
更新时间:2022-10-30 08:32:57 阅读: 评论:0



生成树协议的配置 【实训背景】 学校为了开展计算机教学和网络办公,建立了一个计算机教室和一个校办公区蔓延的反义词,这两处的计算 机网络通过两台交换机互连组成内部校园网;为了提高网络的可靠性,作为网络管理员的你要 用2条链路将交换机互连,现要求在交换机上做适当配置,使网络避免环路赞美老师的散文。 【实训目的】 掌握生成树协议的配置方法,理解生成树协议的作用和特点 【技术原理】 生成树协议( spanning-tree) ,作用是在交换网络中提供冗余备份链路,并且解决交换 网络 中的环路问题小话剧剧本。 生成树协议是利用SPA算法(生成树算法),在存在交换环路的网络中生成一个没有环路的树形网 络。运用该算法将交换网络冗余的备份链路逻辑上断开,当主要链路出现故障时新闻发言人制度,能够自动的 切换到备份链路,保证数据的正常转发母情节祝福。 生成树协议的特点是收敛时间长。当主要链路出现故障以后我爱学习,到切换到备份链路需要 50秒的时 间为人处世技巧。 【实训内容】 1、根据拓扑将主机和交换机进行连接(未形成环路) 2、测试主机之间可以相互ping通 3、配置生成树协议 4、测试(形成环路) 5、测试(断开主要链路) 【实现功能】 使网络在有冗余链路的情况下避免环路的产生,避免广播风暴等。 【实训设备】 s3100(2台)追逐梦想,PC(2台)、直连线(4条)

【主要命令】 stp司法鉴定申请书, stp mode , spanning-tree Priority关于鲸的作文, undo stp 【实训步骤】 1、在每台交换机上开启生成树协议. 对 SwitchA 做如下配置: system-view !进入全局配置模式 [H3C]sysname SwitchA [SwitchA]vlan 10 [SwitchA-vlan10]quit [SwitchA]interface fastethernet 0/24 [SwitchA- fastethernet 0/24] port acc vlan 10 [SwitchA] interface f 0/1 [SwitchA-fastethernet]port link-type trunk [SwitchA] interface f 0/2 [SwitchA-fastethernet]port link-type trunk

x0c[SwitchA-fastethernet]quit [SwitchA] 对 SwitchB 做如下配置: system-view !进入全局配置模式 [H3C]sysname SwitchB [SwitchB]vlan 10 [SwitchB –vlan10]quit [SwitchB]interface fastethernet 0/24 [SwitchB-fastethernet] port acc vlan 10 [SwitchB]interface f 0/1 [SwitchB-fastetherne] port link-type trunk [SwitchB]interface f 0/2 [SwitchB-fastetherne] port link-type trunk [SwitchB-fastetherne] quit [SwitchB] 2、设置生成树模式。 stp mode stp!设置生成树模式为 STP (802掌声阅读答案.1D) 验证测试:验证生成树协模式为 802.1D sys [SwitchA]stp enable !开启生成树协议 [SwitchA] stp mode stp [SwitchA]quit sys [SwitchB]stp enable !开启生成树协议 [SwitchB] stp mode stp [SwitchB]quit 验证测试:验证生成树协议已经开启 SwitchA#disp stp -------[CIST Global Info][Mode STP]------CIST Bridge :32768.000f-e253-8317 本机桥ID Bridge Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20 CIST Root/ERPC :32768教师 个人总结.000f-e249-d546 / 200 根桥ID及

路径开销 CIST RegRoot/IRPC :32768意味深长是什么意思.000f-e253-8317 / 0 CIST RootPortId :128爸爸妈妈的爱作文.1 短口ID BPDU-Protection :disabled TC-Protection :enabled / Threshold=6 Bridge Config Digest Snooping :disabled TC or TCN received :122 Time since last TC :0 days 0h:0m:9s ----[Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]---- 发送状态 Port Protocol :enabled Port Role :CIST Root Port Port Priority :128 Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :32768have的过去分词.000f-e249-d546 / 128狂风里拥抱歌词.1 Port Edged :Config=disabled / Active=disabled Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true

x0cTransmit Limit :10 packets/hello-time Protection Type :None MSTP BPDU format :Config=legacy Port Config Digest Snooping :disabled Num of Vlans Mapped :1 PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MsgAge 0s RemHop 0 BPDU Sent :3 TCN: 1, Config: 2英语句子结构, RST: 0, MST: 0 BPDU Received :39 TCN: 0, Config: 39, RST: 0, MST: 0 ----[Port2(Ethernet1/0/2)][DISCARDING]---- 阻塞状态 Port Protocol :enabled Port Role :CIST Alternate Port Port Priority :128 Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :32768清明节去哪里玩.000f-e249-d546 / 128难忘那张脸.2 Port Edged :Config=disabled / Active=disabled Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true Transmit Limit :10 packets/hello-time Protection Type :None MSTP BPDU format :Config=legacy Port Config Digest Snooping :disabled Num of Vlans Mapped :1 PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MsgAge 0s RemHop 0 BPDU Sent :2 TCN: 0, Config: 2, RST: 0昭示的近义词, MST: 0 BPDU Received :59 TCN: 0高一英语教学总结, Config: 59, RST: 0, MST: 0 [SwitchA] disp stp int e1/0/1 显示接口STP信息 ----[CIST][Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]---Port Protocol :enabled Port Role :CIST Root Port Port Priority :128 接口优先级 Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg我心依旧. Bridge/Port :32768素质教育与科学考试.000f-e249-d546 / 128.1 Port Edged :Config=disabled / Active=disabled Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true Transmit Limit :10 packets/hello-time Protection Type :None MSTP BPDU format :Config=legacy Port Config Digest Snooping :disabled Num of Vlans Mapped :1 PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MsgAge 0s RemHop 0 BPDU Sent :3 TCN: 1大学物理公式大全, Config: 2三年级上册数学口算题, RST: 0李白写黄鹤楼的古诗, MST: 0 BPDU Received :195 TCN: 0小学课文火烧云, Config: 195白菊曲, RST: 0雪白的近义词, MST: 0 3、设置交换机的优先级挑战主持人叮当。

