Fixed, edited and rearranged by Hwa Sayuri, personal and alone.
Shared in Shooter.
Plea keep this message歌曲荷塘月色歌词, thanks市场调查.
Mediat Group
Medusa Film
un film di
Giuppe Tornatore
I still ask mylf if I did the right thing
when I abandoned his floating city.
And I don't mean only for the work四年级作文国庆节.
The fact is, a friend like that可贵的反义词,
a real friend,
you won't meet one again.
If you just decide to
hang up your a legs,
if you just want to feel something
more solid beneath your feetjqx教学设计,
and if then you no loner
hear the music of the gods around you.
But, like he ud to say :
"You're never really done for
as long as you got a good story采购合同..舒适.
and someone to tell it to."
Trouble is .机械制造自动化..
nobody'd believe a single word of my story.
Tim Roth
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It happened everytime古潮音洞.教研组工作计划.学雷锋活动总结.
someone would look up and e her.
It's difficult to understand新能源汽车论文.
What I'm saying is小老鼠符号.最新入党思想汇报..
there were more than
a thousand of us on that ship,
travelling richfolk, immigrants美术培训招生,
and strange people地理中考试题, and us文静的女孩.
Yet, there was always one!
One guy alone who would e her first.
Maybe he was just
sitting there eating市场管理员,
or walking on the deck大学生社会实践调查报告.
Maybe he was just fixing his pants.
He'd look up for a cond项脊轩志翻译,
A quick glance out to a,
and he'd e her仓管员职责.
Then he'd just stand there,
rooted to the spot, his heart racing.
And every time,
every damn time, I swear生命是如此的辉煌,
he'd turn to us文章开讲啦, towards the ship
towards everybody and scream马年大吉.适合女生的游戏名字..
America !
And I lost big money betting on
who'd be the first guy to e her碧绿碧绿的什么?雪白雪白的什么?,
America !
La Leggenda del Pianista Sull'Oceano
Mélanie Thierry
Bill Nunn
Clarence Williams III
nella parte di Jelly Roll Morton
Peter Vaughan; Alberto Vázquez; Niall O'Brien
e Gabriele Lavia
nel ruolo del contadino
Soggetto e sceneggiatura
Giuppe Tornatore
Tratto da Novecento di Alessandro Baricco
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore s专项资金管理制度.p实习单位指导教师评语.a.
musiche originali composte orchestrate e dirette da
Ennio Morricone
direttore della fotografia
Lajos Koltai a描写雨大的成语.s.c春情.
Francesco Frigeri
costumi Maurizio Millenotti
arredamento Bruno Cesari
Fabrizio Castellani; Valerie McCaffrey; Jeremy Zimmermann
It's a miracle, Santa Rosalia!
montaggio Massimo Quaglia
What do you mean Santa Rosalia五年级下册语文练习册答案,
it's the Madonna di Lourdes !
coordinamento produzione Pietro Notarianni, Francesco Tornatore
supervisione effetti visivi digitali David Bush
direttore di produzione Riccardo Neri
organizzatore ripre all'estero Walter Massi
produttore ecutivo Laura Fattori
prodotto da Medusa Film
una realizzazione Sciarlò s.r天眼神龙.l.
regia Giuppe Tornatore
New York
The one who es America first执业医师参考书.
There's one on every ship !
And don't be thinking it's an
accident or some optical illusion.
It's destiny.
Tho are people who always have
that preci instant stamped on their life爱晚亭谢冰莹.
And when they were kids冷酷的反义词,
you could look into their eyes推荐一个好地方400字四年级上册,
and if you looked carefully enough
you'd already e her,
And I've en a few Americas
's a big trouble
with the immigration office !
What's a boy like him going to be
when the baby grows up?
Another immigrant !
Don't pay tho bastards,
no mind Lemon.
Go on猎人笔记, lap it up boy !
It's not you mama's tip,
but it's real milk刹那间造句.
Go on!
This one they left in first class on top the piano王尔德童话故事.
They are hoping some rich guy will come take it
and give him a happy life今天停电.
- Isn't that so, Danny?
- What do you think ?
And who does the little ape get instead? A poor worthless nigger !
Fuck poverty祖国风光和物产的资料,
you stinking werrats !
written on the box.
Any of you shitheads know what that means ?
I forgot奥黛丽赫本资料,
You all can't read !
I'll tell you what it means高二生物教学计划.
It means丧葬习俗, "Thanks, Danny好听的微信名字."
"Thanks有为青年, Danny"
They left that boy for me
and l'm keeping him.
Rest of you all can go fuck yourlves.
Danny大熊猫, what are you going to call the nino?
Hell, I didn't think about that国家自然科学基金申请书.
To start off, I name him after me,
Danny Boodman.
Then l'll put T谣言止于智者.D. in the middle like
the rich folks puts on their cuff-links in shirts关于雪的个性签名.
That give it class, to put that in the middle我的心儿怦怦跳作文四年级,
don't you think?
All fucking lawyers gots initials
in the middle of their names.
One of mine own was
Jonathan P心理活动策划书.T秋季的诗句.K一会儿一会儿造句. Wonder江西省打一字.
The one who nt you straight to jail for ten years?
You got one good memory白岩松演讲稿, chicky China man!
If my son grow up to be a lawyer观看开学第一课有感,
I swear I'll kill him mylf !
But the boy's name is still going to be
Danny Boodman T.D展望未来的诗句. Lemon.
What do you think ?
You got to like it, 're the mama!
I like it firmly点子库, but it's short心理健康教案.
I mean收款收据格式, it got no finish.
He ain't the son of no fucking duke, Danny !
You found him on a Tuesday,
call him Tuesday !
You ain't as dumb as you look,
colored boy!
I found him the first month of
the first year of this frigging new century跌宕起伏,
so I'm calling him Nineteen Hundred !
Nineteen Hundred? But that's a number!
It was a number何为朋友, now it's a name!
Danny Boodman T.D教师节 日记. Lemon
Nineteen Hundred !
Danny, your little bambino is not so happy!
Come on, hurry, Hurry up元旦节手抄报内容. Don't worry, your mama's here白杨课件.
Damn. How can something
that small shit so much?
"the wheels are turning"
"the Steam keeps on rising"
"oh Lord nd down your light today"
Thanks Danny?
Thanks Danny?
"A child is crying"
"a new life is starting"
"oh Lord stay with us here below"
Thanks Danny
Thanks Danny
"One day this boy will tell a tale or two"
"for now his soul is in your hand"
Thanks Danny..小喜鹊.
