
更新时间:2022-10-27 13:27:20 阅读: 评论:0



:Vanilla Cappuccino

榛子卡布奇诺 :Hazelnut Cappuccino

冰拿铁咖啡 :Iced Café Latté

冰焦糖咖啡拿铁 :Iced Caramel Latté

冰香草咖啡拿铁 :Iced Vanilla Latté

冰榛子咖啡拿铁 :Iced Hazelnut Latté

冰菠萝咖啡拿铁 :Iced Pineapple Latté

冰草莓咖啡拿铁 :Iced Strawberry Latté

冰果味咖啡拿铁 :Iced Fruit Latté

黑莓咖啡拿铁 :Blackberry Latté

拿铁香草 :Vanilla Bean Latté

薰衣草咖啡拿铁 :Lavender Latté

椰子冰咖啡拿铁 :Iced Coconut Latté

黑莓冰咖啡拿铁 :Iced Blackberry Latté

芒果冰咖啡拿铁 :Iced Mango Latté

蜜桃冰咖啡拿铁 :Iced Peach Latté

蜜桃咖啡拿铁 :Peach Latté

樱桃咖啡拿铁 :Cherry Latté

樱桃冰咖啡拿铁 :Iced Cherry Latté

榛子咖啡拿铁 :Hazelnut Latté

香蕉咖啡拿铁 :Banana Latté

浓缩咖啡康保蓝 :Espresso Con Panna

浓缩咖啡玛奇朵 :Espresso Macchiato

冰美式咖啡 :Iced Café Americano

菠萝冰美式 :Iced Pineapple Americano

芒果冰美式咖啡 :Iced Mango Americano

蜜桃冰美式咖啡 :Iced Peach Americano

香蕉冰美式 :Iced Banana Americano

冰摩卡 :Iced Mochaccino

草莓摩卡咖啡 :Iced Strawberry Mocha

樱桃摩卡咖啡 :Cherry Mocha

椰子摩卡咖啡 :Coconut Mocha

芒果摩卡咖啡 :Mango Mocha

香蕉摩卡咖啡 :Banana Mocha

冰水果咖啡 :Iced Fruit Coffee

法国香草咖啡 :French Vanilla Coffee

漂浮冰咖啡 :Iced Coffee Float

巧克力冰咖啡 :Iced Chocolate Coffee

巧克力咖啡 :Chocolate Coffee

塔拉珠高山咖啡 :Tarrazu Coffee

碳烧咖啡 :Charcoal Coffee

特雷里奥咖啡 :Tres Rios Coffee

维也纳咖啡 :Vienna Coffee

杏香咖啡 :Saronno Coffee

夏威夷可娜咖啡 :Hawaiian Kona Coffee

玫瑰夫人咖啡 :Ro Lady Coffee

墨西哥冰咖啡 :Iced Mexican Coffee

瑞士冰咖啡 :Iced Swiss Coffee

巴西咖啡 :Brazil Coffee

皇家咖啡 :Royal Coffee

君度咖啡 :Cointreau Coffee

爱尔咖啡 :Irish Coffee

生姜咖啡 :Ginger Juice Coffee

贵妇人咖啡 :Dame Coffee

椰香咖啡 :Coconut Coffee

菜单2007-12-03 12:27金银菜炖白肺 Pork lung steamed with fresh cabbage and dried cabbage in soup

松茸炖鳄鱼 Crocodile meat steamed with pine mushroom in soup

沸腾毛肚 Boiling tripe

铁板蛋豆腐 Egg bean curd rved in hot plate

川酱焗鸭下巴 Duck chins braid with bean paste in Sichuan style

巴蜀酸菜鱼 Fish with sour prerved vegetable in soup, Sichuan style

剁椒鱼头 Fish heads steamed with chopped chili

萝卜香芹煮蟹 Crabs braid with radish and celery

秘制焗餐包 Chief’s cret bakery bun

菠萝酥皮包 Bun with pineapple-like crisp cover

招牌流沙包 Our famous stuffed bun

萝卜酥 Radish crispy cake

叉烧酥 Crispy cake with BBQ pork

招牌蛋挞 Our famous egg tart


Menu of “Tea & Hor Post”






As a kind of newly popular concept in food and drinks,

The word “fusion” means “melt” and “combination”五指石.

