invalid2 14./
Insurable interest refers to the interest of the insurant in the objects of
insurance recognized by/
Objects of insurance refer to property or related interest insured or life and
health of a person/
第十二条 投保人对保险标的应当具有保险利益物态变化知识点。 /
投保人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,保险合同无效。 /
保险利益是指投保人对保险标的具有的法律上承认的利益。 /
Article 13 An insurance contract shall hold after the insurant applies for
insurance and the insurer agrees to underwrite the insurance and the two sides
have reached agreement on the claus of the contract散文类型. The insurer shall issue
insurance policies or other insurance certificates to the insurant in a timely
manner and specify on the insurance policies or other insurance documents the
contents of the contracts agreed by the two sides. /
The insurant and the insurer, upon agreement, may also conclude insurance
contracts in the form of written agreement other than tho provided for in the
preceding paragraph影楼门市接单技巧./
Article 14 After an insurance contract is concluded, the insurant shall pay
premium as agreed upon in the contract and the insurer shall start to undertake
insurance liabilities at the time agreed upon./
第十四条 保险合同成立后,投保人按照约定交付保险费;保险人按照约定的时间开始承担保险责任英语专业答辩开场白。/
Article 15 The insurant may terminate the insurance contract after the contract
is signed except otherwi provided for by this law or by the insurance
第十五条 除本法另有规定或者保险合同另有约定外,保险合同成立后石竹山,投保人可以解除保险合同。/
Article 16 The insurer is not allowed to terminate the insurance contract after
the contract is signed except otherwi provided for by this law or by the
insurance contract./
第十六条 除本法另有规定或者保险合同另有约定外,保险合同成立后,保险人不得解除保险合同有你才幸福。/
Article 17 In concluding an insurance contract, the insurer should explain the
contents of the claus of the insurance contract and may rai inquiries on
matters concerning the objects of insurance or the insurant, and the insurant
shall make true reprentations改革开放带来的变化./
If the insurant conceals facts deliberately and refus to perform the
obligations of making true reprentatio
ns or fails to perform the obligations
of making reprentations due to negligence that would be enough to affect the
insurer from making the decision of whether or not to agree to accept the
insurance or rai the insurance premium, the insurer has the right to terminate
the insurance contract强烈的近义词./
If the insurant deliberately refus to perform the obligations of making true
reprentations档案数字化, the insurer shall not undertake to pay indemnity or insurance
money for insured risks that occurs before the contract is terminated and shall
not return the insurance premium./
If the insurant fails to perform the obligations of making reprentations due
to negligence, thereby riously affecting the occurrence of insured risks青海游记, the
insurer shall not undertake to pay indemnity or insurance money for contingency
that occurs before the contract terminates but may return the insurance
Insured risks refer to the contingencies or perils covered by the insurance as
agreed upon in the/
insurance contract紧急的近义词./
第十七条 订立保险合同听听那冷雨 赏析,保险人应当向投保人说明保险合同的条款内容关于圆明园的电影,并可以就保险标的或者被保险人的有关情况提出询问,投保人应当如实告知。
Article 18 If an insurance contract provides for the exemption of liabilities
for the insurer, the insurer shall clearly state in before signing the insurance
contract. If no clear statement is made about it甩葱歌 歌词, the clau shall not be
Article 19 An insurance contract shall contain the
1. Name and domicile of the insurer;/
2可爱名字. Names and residences of the insurant and the insured and the name and
residence of the beneficiaries of life insurance调研报告格式./
3快乐烹饪. Objects of insurance;/
4离职申请书. Insurance liability and liability exemption;/
5感动中国2020观后感. Insurance term and the starting time of insurance
6描写山水的成语. Insured value;/
7. Insured amount;/
8富士山下歌词. Premium and the method of payment;/
9周年庆. The method of payment of insurance indemnity or insurance
10. Liabilities for breach of
contract and the handling of
11感慨人生. The year我的植物朋友作文, month and date in which the contract is
第十九条 保险合同应当包括下列事项: /
(一)保险人名称和住所; /
(二)投保人、被保险人名称和住所冬季育儿知识,以及人身保险的受益人的名称和住所; /
(三)保险标的; /
(四)保险责任和责任免除; /
(五)保险期间和保险责任开始时间; /
(六)保险价值; /
(七)保险金额; /
(八)保险费以及支付办法; /
(九)保险金赔偿或者给付办法; /
(十)违约责任和争议处理; /
Article 20 The insurant and the insurer may reach agreement on related matters
other than tho/
stated in the preceding paragraph我是一个孤独的人./
第二十条 投保人和保险人在前条规定的保险合同事项外,可以就与保险有关的其他事项作出约定世界环境日主题。/