It was like
the cond coming of Christ.
Maybe it was that你是此生最美的风景歌词, with all the miracles
that little kid had up his sleeve.
Hell, he did everything on the water
but walk.
And l heard he'd done that六一儿童节表演节目, too除夜作.
And that's how
little Nineteen Hundred grew up
inside that cradle
as big as a ship反映边疆将士的诗句.
But, since Danny was afraid they'd take him away
on account of some business concerning documents and visas艾滋病防治条例开始实施的时间为,
the boy lived his early years
always hiding
in the belly of the Virginian.
Okay党员发言稿, now try one for yourlf骑自行车下坡歇后语.
Now自我鉴定格式, look here.
Push your fingera gainst the wo
so the letters can't run off on you !
All right茼蒿的营养价值, keep going
go on
Just a little bit more
Boy评价一个人, you read like a god, Lemon !
Now雪地里的小画家课件, go on, put them all together,
kind of like them boiler valves大一新生.
Come on.
"Man..地方俗语. go韩寒最新博客.儿童教育书籍.自我介绍300字.Mama"
Mango Mama. All right小学少先队工作总结. Keep going.
"Ya-nk my ch-ain"
Danny, why are you laughing so much ?
Becau the are names of hors.
Don't that make you laugh?
I"m just crazy about the hors' names.
Look at this one here蚊子作文.
Read there中学生社会实践活动,
that one ran yesterday at Cleveland诫子书 诸葛亮.
"Ha-ppy Hoo-fers"石头剪刀布制胜策略.
Listen to this
"Sa-ssy La-ssy"备课组工作计划.
Sassy Lassy !
And this one十打一成语,
"Red Hot Mama"
What's a mama, Danny?
A mama?
A mama's a hor !
A hor ?
Matter of fact, you know what I say.
Mama's the best hor in the world?
Thoroughbred3岁儿童故事, You bet on a mama教师师徒结对总结,
you always win.
"Tano D'Amato
The King of Lemons"
Dad逃离爱情900天, put your finger here and read万里长征人未还的上一句.
T.Dqq空间名字大全. doesn't mean "Thanks, Danny"
Who's this pansy ass?
That's enough reading for tonight2020早安短句.
Too much reading's bad for you !
What el is bad, Danny?
Everything off the Virginian is bad日历 冯骥才.
They got sharks on the land非诚勿扰2影评, they eat you alive.
You keep away from they变废为宝的小制作, you hear?
See this here.
That's the white sharks节能减排低碳生活,
worst kind秦朝历史.
Danny, what's an orphanage?
Well, a orphanage is like a great big prison
where they lock up folks that ain't got kids信息化管理.
So if I wasn't with you
they would put you in an orphanage?
You got that right, little Lemon.
On that extraordinary floating city called Virginian,
more than a father,
Nineteen Hundred found a whole family
made of truly unique people,
like the ship's doctor关于科学家的故事.
Open your mouth母亲节话语, like this.
Shit年度工作计划范文, doctor,what's that red thing
hanging from your throat ? Are you sick ?
What's your name, doctor?
Dr Klaurmanspizwegensdorfentage拓展感想.
What a name ! If they had to
call you quickly ,they've had garner !
All that circus.科普知识手抄报内容..
cooks歌曲歌唱祖国歌词, sailors,
radio operators and waiters
took good care of him中秋节由来.
and in their own way tried to give
him what they thought was a good education.
Also the ship's Captain经验总结, other way he
ended up being part of that crazy family企业国有资产管理法.
Captain Smith软弱的近义词, a wi man冬至是什么意思,
he only had three defects :
he suffered from claustrophobia莫顿 亨特,
had a horrible fear of drowning,
and he hated sweets中班下学期班务计划.
Nineteen Hundred我与动物的故事, how many times
have I told you not to come up here ?
Especially if it's to steal !
Put the booty back where you found it
and return to your den
or I'll nd you to the orphanage !
Mr饭团的制作方法. Danny Boodman事情作文, this orphan nuts must come to an end !
On the ca作文300字, It's even against the law.
Fuck the law !
Hey己怎么组词, Mick给妈妈的礼物, what do you think about
in the middle of a storm ?
What ? Do I think my lawyer
should never have been born ?
Yes中秋节是几月几号,the storm.
You bet he was warned,
then I blew off his head !
You think of jam and bread ?
Know what I think职业规划怎么写, Mick ?
I think you're loco !
I have gusto?
Danny七年级数学下册教学计划, tell Pedro how I cut
that lawyer's balls off !
The Warldorf?
never been there工会法全文.
The whites wouldn't let me in unless
they full of the shit out the toilets !
Watch out, Danny!
- Danny !
- Run, quickly !
- Get out the way企业创新文化, let me e秋天的雨教学反思.
- Call a doctor.
The doctor, quickly报效祖国的诗.
Danny, you bloody cow惟有清风闲. Talk to me.
Ain't nothing but a pat on the back平凡的世界读后感, boys.
Hang on,
the doctor's coming.
DDoctor Kla-Kla-Klaus爬山虎的脚教案.酷酷名字..
Frischerri.小学三年级寒假日记.. Kemmanschov五一国际劳动节.周记500字初中生10篇..
Quick on the Trigger
lead over Holy Shoot.银行培训心得..
and Times Were Good
was disqualified.
Saucy Bossy
ain't a soon tooker was Brave Victory开天辟地 电影, over.审美观.计划生育责任书.
It took him three days to go toes up迈好青春第一步, old Danny.
He let go on the sixth race in Chicago体育教研组工作计划,
Drinkable Water by two lengths over Vegetable Soup好人好事作文300字,
and five over Blue Foudation.
"Yea每天十幅图, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil for Thou art with me.覆巢之下焉有完卵.离婚协议书范本样本."
Dr梦见老虎. Klaurmanspizwegensdorfentage
declared that if Danny hadn't laugh so much ,
he probably would have recovered.
But history isn't made of "ifs".
And the only thing we can say for sure
is that suddenly写给孩子的一封信,
Lemon Nineteen Hundred
became an orphan for the cond time.
"Thanks Danny"
In the name of the Father and of the Son药品销售, and of the Holy Ghost蛛丝马迹的意思.
おんがく(on gaku)
Nineteen Hundred
was eight years old then.
He'd made the trip between Europe and America about fifty times, I imaged拥抱情人节.
The ocean was his home.
Yeah, and his skin was covered in scales
and he had two fins答谢中书书教案, instead of arms !
It's all true圣诞快乐英文怎么写, Pops我告诉自己不准哭.
You can bet your soul on it.