A sharing feature between dishes and music个性霸道网名,

Is the boundlessness and no difference in races and genders.







In the Tea & Hor Post清鲜的反义词, exiting the living style of work hard高中数学教学论文, play relaxingly.

Always living on with optimistic minds伍子胥过韶关,

And now, escaping from busy work视频会议方案,

It is time to enjoy gourmet dishes……抗日战争胜利76年手抄报..

一、 新派私房菜之东南亚经典私房菜

1. Classic South-east Asian Private Dishes of New Prevailing Dishes from Private Restaurant

穿越咖喱的味道 经典东南亚美味

Classic Southeast Asian Dishes with Curry Tastes

马来西亚咖喱牛腩 Malaysia curried sirloin

青咖喱牛肉 Beef with green curry

三巴酱炒青口 Musls fried with Sambal Belachan

泰式明火鱼炉 Fish rved in boiling vesl with stove元宵节由来, Thai styled

二、 新派私房菜之地道农家私房菜

2. Country Private Dishes of New Prevailing Private Dishes


Nowadays, following healthy foods and drinks is fashionable.


The prevailing of country dishes is a natural phenomenon

健康营养美食 Healthy and nutritious dishes

剁肉蒸山水豆腐 Steamed mountainous spring water bean curd with minced pork

菜脯粒花甲肉蒸山水豆腐 Steamed mountainous spring water bean curd with chopped prerved radish and shell fish meat

东莞霸王鸽 Dongguan king’s pigeon

富贵炒金丝 Fried golden shredded meat and vegetables

秘制农家鸭 Duck braid in country style

虾头油蒸茄子 Steamed eggplants with fats from prawn heads

生炒菜心 Fried flowering Chine cabbage

三、 新派私房菜之极品碳烧私房菜

3. Top charcoal grilled private dishes of newly prevailing ones




While grilling描写春天的四字词语, the fat from the rib-eye steak comes out and

enters the muscle around,which makes the beef steak more tender and better taste个性qq空间名, and the steak will not be too tough like other beef. The steak is tender我存在, easy to cut and to eat情人节卡片怎么写, with rich aftertaste2014辽宁高考作文, and wonderful aroma….

无国界碳烧美食 Without borders charcoal grilled gourmet foods

美国安格斯肉眼 USA Angus rib-eye

美国极佳牛板腱 USA top tendon

美国碳烧AAA牛仔骨 USA AAA veal rib charcoal grilled

纽西兰碳烧羊bi腱 New Zealand lamb leg tendon charcoal grilled

碳烧纽西兰牛白肉 New Zealand beef fillet charcoal grilled

美国碳烧牛小排 USA short rib charcoal grilled

吊烧德国咸猪手 German salty pettitoes hanged roast

碳烧草花鱼 Charcoal grilled grass carp

碳烧青鱼柳 Charcoal grilled herring fillet

碳烧原条龙利鱼 Charcoal grilled solen fish in original piece

碳烧葡式大牛鱼 Charcoal grilled big cow fish in Portugal style

四、 米线专家――过桥米线

4推荐信格式. Rice noodle specialist --- bridged rice noodle

由汤、片和米线、佐料三部分组成好听的两个字的网名。吃时用大瓷碗一只,先放熟鸡油、味精、胡椒面全国工商联章程,然后将鸡 、鸭、排骨、猪筒子骨等熬出的汤舀入碗内端上桌备用一个快乐的人作文。此时滚汤被厚厚的一层油盖住不冒气,但食客千万不可先喝汤自私的反义词,以免烫伤幼儿园育儿心得。要先把鹌鹑蛋磕入碗内,接着把生鱼片、生肉片、鸡肉、猪肝、腰花、鱿鱼、海参、肚片等生的肉食依次放入,并用筷子轻轻拨动活动策划方案范文,


