2022年11月16日发(作者:世界遗产的资料)Text 14
Walking in space 太空行走
1. The whole world emed to be black, black nothing ness. The sky was black with bright, shining stars that never twinkled. The sun a white, burning disk, emed to hang in the black velvet of the surrounding heavens. This was the scene that spread before the eyes of the first astronaut who left his spaceship to walk in outer space. The name of the Russian astronaut who performed this feat was Leonov, and the date of his walk in space was March 18, 1965. Several months later a similar feat was performed by the first American astronaut to walk in space. Both of the "space walkers" had spent months previous to their flight learning how to control their movements under the strange conditions which exist in space. Wearing their thick space suits, they learned to deal with an environment where there is neither weight nor gravity, neither "up" nor "down".
2. We do not realize how much we depend on the earth's gravity until we are deprived of it. Then our feet no longer stay on the ground, we float around in the air, and the slightest touch may nd us drifting off in the opposite direction.
3. In the laboratories where astronauts are trained for their journeys, they are subjected to conditions that remble tho of flight. It takes time for them to prepare for the great changes that occur in space. When the spaceship leaves the earth at tremendous speed, the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor. Later, when they leave the zone of the earth's gravitation, they are unable to stay in one place. Simple actions, such as eating and drinking, become very difficult to perform. You may get an inkling of what the astronauts have to deal with if you try to drink a glass of water while standing on your head or while just lying down.
4. The beginning of man's conquest of space took place in 1958, ven years before Leonov's trip. The first successful launching of "Sputnik demonstrated that it was indeed possible to nd objects far enough out of range of earth's gravity so that they would not fall back to earth. Rather, such objects could be forced to revolve about the earth, just as the moon does. However, while the moon is so far from earth that it takes it a month to revolve around the earth, manmade satellites, which are clor to earth, can make a complete revolution in a few hours.
人类开始征服太空的行动始于1958年,即发生在利奥诺夫太空行走的七年之前.前苏联人造卫星的首次成功发射表明:把物体发射到地球引力范围之外足够远的地方使之不再回落到地球上,这么做确实是可能的. 更确切地说,正像月亮那样,这此物体会被迫围绕地球运转.不过,由于月球距地球这么远,它环绕地球运转一周需要一个月的时间,而离地球更近的人造卫星几个小时就可绕地球转一周.
5. It was three years after the first satellite launching that a spaceship containing a man made a successful flight. The flight lasted less than two hours, but it pointed the way to future developments.
6. Other planets are so far away that spaceships must attain tremendous speeds to reach them in a reasonable time. If spaceships were launched from space or from the moon, the abnce of weight would permit the ships to be launched with great speed at reduced pressures. A relatively small explosion would be enough to nd a ship off at a very fast rate. And, since there is no atmosphere in space as there is on earth, the spaceship would meet with no resistance. To illustrate this point, remember how strong the wind feels if we are travelling fast in a car; then imagine a car travelling through an area where there is no wind. The windless condition is comparable to the condition in outer space.
from the earth.
10. Leonov reported that the earth appeared as a huge, round disk, filling a large part of the sky. He found that the relief of hills and mountains was more easily obrved from that distance than from plane flying at a few thousand feet.
11. While Leonov was outside the ship, he kept in touch by telephone with his companion and with the earth. He opened the shutter of the movie camera, which made a record of what he did and saw. When the signal was given for him to return to the ship, he was enjoying the cosmos so much that he was disappointed to have to stop his wandering so soon.