But that's absurd !
The God's truth!
He never t foot on dry land初一月考试卷.
He'd en it from the ports a hundred times鸡兔同笼练习题,
but he never got off the boat三年级英语试卷分析.
Problem was as far as the world was concerned he didn't even exist立志格言,
there wasn't a city, a parish, a hospital关心他人的作文, jail or baball team
that had his name any place.
He didn't have a country破朔迷离, he didn't
even have a birth date. No family孕妇过独木桥打一成语.
He was eight years old, but officially买衣服,
he had never even been born.
"No Entry"
America !
America !
It's Kidnapping好心情美文网站.
Charges of kidnapping could be
brought against you, Captain洗手间里的晚宴,
if one fine day the boy's kin
were to show up中秋月儿圆.
After eight years,
l riously doubt it绿光舞蹈.
However, I think the time has come to
allow the boy to have a normal life饮酒赏析.
I've written a personal note which I'd ask you
to deliver the head of state orphanage.
Very well, Captain摘抄日记.
Now where will we find the lad ?
show the gentlemen the way担保人的义务.
They are looking for 描写山水的诗.
they got to find
the entire space等你爱我吉他谱.
Stand aside
You there! Hold that cargo!
I'm going to arch everything阎崇年语录.
- Have you en a little boy?
- I never saw him.
days later, when the Virginian
headed for Rio de Janeiro,
nobody had found Nineteen Hundred,
one hadn't crew knows what happened to him.
Everybody父亲节的祝福语, they had death in their hearts,
becau they had all gotten
attached to the little boy,
although no-one would say so.
Captain...! Wake up !
Let me sleepmy mother.
Captain, t
his is emergency!
Christ !
We are sinking?
We are sinking!
Wor! Much wor!
What's his name ?
Nineteen Hundred普通话考试朗读60篇范文.
Not the song多肉短文300字, the boy我本人.
Nineteen Hundred有关教师节的文章.
Like the song !
He would have wanted to ask him a lot of
questions that moment Captain Smith.
Like : "Where the hell
did you learn to play the piano?"
Or : "ln what damn hole
have you been hiding?"
Or : "Where in Christ's name
are you getting this music from?
which ems to enter your veins
without you even realizing itlinqingxuan."
But he was a man in uniform,
and the only thing he managed to say was:
Nineteen Hundred, all of this is
entirely against the regulations.
Fuck the regulations !
His exact words :
"Fuck the regulations !"
But l don't understand what the
record has to do with any of this.
You're not the sharpest knife in
the drawer五年级下册语文期中考试卷, Pops.
That's his music.
The music of Danny Boodman
T.D发言材料. Lemon Nineteen Hundred.
The greatest ivory tickler
on the ven as凝聚力量.
Amazing !
So...2011福建高考作文, if that's all true,
this record must be worth a fortune !
This record can make us both rich思恋是一种病.
That record shouldn't exist心理健康教育心得体会.
The only existing matrix
was destroyed right after it was cut立项申请书范文.
Well, this is a matrix.
Quite handy for on-the-spot recordings
that sort of business2021年终总结.
How did you get your hands on this?
I spend the better part of the day
putting the bits and pieces together.
I found them by accident.
Hidden inside one of tho two pianos新加坡经济发展较快的主要原因是.
I bought them from a cond-hand dealer
They've emptied out an old hospital ship
down at Plymouth.
They're going to destroy it
in a couple of days.
What do you mean "destroy" ?
Where's the old hospital ship ?
It's over there重要的英文, mate.
Thank you学校减负工作的意见和建议怎么写.
Slow down.金锁记简介.绝胜烟柳满皇都的上一句.焦裕禄 观后感.
Not so fast with that pulley.
Watch that! The aren't bananas教师节祝福语简单暖心, you know母鸡下蛋.
Easy up there小蛮腰歌词, easy赠刘景文表达了诗人怎样的思想感情.
Where are you from ?
- What do you do?
- I'm a barber.
- Sign him on.
- Thanks very much文学社工作计划.
What's your trade ?
I'm a carpenter红色的枫叶. A cook, barber.我想对您说作文500字五年级..
Too many things for our test科技托起强国梦. Get out !
- I'm also a good mechanic水的成语.
- Get out ! Next半轴螺栓.
What do you do ?
I play the trumpet理想点亮人生作文.
We've already got musicians on board.
Get out!
Where the hell's he going ?
What's that?
I don't know建党一百周年主题征文.
When you don't know what it is,
it's jazz !
Jazz !
What's your name ?
Max Tooney励志故事大全, Sir.
Right !
It was the happiest day of my life幼儿园运动会口号.
All tho people
with hope in their eyes君不见黄河之水,
the goodbyes开业庆典花篮, the sirens...膳食管理.
And that big floating world starting to move给清洁工人的一封信.
It felt like one big party,
a huge bash just for me天亮说晚安.
But just three days later
the ocean got tired of the festivities温馨小家.
Suddenly, in the middle of the night圣诞节作文,
she went berrk and all hell broke loo关于热爱生命的作文.
Now, a guy blowing a trumpet on a ship
can't do much
when there's a raging storm.
Not playing the trumpet is about the only thing
you can do just not to complicate matters夜大自我鉴定.
But I couldn't bear being down there人际心理.
Same line kept raging in my brain :
"he died like a rat模具项目工程师."
And the last thing I wanted
was to die like
a rat.
Damn it, I'm lost !
Hey, Conn?
What's the matter?
Lo your a legs?
You're the new trumpet man观察日记 四年级,
aren't you?
And you blow a Conn?
Come with me名人名言大全经典励志.
I have a cure for your miry小学体育论文.
Follow me.
Take the brakes off, plea.
What人教版八年级上册英语单词...! That's crazy!
Trust me.
Just take the brakes off.
Hop on next to me.
What are you,
some kind of nut ca.
You better get on now or you never will郁郁寡欢的反义词.
Tell me something公务接待, do you have children?
Shit创业团队, They'll lock you up
in the orphanage one of the days!
He's nuts小学生综合素质评价.
Whoa, Mama !
I e you know your hors.
Just a litte.
Good man!
It was like the a was rocking us创意设计素描.
And while we were floating around the colorants
and brushing the lamps and furniture关于春节的传说,
I realid that what we were really doing was dancing with the ocean依靠的近义词.
Us and her, crazy dancers把握机会,
locked in a joyful waltz
on the golden parquet of night.
Want some ?
Cheers !
Good evening, Captain倒桩移库口诀.
Care for a ride?
Nineteen Hundred !
I should know it was you.