Bridged rice noodle is compod of three parts, soup, sliced meats and rice noodle, and asonings. When it is rved, it comes with a big sized porcelain bowl with cooked chicken oil春节里发生的一件事, asoning powder, pepper九年级化学复习提纲, and then boiling soup made from chicken, duck中石化油中感谢, short rib, pork leg bones加强党性教育, etc.那一年歌词, is poured into the bowl, to put before the client河蚌相争. Now the soup is covered with thick chicken oil on the soup. Never try to drink the soup which is so hot that you will be hurt. Put the wild pigeon eggs into the bowl短信问候语, then the raw fish slices, raw sliced meats of pork, chicken, pork liver, kidney大学生辩论赛, dried sleeve fish, a cucumber, and tripe缅怀先烈名言, etc.牛虻读后感, u the chopsticks to stir the soup slightly so that the meats will be boiled by the hot soup鹰和牛的成语. Then put in the cooked meats我想对老师说作文, and pea, tender leek安闲的反义词, spinach, bean curd skin改革开放40年心得体会, rice noodle, and finally the soy sauce and spicy oil分手那天吉他谱. It is now ready to rve雪花谣. It is of especially strong aroma and especially tasteful, with rich nutrition写秋天的诗句, and it always wins appraisals from clients from local or abroad开心一刻游戏. 营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译关于汉字的手抄报,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译蔡依林倒带歌词,行业翻译标杆!质优价

低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926六年级英语教案.

英文食谱英文 英文食谱的英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜谱及做法 菜谱英文怎么说 英文菜谱的英文 中餐菜谱英文 西餐菜谱英文 中国菜名翻译 中文菜名翻译 英文菜名英文翻译 英文菜单英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜单翻译 菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜名翻译 菜谱翻译哪里好 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 求翻译菜谱 求助英文菜谱翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱 英文翻译食谱 英语菜单翻译 英语菜品翻译 英语菜谱翻译 中国菜谱翻译 中文菜单英文译法

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传统双人过桥米线 Traditional bridged rice noodle for a couple

蒙自双人过桥米线 Bridged rice noodle for a couple in Mengzi style

三鲜菇过桥米线 Bridged rice noodle with fresh mushrooms

肥牛过桥米线 Bridged rice noodle with fatty beef

野山菌过桥米线 Bridged rice noodle with wild mountainous mushrooms

山珍海味过桥米线 Bridged rice noodle with assorted delicious meats and vegetables

野生山珍过桥米线 Bridged rice noodle with wild mountainous tasteful foods

秀才过桥米线 Scholars’ bridged rice noodle

状元过桥米线 The scholar master’s bridged rice noodle

五、 米线专家――家常米线

5. Rice noodle specialist --- Home-style rice noodle

脆香猪手米线(拉面) Crisp pettitoes rice noodle (or pulled flour noodle)

升级杂酱米线(拉面) Upgraded rice noodle with assorted pastes (or pulled flour noodle)

红烧排骨米线(拉面) Rice noodle with short rib braid in brown sauce (or pulled flour noodle)

牛腩米线(拉面) Rice noodle with sirloin (or pulled flour noodle)

担仔米线 Traditional rice noodle sold in lanes and streets

酸辣米线(拉面) Sour and spicy rice noodle ( or pulled flour noodle)

肥肠米线(拉面) Fatty intestine rice noodle ( or pulled flour noodle)

易门剁肉米线 Yi-men rice noodle with minced meat

雪菜肉丝米线 Rice noodle with prerved vegetable and shredded meat

三鲜米线 Rice n

oodle with fresh and delicious meats

小锅米线 Rice noodle in small pots




Traditional rice noodle is only available in Yunnan旭日不出打一字. That is the genuine rice noodle over China自信的力量. In Yunnan红领巾心向党手抄报内容文字, most rice noodle available is the wide rice noodle. The rice noodle and the meats are rved paratelyworldpeace. You may读詹天佑有感, by your own appetite condition, add beef, chicken meat or pork into the rice noodle bowl仿佛的近义词是什么?, you may also add chili or vinegar开学第一课2015,it is called rice noodle in small pots班主任工作经验交流会.