Article 21 The insurant and the insurer跨年夜, after consultation什么城外寒山寺, may alter the
contents of the insurance contract within the valid period of the insurance
In altering the contents of an insurance contract, the insurer shall take notes
on the original insurance policies or other insurance documents or attach a
rider or a written agreement on the alteration signed by the insurant and the
第二十一条 在保险合同有效期内,投保人和保险人经协商同意,可以变更保险合同的有关内容。 /
Article 22 The insurant, the insured or beneficiaries shall notify the insurer
of the occurrence of the insured risks in time after they have learned about
The insured refers to a person who is protected by the property or life
insurance contract and who enjoys the right to insurance claims. An insurant may
be an insured南瓜灯怎么做手工制作./
A beneficiary refers to a person who has been designated by the insured or the
insurant to enjoy/
the right to insurance claims. The insurant or the insured may be the
第二十二条 投保人、被保险人或者受益人知道保险事故发生后中秋节的好词好句,应当及时通知保险人。 /
被保险人是指其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,享有保险金请求权的人七年级上册数学复习资料,投保人可以为被保险人党费2022标准。 /
Article 23 In claiming for indemnity or payment according to an insurance
contract after an insured risk occurs音符怎么画, the insurant卒之为众人, the insured or the
beneficiaries are obliged to provide evidence or materials to prove the nature
and caus of the contingency and loss caud by it./
If the insurer deems
the evidence or materials provided incomplete according to
the agreement in the insurance contract自己的文章, the insurer shall notify the insurant,
the insured or the beneficiaries and demand for additional evidence or
Article 24 After receiving the claim by the insured or beneficiaries for
compensation or payment of insurance money, the insurer shall make a timely
verification and notify the insured or beneficiary of the verification results;
perform the obligations of compensation or payment within ten days after
reaching an agreement on the compensation or payment with the insured or
beneficiaries if the ca is of insured liability. The insurer shall make
compensation or payment according to the insured amount and according to the
time limit for compensation or payment as agreed in the insurance
If an insurer has failed to perform the obligations provided for in the
preceding paragraph后会无期经典台词, the insurer shall compensate for the loss arising
therefrom in addition to the payment of insurance money美丽的事./
No entity or individual is allowed to illegally interfere in the performance by
the insurer of the liabilities to compensation or payment; nor shall it limit
the right of the insured or beneficiaries from obtaining the insurance
The insured amount refers to the maximum amount for compensation or insurance
money payment to be paid by the insurer景色./
保险人未及时履行前款规定义务的生态文明建设作文,除支付保险金外灯光秀拼出钟老肖像,应当赔偿被保险人或者受益人因此受到的损失申请助学金的申请书。 /
保险金额是指保险人承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的最高限额三滴泪。 /
Article 25 If the insurer does not deem a contingency as insured liability after
receiving the claims for compensation or insurance money from the insured or
ies, the insurer shall issue a notice to insured or beneficiaries of
the refusal of the claim乡镇农业工作总结./
Article 26 The insurer shall pay in advance according to the minimum amount
determined by the evidence or materials if the amount for compensation or
payment cannot be determined within 60 days starting from the date of receiving
the insurance claims and related evidence and materials. The differences shall
be made up for after the insurer finally determines the amount of compensation
or payment资产评估法./
Article 27 The right to claims for compensation or insurance payment by the
insured or beneficiaries covered by insurance other than life insurance shall
cea to exist if it is not exercid within two years starting from the date
when the insured risk is known./
The right to claims for compensation or insurance payment by the insured or
beneficiaries covered by life insurance shall cea to exist if it is not
exercid within five years starting from the date of the occurrence of the
insured risks男人三十而立./
第二十七条 人寿保险以外的其他保险的被保险人或者受益人司马光西江月,对保险人请求赔偿或者给付保险金的权利,自其知道保险事故发生之日起二年不行使而消灭。
Article 28 If the insured or beneficiaries falsify the occurrence of insured
risks which have not occurred and claim for compensation or insurance payment,
the insurer has the right to terminate the insurance contract, with the
insurance premiums not to be returned苏州园林课件./