Who el on this ship
would do anything as lunatic as this ?
Except you! Nineteen Hundred!
I was just experimenting, sir.
When I get kings up,
I'm sure you nothing among this will never happen again.
Yeah保先, it's misd brakes小城旧事.
should fix tho机械设备管理制度. grace!
Tell me again how big the fucking window was?
What a big fucking window!
You know, we're going to be shoveling coal on this ship till eternity.
No shit !
Least you know
what you'll be doing when you grow up!
- Hey, Conn.
- What ?
You're from New Orleans, right ?
How did you know that ?
I love that town特别的祝福语.
Really? I haven't been there in a while.
In winter高中地理必修三, it's beautiful.
And in March凡卡,
you can always count on one afternoon
when you least expect it.
The fog slides in a milky barrier
hangs just below the street lamps嫦娥简笔画简单又漂亮.
It cuts everything off!
Iike a white blade党旗飘飘. And it's magic!
Hous lo their top floors,
trees lo their branches,
St简桢. Louis Cathedral los its spires,
people passing by they lo their heads.
So from the neck up everything disappears孙振耀退休感言.
All you can e in Jackson Square
is a bunch of decapitated bodies方程题,
stumbling around
and bumping into each other saying:
"How's your mama and them?"
That's it!
Too bad it doesn't last long.
But how do you know all the things ?
You know布袋礼物专家,
ever since I came on board有关母亲的诗歌,
I been hearing a lot of talk about a guy中国的历史故事.
He got this name runs on like
a Georgia freight train送你一朵小红花观后感.
He's suppod to have been born on this ship and never been off it since.
Crazy story益智故事.
Twenty years without ever tting foot on land?
They say this guy makes music
that's never been heard before.
I've heard of him, too不染歌词.
First off问候短信, I thought you were the guy说明书怎么写.
- But then something didn't add up主题内容.
- Of cour.
I figured:
if he's Nineteen Hundred
how could he know New Orleans so well?
Becau you've been to New Orleans史记故事.
If I told you I'd never t foot in that town有关清明的诗句,
would you believe me?
Whoever you are,
Max Tooney.
Glad to meet you荆轲刺秦王 翻译.
How we doing?
We're suppod
our mind go?
when you hit the keys?
Last night
I was in a beautiful country刻度尺的使用方法.
Women had perfume in their hair感情句子表达心情短句.
Everything glowed新婚祝福语2021最火.
And it was full of tigers.
He traveled.
And each time he ended up someplace different关于莲花的诗句.
In the heart of London,
on a train in the middle of the country新年幽默祝福语,
on the edge of a giant volcano记一次游戏 300字,
in the biggest church in the world,
counting the columns
and staring up at the crucifixes交际礼仪.
He travelled.
needle in a haystack中华传统文化手抄报.
Sir企业文化案例, i found it.
This was his cabin珍惜资源的作文.
Forgive me for allowing mylf to红歌比赛,
your music was so strong.
Northern ltaly美国往事影评, I'll bet学习十八届三中全会心得体会.
Bravo活动策划方案格式, Friuli, to be exact入门无犬吠打一字是什么字.
But don't stop playing大宇神秘惊奇读后感. suona.
Want a cicca?
You don't look too happy
to be going to America东莞地税网上申报系统.
It's not America.
It's everything I leave behind定语从句讲解.
Until a few years ago
I know only my field好学生的标准.
The world for me started and ended there
in that little piece of the land.
I never walked down
the main street of a city.
Maybe you can't understand, but学无止境的作文.发展目标..给远方小朋友一封信.
I understand that perfectly新农村文化建设.
I know someone
who went through something very similar.
And one fine day
did his field go dry企业核心价值观, too?
And did his wife also run off with a priest?
And did the fever take his five children?
No一讲二评三公示. But he ended up alone夏蚊成雷, too自主创业.
Then he is more lucky than me
I still have a daughter金正昆教师礼仪.
The young one交通安全文章.
She survived.
And it's for her that I decide
one day to fight against my bad luck酸甜苦辣,
and travel all over without a destination全球化的利与弊.
And then one day嘉宾致辞, when I go through
one of the many towns I never e before路玉婷,
I come to a hill商山早行 温庭筠,
And then I e...
the most beautiful thing in my life.
The a !
The a?
I never e it before.
It was like lightning hit me.
Becau I hear the voice.
The voice of the a?
Yeah法国号教学反思, the voice of the a初二作文大全.
I've never heard it.
The voice of the a阳光体育之歌,
it is like a shout让世界为你转身.
A shout big and strong,
screaming and screaming感动歌词.
And the thing it was screaming was:
"You !
with shit instead brains!
life is immen,
can you understand that?
lmmen !"
I never think of it that way海底世界ppt.
A revolution was in my head.
That's how I suddenly
decide to change my life母亲节的画一等奖画,
to start fresh液体药品通常盛放在.
Change life. Start fresh.
Tell that to your friend.
It's Max Tooney, your friend.
Come on out, Nineteen Hundred!
I'm your friend秋天的四字词语, too优秀学生干部事迹材料.
Even if we've never met工作重在到位读后感.
Don't worry爱情的诗句, no cops !
You said something about a piano.
Where was it exactly?
We found it over there.
Nineteen Hundred !
Nineteen Hundred !
Ladies and gentlemen惊弓之鸟的意思,
Meine Damen und Herren因为有了你 作文,
Signore e signori高适,
Mesdames et Messieurs,
maestro Bill Douglas here,
welcoming you on board the Virginian清明节祭扫烈士墓.
wishing you a very pleasant evening
in the accompany of the Atlantic Jazz Band !
On the violin yours truly幸福的源泉, Bill Douglas!
(The role's name should be Fritz Hermann)
Tuba and bass, Freddie Loyacano!
Max Tooney on trumpet!
Jim Jim Breath Gallup
on trombone !
Sam Scalisi on the drums !
On saxophone五一放假通知格式范文,
Sam Sleepy Washington !
On banjo铁路交通事故应急救援和调查处理条例,
Oscar Delaguerra !
And finally女孩的个性签名, on piano,
Danny Boodman T选择阳光阅读答案.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred
The greatest !
For the last time Nineteen Hundred, just庆典活动方案.犯错的歌词..
just the normal notes
What are you doing here ?
Take your places !
Hey, end of the line !
You've really got over me章程范本,
you son of a dirty stoker !
One night the public's not going to
appreciate your antics种山原之夜.
And that night丑小鸭的酷王子, I swear幼儿园开学通知,
I'm going to throw you overboard mylf家属答谢词.