正宗云南风味 Genuine Yunnan Taste

特色拉面 Special pulled flour noodles

红烧牛腩拉面 Pulled noodle with sirloin braid in brown sauce

猪手拉面 Pulled noodle with pettitoes

酸辣拉面 Pulled noodle with sour and spicy taste

红烧排骨拉面 Pulled noodle with short rib braid in brown sauce

肥肠拉面 Pulled noodle with fatty intestine

杂酱拉面 Pulled noodle with assorted pastes

六、 原味蒸饭

6. Steamed rice with its original taste

鹧鹘饭 ¥18 Steamed rice with wild pigeon 营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译话题作文网,饮料翻译取诸宫中,酒店饭店饮食翻译七夕情人节鲜花,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译母亲节写给母亲的一封信,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

英文食谱英文 英文食谱的英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜谱及做法 菜谱英文怎么说 英文菜谱的英文 中餐菜谱英文 西餐菜谱英文 中国菜名翻译 中文菜名翻译 英文菜名英文翻译 英文菜单英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜单翻译 菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜名翻译 菜谱翻译哪里好 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 求翻译菜谱 求助英文菜谱翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱 英文翻译食谱 英语菜单翻译 英语菜品翻译 英语菜谱翻译 中国菜谱翻译 中文菜单英文译法

菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译


红烧肥肠饭 ¥18 Steamed rice with fatty intestine

五香牛腩饭 ¥18 Steamed rice with spicy sirloin

香菌滑鸡饭 ¥18 Steamed rice with tender chicken and mushroom

豉汁排骨饭 ¥18 Steamed rice with short rib with prerved black bean

味菜猪肚饭 ¥18 Steamed rice with pork tripe and salty vegetable

梅菜肉饼饭 ¥18 Steamed rice with minced meat with prerved vegetable

云南野山菌饭 ¥18 Steamed rice with Yunnan wild mushrooms

咸菜猪手饭 ¥18 Steamed rice with pettitoes and salty vegetable

七、 云南炒饭

7历史手抄报图片. Fried rice in Yunnan style

春城炒饭 Fried rice in spring city style

滇味炒饭 Fried rice with Yunnan taste

酸菜肉沫炒饭 Fried rice with prerved vegetable and minced meat

香格里拉炒饭 Shangrila fried rice

三丝炒米线 Fried rice noodle with assorted and shredded meats

云南鲜肉炒饵丝 Fried Yunnan rice noodle with fresh meat

八、 汽锅鸡

8. Steam pot chicken

原味汽锅鸡 Original taste steam pot chicken

文山三七汽锅鸡 Wenshan steam pot chicken with pudo-ginng

昭通天麻汽锅鸡 Zhaotong steam pot chicken with gastrodia tuber


Steam pot chicken is a famous dish sourced from Yunnan37撞上21, with long history and is well known to all in China. As early as in Qing dynasty计划生育信息, it was popular in the south Yunnan. It was said the creator was the chef Mr. Yang Li who rved in Fudeju Restaurant in Jianshui County校园广播站开场白. When the emperor patrolled that county作文 就在我身边, the local governor, with the intention to make the emperor happy触电急救方法, made announcement in public to gather good dishes, and tho lected would be awarded with silver感恩节的小故事. Mr描写音乐的成语. Yang’s family was poor and his mother was riously sick关于中秋节歌曲, to win the award, he combined the local ways of rving hot pot foods and bun steaming, created the steam pot, and he also run the risk of his life to climbed the swallow cave to get a special edible swallow nest, to make a steam pot chicken with swallow nest for the local governor婚假 国家规定. Unfortunately his steam pot was stolen and his action failed销售客服工作职责, and he was charged for “deceiving the emperor

” to death. He was almost to lo his head if the emperor would not have rearch the fact, and excud him. The emperor changed the name of the restaurant to be “Yang’s Steam Pot Chicken” and it made the dish more famous in Yunnan枫桥夜泊 古诗.


Steam pot chicken is extremely delicious and this dish has spread broadly in short time初一学生不会剥鸡蛋. Now some famous Chine medicines are added into the dish to make different dishes with even better value in as delicious food and also as food with curing functions, good for human beings生活中的美容小常识. Taking it frequently will last your longevity, and it is really a precious dish for the health of human beings.