x0c[SwitchA] stp priority 0 !设置交换机 SwitchA 在生成树实例0中的优先级为0, 数值最小 的交换机为根交换机(也称根桥),交换机 SwitchB 的优先级采用默认优先级(32768),因 此 SwitchA 将成为根交换机。 验证测试:验证交换机 SwitchA 的优先级 [SwitchA]display stp StpVersion : STP SysStpStatus : Enabled BaNumPorts : 24 MaxAge : 20 HelloTime : 2 ForwardDelay : 15 BridgeMaxAge : 20 BridgeHelloTime : 2 BridgeForwardDelay : 15 MaxHops : 20 TxHoldCount : 3 PathCostMethod : Long BPDUGuard : Disabled BPDUFilter : Disabled BridgeAddr : 00d0.f88c.1da0 Priority : 0 TimeSinceTopologyChange : 0d:0h:7m:21s TopologyChanges : 0 DesignatedRoot : 000000D0F88C1DA0 RootCost : 0 RootPort : 0 [SwitchB] dis stp -------[CIST Global Info]

[Mode STP]------CIST Bridge :32768有一种 叫做 作文.000f-e249-d546 本机桥ID Bridge Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20 CIST Root/ERPC :32768质检工作总结.000f-e249-d546 / 0 根桥ID及路径开销 CIST RegRoot/IRPC :32768科普类书籍读后感.000f-e249-d546 / 0 CIST RootPortId :0老师我想对你说作文350字.0 BPDU-Protection :disabled TC-Protection :enabled / Threshold=6 Bridge Config Digest Snooping :disabled TC or TCN received :5 Time since last TC :0 days 0h:3m:11s ----[Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]---Port Protocol :enabled Port Role :CIST Designated Port Port Priority :128 Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg十八届一中全会精神. Bridge/Port :32768我爱中国 作文.000f-e249-d546 / 128小数乘法.1 Port Edged :Config=disabled / Active=disabled Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true Transmit Limit :10 packets/hello-time Protection Type :None MSTP BPDU format :Config=legacy Port Config Digest Snooping :disabled

x0cNum of Vlans Mapped :1 PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MsgAge 0s RemHop 20 BPDU Sent :114 TCN: 0教师的人格魅力, Config: 114, RST: 0生化危机5影评, MST: 0 BPDU Received :1 TCN: 1, Config: 0, RST: 0揠苗助长教学反思, MST: 0 ----[Port2(Ethernet1/0/2)][FORWARDING]---Port Protocol :enabled Port Role :CIST Designated Port Port Priority :128 Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :32768.000f-e249-d546 / 128英语练习题.2 Port Edged :Config=disabled / Active=disabled Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true Transmit Limit :10 packets/hello-time Protection Type :None MSTP BPDU format :Config=legacy Port Config Digest Snooping :disabled Num of Vlans Mapped :1 PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MsgAge 0s RemHop 20 BPDU Sent :132 TCN: 0经典文学作品, Config: 132上海本末网络公关策略有限公司, RST: 0, MST: 0 BPDU Received :0 TCN: 0, Config: 0望洋兴叹翻译, RST: 0相遇问题课件, MST: 0 4、综合验证测试以细节为话题的作文。 A.验证交换机 SwitchB 的端口 F0/1和 F0/2的状态服务员培训。 [SwitchB]display stp interface ethernet 1/0/1 -[Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]---Port Protocol :enabled Port Role :CIST Designated Port Port Priority :128 Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg. Bridge/Port :32768.000f-e249-d546 / 128初中数学教研组计划.1 Port Edged :Config=disabled / Active=disabled Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true Transmit Limit :10 packets/hello-time Protection Type :None MSTP BPDU format :Config=legacy Port Config Digest Snooping :disabled Num of Vlans Mapped :1 PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MsgAge 0s RemHop 20 BPDU Sent :114 TCN: 0我们爱过就好, Config: 114口算练习题, RST: 0, MST: 0 BPDU Received :1 TCN: 1, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 0 [SwitchB]display stp interface ethernet1/ 0/2

x0c-[Port2(Ethernet1/0/2)][FORWARDING]---Port Protocol :enabled Port Role :CIST Designated Port Port Priority :128 Port Cost(Legacy) :Config=auto / Active=200 Desg苏州话骂人. Bridge/Port :32768.000f-e249-d546 / 128.2 Port Edged :Config=disabled / Active=disabled Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true Transmit Limit :10 packets/hello-time Protection Type :None MSTP BPDU format :Config=legacy Port Config Digest Snooping :disabled Num of Vlans Mapped :1 PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MsgAge 0s RemHop 20 BPDU Sent :132 TCN: 0, Config: 132, RST: 0爸爸妈妈最爱我, MST: 0 BPDU Received :0


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