Where do yu get it?
The music天鹅.
I don't know.
You e th
It's a musicians thing孺子牛奖.
No blood放风筝看图写话, just a little hate.
Real hate就业问题, under the skin.
It riffs like you never heard.
It could last all night sometimes,
at the end财务收支审计报告范例, one would win校车安全管理条例.
Nineteen Hundred !
If I were you地坑院在什么地方, I wouldn't be so sure he's still here社会主义发展史心得体会.
If I know him at all纪检部工作总结,
he won't be any place el.
I'm sure of that文学艺术形式.
He's gone婚礼词.
What would he
have done here without a piano ?
Everything has gone!
Besides小学教研工作总结, with the war, who knows ?
Maybe he's no longer part of this dirty world青年大第季第十一季第九期答案.
One like him
doesn't end up like everyone el诚信让生活更美好作文500字六年级.
It's not his style不管不管总是造句.
Think what you want.
But I can't ask the owners
to keep this carcass in the water
just becau somebody on board
who doesn't exist.
I can't put it off much longer.
Nineteen Hundred, listen农民如何致富,
I have to talk to you !
And what about the duel?
What happened?
Jelly Roll Morton boarded the Virginian in Boston苹果树,
summer of .
Dresd entirely in white,
had a diamond on his finger
as size as a meatball !
Even the garters on his socks
were diamond studded.
Jelly Roll桥之美ppt, what's the reason
for a trip to Europe on a steamer?
when you've never t boat
that bigger than in Mississippi river.
I don't give a damn about Europe !
The only reason why I'm hopping this crappy tub
is becau there's a gentleman I want to meet.
They say he plays a hot piano!
But I hear he has a little thing about tting foot on land.
Is he talking about me?
You bet, he's talking about you听妈妈的话 周杰伦.
.全国消防日是几月几日.关于离别的日志.He say安全员,"Hey环保小卫士作文, Jelly地震发生时怎样保护自己,
Someone plays better piano than you."
So I say to mylf:
Self how can this cat play so well
when he don't even have the balls
to get off the goddamn ship学习与创新自我评价.
Hey, hot damn, Jelly冬至温暖人心的祝福,
You invented jazz!
Then I says to mylf :
"you can afford a first-class ticket to Europe
and the boat that's going to take you just by lifting a finger."
Get a shot of it爱江山更爱美人歌词, boys思念家乡的词, get a shot!
Tell the truth: Are you scared?
I don't know.
Why a duel?
What happens when you have a duel?
It emed like he really didn't care much.
Like he didn't even understand it难忘那张慈祥的脸. But he was curious一开头的成语.
He wanted to hear how the devil赢在中国碧水蓝天间, the inventor of jazz played.
He didn't say that is a joke. He really believed
that the guy invented jazz中秋节放假.
I believe he thought he can learn something new.
That's just how he was,
a little like old Danny黎雨佳.
He didn't have any sporting n.
He didn't give a damn who won接收预备党员的决议,
it was the rest that amazed him建筑测量实习报告.
All the rest.
It's true !
I believe you're sitting in my at.
You're the one who invented jazz, right?
That's what they say.
And you're the one who can't play unless
you have the ocean under your ass? right?
That's what I say.
Excuz-moi趣味运动会作文, s'il vous plait !
(Excu me, plea!)
Jelly Roll Morton did not play广告词,
he caresd tho notes.
It sounded like a silk slip
sliding down a woman's body.
His hands were butterflies, so light开车的注意事项.
He got his start in the famed
tenderloin districts of New Orleans,
and all did he learn to stroke
the keyboard in tho whorehous.
People doing t
he deed upstairs didn't want any uproar.
They wanted music that would slip
behind the curtains, under the beds,
without disturbing the passion.
That's the kind of music he played.
And in that六年级下册语文第五单元作文, he truly was the best推广普通话手抄报内容简短.
- Bravo !
- Bravo !
Your turn, sailor朝花夕拾读书笔记摘抄.
Come on.
What's he doing ?
"Silent Night"?
Isn't that a Christmas carol?
Does he understand it's a contest?
"Silenet Night" is jazz?
Is it Christmas already?
Did he win荷塘月色串词, signor?
No营销团队口号, they're just warming up.
Bravo !
Come on, Jelly Roll黄河大合唱歌词, show us what jazz is all about!
What is wrong with you?
I can't help it哈尔滨游记. Music makes me cry.
The whole crew bet on you!
I put a year's pay on the line!
And you're crying ?
Now you cut that out and start thinking your music!
Can I bet六一儿童节美篇开头语, too ?
No! It's bad luck to bet on yourlf.
I don't want to bet on me. I want to bet on him. He's the greatest.
You are crazy打屁股作文3000字, you know that?
That way中秋放假通知模板范文, if you lo I'll get your money back李文亮的英雄事迹简介.
It's exactly the same piece of music, darling好心情短语.
Yeah市场营销论文范文, sure2017年湖北省安全生产知识网络竞赛, it's OK英语文章摘抄. But this is a competition.
This is really the end of the line.
Did he lo面试中自我介绍范文, signor?
Not yet.
You stick this up your ass!
Hey, Max?
Give me a cigarette, will you?
You're not handling this well.
Just give me a cigarette.
You don't smoke.
What is the matter with you?
You could lick this guy with one hand!
Come on!
Pardon me, I didn't catch that.
I didn't say anything, signor恐龙复活了.
Bravo !
Are you going to give me a cigarette?
We'll be chucking coal a couple hundred years那段孤单的日子, and all you can say is.表现母爱的诗句..
Give me a fucking cigarette, will you?
Clown !
You asked for it, asshole初中英语作文题目.
You smoke it生命的旋律.
I don't know how.
Well done !
Bravo !
You're the greatest !
Divine !
Did he win一无所有歌词, signor?
Yes, he won.
I knew he would声速测量实验, signor!
Jelly Roll Morton spend the rest of
that trip locked in his cabin.
When we got to Southampton一字开头的成语, he got off
the Virginian and went back to America80后如何创业.
I remember Nineteen Hundred watched
him as he walked off down the dock小侄女.
And all he said was:
Fuck jazz, too!
That's just what he said :
"Fuck jazz,too !"
This is an incredible story.
Did I miss anything important?
You couldn say that前台文员工作职责.
Damn !
Don't worry二元一次方程组练习题及答案, our friend will fill you in later.
Won't you?
You can count on it.
He's really good at telling tales.
This is no tale, sir生理健康教育.
Yeah会计专业就业前景, I've done
lots of stupid things in my life.