九、 云南小炒

9祖国我为你骄傲手抄报. Fast fried dishes in Yunnan style

清香牛肝菌 Aromatic cow liver mushroom

青椒鸡棕菌 Chicken mushroom with green chili

纳西牦牛干巴 Dried Naxi nationality yak beef

风味山坑鱼 Local taste fish from mountainous pool

风味铜锅鸡 Local taste chicken cooked in copper wok


11百事可乐营销策略. Local Specialties

酱板鸭 ¥18(半只) Dried duck with paste (half piece)

串烧大虾 ¥10 Grilled prawn

石屏豆腐丝 ¥10 Shiping shredded bean curd

秘制鸭肾 ¥12 Duck kidney with chef’s cret way

麻辣猪耳 ¥12 Spicy pork ears

风味猪尾 ¥12 Pork tail with local taste

香油贡菜 ¥8 Prerved vegetable with same oil

凉拌牛肉 ¥12 Mixed beef cold dish

凉拌青瓜 ¥8 Mixed cucumber

风味猪手 ¥12 Pettitoes with local taste

脆香肠头 ¥12 Crispy intestine ends

酱鸭脖 ¥8 Duck neck braid with paste

蒲烧鳗鱼 ¥15 Grilled eel

红油肚丝 ¥12 Shredded tripe with chili oil

尖椒皮蛋 ¥8 Century eggs with chili

干烧多春鱼 ¥10 Dry grilled smelt fish (Shishamo)

香煎秋刀鱼 ¥1 Fried saury


12. Scholar master’s pancake

葱油薄饼 Pan cake with spring onion and oil

粟米鸡蛋薄饼 Pan cake with corn and egg

咖喱牛肉薄饼(咸) Pan cake with curry beef (salty)

香蕉薄饼(甜) Banana pan cake

菠萝薄饼 Pineapple pan cake

鸡蛋火腿薄饼 Egg and ham pan cake

苹果薄饼 Apple pan cake

哈密瓜薄饼 Cantaloup melon pan cake

花生酱薄饼 Peanut paste pan cake

花生酱芝麻薄饼 Peanut paste pan cake with same

榴莲薄饼 Civet durian pan cake


13. Yunnan’s Secret Flavor

水果味竹筒饭 Fruit taste bamboo canister rice

紫米味竹筒饭 Violet rice taste bamboo canister rice

火腿味竹筒饭 Ham taste bamboo canister rice

野山菌味竹筒饭 Wild mushroom taste bamboo canister rice


14学习焦裕禄心得体会. Delicious Dim-sum

至尊手造煎饺 ¥8 Top handmade dumplings优秀作文选段, fried

千层萝卜酥 ¥6 Multi-ply radish crisp cake

秘制芋卷 ¥6 Dasheen rolls by cret method

黑糯米糕 ¥6 Black sticky rice cake

香煎芋丝糕 ¥6 Fried shredded dasheen cake


15人机工程学论文. Drinks and fresh squeezed fruit juice

奶昔类 Milk shakes

草莓奶昔 Straw berry milk shake

薄荷奶昔 Mint milk shake

柳澄奶昔 Orange milk shake

柠檬奶昔 Lemon milk shake

水密桃奶昔 Watery peach milk shake

冰淇淋圣代类 Ice creams and sundae

鲜果乳新地 Fresh fruit milk sundae

海盗船 Pirate boat

香蕉船 Banana boat

杂果船 Assorted fruit boat

鲜榨类 Fresh squeezed juice

哈密瓜汁 Cantaloup melon juice

哈密瓜牛奶 Cantaloup melon juice with milk

香蕉牛奶 Banana juice with milk

原盅冰糖双雪 Steamed pear and white fungus with rock sugar in soup

原盅冰糖木瓜 Steamed papaya with rock sugar in soup

夏威夷木瓜炖雪哈 Steamed Hawaiian papaya with Chine forest frog fat


16. Beers and Wines

云南大理起爽啤酒 Yunnan Dali Qishuang beer

云南风花雪月啤酒 Yunnan Feng Hua Xue Yue beer

金威啤酒 Kingway beer

青岛啤酒 Tsingtao beer

珠江啤酒 Pearl River beer

红酒系列 Wine Series

98长城干红 Great Wall Dry Wine (98)

99长城干红 Great Wall Dry Wine (99)

皖酒王 Wanjiuwang

诸葛酿金装 Zhugeniang in Golden Pack

泰山特安 Taishan Te’an

沪州老窖特曲 Luzhou Laojiao Tequ


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