可以写

2. 听力部分所有细节都要写,核心词组和句子尽量用听力里的;如果实在不行,可以用自己的话转述,但可能会不准确

3. 听力部分每个论点的引入可能会出现让步 比如It's true that... 这些让步必须写下来,尽量和听力中的原文保持一致

4. 写完请务必把原文读一遍,因为文章本来就很短,错误率高不会得高分






The author of the reading passage mentions three reasons to cast doubt on the idea that the Sinsauropteryx was a feathered dinosaur. However, the professor in the lecture disagrees with the points made in the reading.

Firstly, according to the reading passage, the fine lines and structures could not reprent that the Sinosauropteryx was a feathered dinosaur becau its skin was decompod into fibers which were prerved as lines in the fossil and misinterpreted as feathers. Nevertheless, the professor holds an opposite opinion, claiming that it is not likely that the lines were the result of the decomposition of the animal’s skin. Also, people did not e that the decomposition of other animals in the fossils buried in the same site. In fact, the fossils of other animals' skin structures were well-prerved in the volcanic ash, so the lines discovered were with the Sinosauropteryx's fossil, indicating that the lines were possibly feathers rather than fibers.

Secondly, as is stated in the reading, the fine lines around the skeleton were more likely to be fossilized remains of frills than tho of feathers, suggesting the Sinosauropteryx was not a feathered dinosaur. Yet, the professor is against the reading passage by stating that there is a chemical difference between the frills and feathers: feathers have a great deal of protein (a great deal of修饰不可数)called beta-keratin whereas the frills do not contain beta-keratin. As the analysis has suggested that the Sinosauropteryx's fossil structure contained beta-keratin, the lines surrounding the skeleton were feathers instead of frills.

Thirdly, the reading passage points out the lines in the fossils were mostly located along the backbones and the tail of the animal, making the structure uless for flight and thermoregulation. Converly, the professor refutes that this structure could be ud for other functions. Then he takes the bird peacock as an example. This bird has colorful feathers on its tail which rves as a function to display to attract the mate. And it is found that the structures discovered in the Sinosauropteryx’s fossil were also colorful, orange and white, which means that they were feathers also ud for display as that bird does.


The author of the reading passage mentions three reasons to demonstrate that the European silver coin discovered at a native American archaeological site is a fake rather than a genuine piece. However, the professor in the listening disagrees with the points made in the reading.

Firstly, according to the reading, the great distance between the Maine site in which the coin was discovered and other sites documenting a Nor prence like the Nor ttlements in eastern Canada makes it unlikely that there is an association between the coin and the Nor ttlements. Nevertheless, the professor holds an opposite opinion, claiming that many other objects, more than the coin, could be brought from the faraway places and hence were found in the same Native American site. The reason is that the native Americans who lived at the Maine site traveled within North America. The native Americans were interested in obtaining objects from places far away, so they could have traveled great distances to the Nor ttlements and then brought the silver coin back to the Maine site.

Secondly, as is stated in the reading, no prence of the other coins in the Canadian sites which were inhabited by the Nor indicates that the Nor did not bring any silver coins with them to their North American ttlements. Yet, the professor is against the reading by prenting the idea that the Nor did not create permanent ttlements in North America. To be more specific, at some point when they returned to North America from Europe, they could have packed up tho valuable posssions including all the silver coins with them. Therefore, it is possible that the Nor could have brought the coins to North America and then taken them back to Europe.

Thirdly, the reading passage points out that as experienced explorers, the Nor would have known that the native Americans would not regard the silver coins as money, which means silver coins were uless to the native Americans. Converly, the professor refutes the reading by expressing that it is true that the native Americans could not have perceived the silver coins as money. However, the Nor knew that the native Americans would value attractive, unusual objects, so the silver coins might be appealing to them due to their beauty. For example, they could have ud them in the necklaces or other types of jewelry. Becau the silver coins were interesting and beautiful, the Nor could have utilized them to trade with the native Americans.


The author of the reading passage mentions that three approaches into reducing the salinity of the lake’s water could help rever the trend, hence supporting fish and bird populations. However, the professor in the listening disagrees with the points made in the reading.

Firstly, according to the reading passage, the first strategy is to remove salt from the freshwater by unique desalination facilities, which renders the water to evaporate into steam cooling down as salt-free water into the lake and thus restore the overall health of the lake. Nevertheless, the professor in the listening holds an opposite opinion, claiming that it is true that the removal of salt through desalination could reduce salinity, but it would prent problems. For example, the desalination facilities can result in the evaporation of water, which leaves solid materials that cau health risks. The materials are not only salty but include toxic chemicals such as lenium as well. Wind could bring them into the air, so it would be very dangerous for people’s health if they breathe in the chemicals.

Secondly, as is stated in the reading, another solution is to dilute the salt level with ocean water via pipelines and canals. Yet, the professor is against the reading passage by prenting the idea that although this could reduce the salinity, pipelines and canals have to be constructed. For one thing, the local government does not have enough resources to pay for the construction. For another, becau the salt lake is about 100 kilometers away from the coastal a, it would be expensive to build pipelines as well as canals in such a long distance.

Thirdly, the reading passage points out that walls could be built to parate the lake into different ctions so as to control the lake’s salinity. Converly, the professor refutes the reading passage by saying that this method would not work for very long due to the fact that the Salton Sea often undergoes frequent and inten geological activities like earthquakes destroying the walls and parating ctions of the lake. To be more specific, while this solution can work for a short while, walls would collap the first time when a major earthquake occurs, and the water of the smaller ctions with higher salinity would mix with that of the main ctions with lower salinity.


本文发布于:2023-02-01 21:51:30,感谢您对本站的认可!



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