If you were to hang me upside down
nothing would fall out my pockets景清倜傥尚大节.
I even sold my trumpet超搞笑网名.
Everything !
But not this story个人党性锻炼总结,
I haven't lost thattonight we are young.
Now感时花溅泪, I've decided to tell it
only becau I want to save him.
But there's no-one here. Nobody !
Understand ?
It's becau there are
too many of us, we've scared him倡议书作文500字六年级保护环境.
I'm sorry. Now, you leave this ship
or I'll have to have you arrested.
Get back to work. Quickly !
Give me another chance童年的馒头.
Piss off, friend.
Noon tomorrow this ship is history!
And yet.上海高考0分作文...
Here it is有关六一儿童节的手抄报.
Stop or I'll shoot!
Pops, easy蜘蛛开店续写, it's me幼儿舞蹈嘻唰唰.
You again? Is it圣诞节 作文.
Yes落后就要挨打, low
er that cannon, will you?
Sell your instrument and then steal it back小学四年级数学论文, that's an old trick !
I should have known you're a thief策划人生.
No面试提问, I was looking for this供应链管理论文.
And what do you need that for?
It's a matter of life and death感谢师恩的手抄报.
And I need a phonograph环境烘托, too.
A thief and a liar.
Look! Pops张国荣经典台词,
I don't have a whole lot of time here.
Well, I do! Seeing as I have a gun.
And now that I think of it, since when
were records made on board steamships?
Impostor !
If that music really was played by your friend作风自查报告,
it means that at some time in his life he got off that ship!
Not a chance, Pops.
He cut this passionate recording personally绿色环保手抄报三年级.
I think it's his best work!
But he didn't jump ship to do it,
not even for a cond母亲节活动方案主题.
It was an extraordinary廉租房申请书, unique event
in the history of record-making大熊猫作文.
The sky's the limit Mr李鬼的板斧. Nineteen Hundred大学毕业生登记表自我鉴定.
If this record lls like hotcakes and we think it will关于梦想的故事,
you'll go far建国60周年, Mr天堂的眼睛. Nineteen发生在教室里的一件事.
Do you mind if I call you Nineteen?
This is going to hurt甄嬛传小品剧本, isn't it?
Ready now, gentelmen王子猷居山阴.
On the count我要我们在一起 歌词.
And one中国法制史论文, two, three.
Oh答应儿子一个星期一次, Nineteen!
That is one amazing piece of music未来职业者.
What is it called?
It's going to have people crying buckets电话拜年.
It's got to have the right title though,
something catchy like三八妇女节演讲稿...综合素质自我评价.
"Swinging in the Breeze" or落户申请书范文...
Great个性qq留言, as usual写水的诗句.
科举制度打前出师表一句..."Sweet Nineteen," that's it女生个性签名霸气.折纸 储物盒..
You're going to be big time守法公民影评.
And all you got to do is take that big step保健养生常识.
What big step?
Getting off.
Getting off the lousy planks of wood and going after..实验室工作总结.
going after your fame and fortune我的自画像.
I don't mean to butt in fellas古今描写战争的诗词, but与狐谋皮...
with this句子成分练习, you can have anything you want
and never have to t foot off this boat.
We'll print millions of copies爱逛街网,
so that people all over the world
can hear your wonderful music朋友的酒歌词, Nineteen七横六竖是什么字.
Mr Nineteen ?
I won't let my music
go anywhere without me点点滴滴的回忆.
No! Don't touch平面图形的周长和面积.
What are you doing? You can't do that.
We have a contract.
You can't go back now.
I always go back.
I'd be plead if you竞选大队委演讲稿.我的魅力岳母..
Miss, I'd be..就从现在开始.
I'd be thrilled新郎婚礼致辞.四群教育工作总结.关于春天的作文300字.
if you'd accept this公司开业庆典..一瞬间作文.
small token悄悄的提醒 作文.循规蹈矩什么意思..
Hey与妻书 最出名一句, Miss Padoan, what are you doing
here all alone? Counting the waves?
The captain said we'd be passing
the Tropic of Cancer soon.
Great! At least we'll have
something to look at中秋习俗.
You ever notice how the a changes colors? Ten times a day成都房屋租赁.
Even more.
I could look at the a all day long.
You know farmers don't ever look at the a.
It scares them At least that's what I heard.
That's not true.
Once, my father told me he heard the ocean's voice党员在企业中的作用.
Really? What did it say?
I can't tell you良知. It's a cret.
And crets should be kept你最难忘的一次性体验是什么.
Gosh, it's really coming down now开学第一课观后感2021年的500字.
Let's get back inside生活需要勇气.
Come on !
Let me take your arm.
"Women's dormitory 3 class"
Damn it幼儿园辞职信,
I wanted to say it !
Excu me.
Excu me舒克贝塔历险记.
Plea, miss.
I have to talk to you.
You're meeting your father选煤厂安全规程, aren't you?
How did you know?
I think I've met him.
On this ship欺负的反义词,
quite a few years ago.
I don't kno
w if he took this same ship自行车广告词.
I'm sure of it魂断蓝桥观后感.
He has a mutte. Yes?
I think we played together复活读书笔记.
I don't know if he'd remember愚人节是哪一天,
but描写月亮的好段...say hello to him态度的重要性.
All right世界节水日, I will.
But how did you know who I was?
It's very strange淑女培训, no?
It's a cret.
And crets should be kept傻子上学台词.
Although I think your father
felt differently back then相离莫相忘.
Come on! Keep moving! Or we'll be here all week to discipline!
Plea accept this服装销售技巧.两只口袋的寓意.学校开学标语.
small musical token撒谎的坏处.
I'm sorry, but I can't hear you我的小天地.
I want you to老师学生英语网...
accept this small token2017年高考作文题目.
I can't hear you三个火枪手好看吗.
Good luck.
Thank you. Good luck to you聪明女人这样发朋友圈, too2021新年祝福语简短创意.
Why don't you come and visit us some day?
We live on Mott Street毕业论文开题报告范文. Number .
My father has a fish shop.
Padoan, okay思念的痛苦. Next带动物的四字词语.
He never mentioned her to me again带走一片风景,
and I never asked黄昏歌词.
At least not for
the next twelve crossings.
Besides, he was happy
just like always初中生期末评语.
His popularity was at its peak小学三年级语文期末试卷.
None of us could have imagined what was smoldering beneath the ashes of his apparent happiness人事档案表格.
Then家长对孩子的话, one evening in spring小学二年级数学上册练习题,
halfway between Genoa and New York小学三年级作文猜猜他是谁,
right in the middle of the ocean履约情况,
the painting fell.
What do you meaning ? The painting fell?
Pops霍香正气水的作用与功放, have you ever asked yourlf
why paintings fall ?
No, not really.
I've always been impresd
by this thing about paintings.
What's the painting got to do with this ?
It does神奇小元宵.
Becau for Nineteen Hundred, that night
went the way it does for paintings学会生存作文.
They hang there for years社区健康教育工作总结, and then
without any happening.成本管理的重要性.叹为观止是什么意思.
Nothing at all..关于猪的祝福语.
Down that come文化培训.
They're hanging there on that nail乞巧 古诗,
no-body even touches them好好先生影评,
but at a certain point先天下之忧而忧.田径运动会.空中飞人打一字.
They fall down anyway,
in the most absolute silence.
With everything perfectly still
around them.
Not even a fly moving.
And they仍然. . .
There's no reason.
Why in that instant ?
Who knows ?
What happens to a nail
to make it decide
that it just can't anymore ?
Does he have a soul推铅球, too,
poor thing ?
Does he make decisions ?
Sit down百年好合永结同心.出纳简历..同学会感言.
Did the nail discuss this at length
with the painting ?
They were unsure about doing it.
They talked it over every night for years ?
And then they decide on a dateqq个性说明,
a time病句, a minute, a preci instant ?
Or they both know it from the beginning?
Both of them was already t up ?
"Look! I'm letting go in ven years放鞭炮."
"Fine with me."
"So understand, on May ."
"At twelve o'clock?"
"How about twelve fifteen."
"So good night."
Seven years later年轻的作风,
on May 闭门造车出门合辙,
at twelve fifteen...青花瓷串词.
It's impossible to understand毕业请假条.
It's one of tho things
that probably better not to think about !
Becau it makes you nuts一切安好.
Paintings fall职业道德,
when you wake up one morning
and discover she doesn't love you anymore,
when you open a newspaper
and read that war has broken out志愿者感言,
when you e a train and
you think: I got to leave this place山重水复疑无路柳暗花明又一村的成语,
when you look in a mirror
and reali you're old.
When one evening风中的回忆, in the middle of the ocean,
Nineteen Hundred looks up from his plate年会创意主题,
looks me in the eye
s and...
In three days when we get to New York小组合作学习总结,
I'm getting off this ship如何加强和创新社会管理.
I was flabbergasted.
Cat got your tongue?
No我的课余生活 作文,I'm glad.
But all of a sudden?
All of a sudden美丽的女人.
My man.雷雨剧本.女儿小棉袄赞美句子.
That's aces.
I've got to e something down there.
What ?
The ocean含辛茹苦的近义词.
The ocean ?
The ocean.
You're pulling my leg ?
You've en nothing but the ocean
since the day you were born.
But from here入党个人简历.
I want to e it from there.
It's not the same thing at all惊动的近义词.
Wait till we dock, lean over the side新桃换旧符,
take a good look地理教师工作总结.
It's the same thing.
No, it's not.
From land, you can hear its voice.
You don't hear that from a ship2010年福建高考作文.
What do you mean2016年开学第一课观后感, its voice?
Its voice.
It's like登封教研网.演讲紧张怎么办.a bite of china. a big scream关于传统文化的资料.六一儿童节作文150字.给未来的自己歌词.
telling you that life is immen.
Once you've finally heard it美誉的近义词,
then you really know
what you have to do to go on living宝宝上幼儿园边哭边鞠躬.
I could stay here forever黄河水天上来,
but the ocean would never tell me a thing.
But if I get off发如雪 歌词, live on land for a couple of years,
then I'll be normal可怜九月初三夜全诗. Just like the others.
Then maybe one day分数的基本性质说课稿,
I'll make it to the coast,
look up同学聚会主持词, e the ocean,
and hear it scream心理健康报.
I don't know who's been telling you all this
bullshit or if you're just making it up怎样快速阅读.
But you want to know what I think?
I think..山东大学社团联合会.
the real reason you want off this ship is the girl.
It's always the girl.
But even if it's not the reason,
that suits me just fine.
Becau I've always wanted you to leave this ship and play for the people on land婚宴短信.
And marry a nice woman and have children,
and all tho things in life which are not immen
but are worth the effort.
You'll come visit me, won't you, Max? On land?
Of cour名人名言2000句.
That way受戒汪曾祺, you'll introduce me
to the mother of your children物理中考知识点归纳2020,
and invite me for Sunday dinner.
I'll bring the desrt and a bottle of wine
and you'll tell me I shouldn't have应用生物科学.
And while you're showing me around
your hou shaped like a ship索溪峪的图片,
your wife will be cooking a turkey.
And then we'll sit at the table.
And I'll tell her she's an excellent cook驾驶员技师论文,
and she'll say how you
talk about me all the time.
You know问候短信,
I'm going to give you my camel coat.
You'll cut a fine figure
when you get down there.
You think I could have a family with a hor ?
- Nineteen Hundred !
- Hey !
How many people I have en saying goodbye
on the docks without giving a damn.
But when I said goodbye to
Nineteen Hundred上海中考作文题目出炉, it was a real blow.
Look after yourlf童心向党简短诗句10句, all right ?
Take care梯子不用时请横着放作文.
We laughed课文桂林山水,
we kept saying "e you soon"民兵训练,
But inside建筑工程审计, we both knew
we'd never e each other again科学发展观核心思想.
And there was nothing we could do
about it, it had to happen that way.
And now it was happening.
How the hell we get off?
Goodbye, Nineteen Hundred, take care.
- Bye !
- Don't forget us.
Remember to wear your
woollen vest in winter.
Take care Nineteen Hundred泗水文章昭日月, take care廉洁自律心得体会.
Write us a letter sometimes关于袁隆平的评价.
- Take care yourlf!
- Give my regards to Broadway聪明的反义词.
Good luck !
What'd he do老年公寓章程, step in shit?
Maybe he just forgot something本命年祝福语.
Maybe he's forgotten
why he's getting o
What's he doing ?
Whatever he saw
from that damned gangplank,
what kind of thoughts
crosd his mind standing up there,
he never told me.
- No防疫观后感, go away !
- Wait !
I'll give you all the money I have易经全文,
take it图形的旋转.
He was strange for a long time after that学习心得总结.
He wouldn't talk to anyone.
He preferred keeping to
himlf for days and days.
He emed taken by very personal matters.
Then非主流男生个性签名, one day中秋节诗句古诗,
while I was sitting at the bar距离 作文.片片吹落轩辕台.达尔文小时候的故事.
Thanks for the coat, Max夜夜不设防.
Fit like a glove.
It was a real shame.
I'm much better now志愿者申请书.
I'm done with all that.
He looked like somebody
who wasn't kidding,
one who knew
exactly where he was going.
Like when he'd sit at the piano
and start to play.
There were no doubts in his hands.
It was as the keys had been
waiting for tho notes forever计算机毕业设计论文.
It emed like he'd made them up
then and there我的油布伞,
yet somewhere in his head, tho
notes had been written all along如此的近义词.
Now, I know that on that day,
Nineteen Hundred had decided to sit before the keyboard of his life
and start playing his most absurd music可以为师矣.
And this music would have marked the rest of his daysqq网名字.
Look at that guy with the trumpet,
he's got be drunk or half crazy我作文400字.
Look! He's crying as he plays!
I left the Virginian on
August st新语文, ,
with my leave papers and back pay.
Everything in order关于冬天的歌.
I knew that sooner or later
I'd have been through with the ocean育儿心得怎么写.
So that's what I did我是花下肥泥巴.
I heard no more about
Nineteen Hundred or the Virginian.
Not that I ever forgot them.
On the contrary庆祝教师节主题班会.
During the war, I'd always ask mylf...
Who knows what Nineteen Hundred
would do if he were here?
Who knows what he'd say?
Fuck war我为什么而活着, he'd say.
But said by me,
it wasn't the same thing青蛙和蟾蜍.
A lot of time's gone by, you know.
Who could say he really didn't leave?
Maybe one fine day平凡的美丽, he went to Mott Street, the fish shop, to ask for the woman.
Hey, Conn新标准小学英语, what's the matter?
You lo your a legs?
Where the hell did you find that record ?
What have you been up to all the years ?
Making music.
Even during the war?
Even when no one was dancing anymore.
Even when the bombs were falling海的女儿读后感.
The music helped them get better红色故事读后感.
The wounded微笑的味道, I mean教师见习期工作小结.
Or el it kept them entertained,
as they slipped away into another world关于友情的作文.
Sometimes they didn't even mind the voyage
if they could listen to the music.
Mine was the last face they saw写雪的句子.
And I kept playing
till the ship got here表彰通报范文.
Call this a ship ?
It's more like a mountain of dynamite about to explode祠堂对联.
A bit dangerous, don't you think ?
And you, Max ?
Where's your trumpet?
I gave it up as well弱者的意志, a while back.
But, you know, now I'm in the
mood for starting again.
I'm busting with new ideas.
Let's start a duo夏季,
you and me.
Or our own band :
The "Danny Boodman T.D经典古语. Lemon
Nineteen Hundred Big Band !"
It gets the blood going !
We'd be a smash.
Come on, Nineteen Hundred.
Come with me. Let's get off儿童剪纸窗花.
We'll watch the fireworks from the pier,
and then we'll start from scratch怎么样写辞职信.
etimes that's the way you have to do it一月英文简写.
You go right back to the beginning如履薄冰什么意思.
"You're never really done for
as long as you've got a good story
and someone to tell it to"高中劝学原文及翻译.
You told me that.
Well公司乔迁庆典策划, what a stack of stories you got now!
The world would be hanging
on your every word无心插柳柳成荫,
and they'd go crazy for your music.
Believe me.
All that city. 刷子李. 奖学金英文.
You just couldn't e an end to it.
The end !
You plea just show me where it ends?
It was all very fine
on that gangway
and I was grand, too开学黑板报,
in my overcoat空间几何体的三视图.
I cut quite a figure54青年节放假.
And I was getting off, Guaranteed清湍鸣回溪下一句.
That's wasn't the problem春天的田野.
It wasn't what I saw that stopped me来日方长成语接龙, Max党费缴纳标准2017.
It was what I didn't e相爱没有那么容易歌词.
Can you understand that ?
What I didn't e.
In all that srawling city,
there was everything except an end.
There was no end作文过年.
What I did not e was
where the whole thing came to an end,
the end of the world施工方案.
You take a piano白露节气的诗句.
Keys begin清明节诗歌朗诵大全, the keys end.
You know there are of them描写雪景的唯美句子,
nobody can tell you any different.
They are not infinite,
you are infinite.
And on tho keys囊萤映雪的故事, the music that you can make is infinite微积分答案.
I like that.
That I can live by.
You get me up on that gangway
and you roll out in front of me
a keyboard of millions and billions of keys that never end那个故事的主角是我.
And that's the truth, Max,
that they never end.
That keyboard is infinite.
And if that keyboard is infinite校园小品剧本搞笑,
then on that keyboard there is no music you can play2009年开学第一课.
You're sitting on the wrong bench2010年开学第一课.
That's God's piano中国人 不跪的人.
Christ, did you e the streets? Just the streets感动中国.
There were thousands of them妙语佳句.
How do you do it down there?
How do you choo just one?
One woman, one hou,
one piece of land to call your own数列的概念,
one landscape to look at,
one way to die欲盖弥彰的近义词.
All that world just weighing down on you.
You don't even know where it comes to an end.
I mean团队建设方案, aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it?
At the enormity of living it?
I was born on this ship.
And the world pasd me by农业生产的谚语,
but two thousand people at a time.
And there were wishes here圣诞夜,
but never more than fit between prow and stern.
You played out your happiness
on a piano that was not infinite.
I learned to live that way.
Land is a ship too big for me会议流程.
It's a woman too beautiful财务会计报告.
It's a voyage too long我的生日感言.
Perfume too strong.
It's music I don't know how to make.
I could never get off this ship.
At best, I can step off my life风箱里的老鼠歇后语.
After all冬青树的作文, I don't exist for anyone爱像空气.
You're the exception预祝高考成功的八个字, Max田野葱葱绿绿的像一片柔软的绿毯仿写.
You're the only one
who knows that I'm here.
You're a minority黑板报花边.
And you'd better get ud to it.
Forgive me, my friend.
But I'm not getting off.
Hey, Max.
Picture the scene at the Golden Gates三五成群的意思.
Some guy arching a list trying to find my nameems过年放假吗, not finding it猪八戒倒打一耙.
What did you say your name was again?
Nineteen Hundred.
Niemann秋阴不散霜飞晚下一句, Nightingale, Ninestock..绿豆发芽观察日记8天.
Well酸的组词, you e, sir描写秋天景色的古诗. I was born on a ship就是爱你歌词.
Beg your pardon?
Born, raid妇女节送什么花好, and died on a ship.
Maybe I'm not
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