If the insurant, the insured or beneficiaries deliberately fabricate the
occurrence of the insured risks学习能力培训, the insurer has the right to terminate the
insurance contract and shall refu to perform the obligations of compensation
or insurance payment铭记历史迎接挑战作文, except otherwi provided for in the first paragraph of
Article 64 of this law, with the insurance premiums not to be
If, after an insured contingency occurs未来的地球, the insurant, the insured or
beneficiaries are found to have forged or fabricated related certificates,
materials or other evidence to prove the caus of the insured risks or for
exaggerating the loss工作时间规定, the insurer shall not compensate or pay for the part
If the insurant钓鱼记,
Article 32 The insurer or re-insurance underwriter shall be obliged to keep
confidential the information about the operations and property as well as the
privacy of the insurant八年级下册英语单词, the insured灰雀教学实录, the beneficiary or the re-insurer it has
got to know in handling the insurance business./
Section 2 Property Insurance Contract 第二节 财产保险合同/
Article 33 A property insurance contract is an insurance contract with the
property or related interests as the object of
The property insurance contract that appears in this ction is called
"contract" for short, except/
otherwi specified马云创业经验与人生感悟./
第三十三条 财产保险合同是以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险合同小学三年级数学应用题。 /
Article 34 The insurer shall be notified of the transfer of the objects of
insurance and the insurance contract shall be altered with the connt of the
insurer to continue to underwrite the policy春节假期英语作文. But the transport insurance
contracts and contracts with otherwi agreements are
Article 35 When the insured liability starts for the transport insurance
contract and the voyage insurance for means of transport党的发展历程, the parties to the
contract may not terminate the contract成长的脚步./
第三十五条 货物运输保险合同和运输工具航程保险合同童诗,保险责任开始后,合同当事人不得解除合同。 /
Article 36 The insured shall obrve the relevant regulations on fire, safety现代英雄,
production operations and labor protection and protect the objects
According to the contract骆驼祥子主要内容, the insurer may carry out safety checks of the
objects insured and timely put forward written proposals to the insurant or the
insured to eliminate unsafe factors or hidden dangers时传祥./
If the insurant or the insured has failed to perform its due obligations
concerning the safety of the objects insured, the insurer has the right to
demand additional insurance premiums or terminate the
The insurer may企业网站建设方案, with the connt of the insured, adopt precautionary measures
in order to safeguard the objects insured暑假生活指导答案./
第三十六条 被保险人应当遵守国家有关消防、安全、生产操作、劳动保护等方面的规定形容坚持不懈的成语,维护保险标的的安全关于友谊的英语谚语。 /
投保人、被保险人未按照约定履行其对保险标的安全应尽的责任的,保险人有权要求增加保险费或者解除合同面对挫折的作文。 /
Article 37 If within the validity period of the contract, the risks of the
objects of insurance have incread家兴人兴事业兴 福旺财旺运气旺的意思, the insured shall notify the insurer in
good time according to the contract and the insurer has the right to claim for
additional insurance premiums or terminate the contract./
If the insured fails to perform the obligation of notifying the insurer of the
incread risks党性培训, the insurer shall not undertake to compensation for the
occurrence of the insured contingencies that occur due to the increa in the
risks of the objects insured自我剖析范文./
第三十七条 在合同有效期内健康过大年,保险标的危险程度增加的元宵节祝福微信,被保险人按照合同约定应当及时通知保险人,保险人有权要求增加保险费或者解除合同。
Article 38 The insurer shall reduce insurance premiums and return the
corresponding premiums on the daily basis if any of the following cas occurs,
except otherwi provided for:/
1. The circumstances on which the premium rating is bad have changed and the
risks concerning the objects insured have markedly been
2. The insured value of the objects of insurance has markedly been
第三十八条 有下列情形之一的,除合同另有约定外沁园春长沙写作背景,保险人应当降低保险费,并按日计算退还相应的保险费: /
(一)据以确定保险费率的有关情况发生变化,保险标的危险程度明显减少; /
Article 39 If狂拽网名, before the insured liability starts双簧表演, the insurant demands
termination of the contract, the insurant shall pay commissions to the insurer
and the insurer shall return the premiums paid. If持久的反义词, after the insured liability
starts最有女人味的网名, the insurant demands the termination of the contract马陵山, the insurer may
collect the insurance premiums due for the period from the date when the insured
liability starts to the date of the termination of the contract李清照诗词全集, with the
remaining returned to the insurant./
Article 40 The insured value of the objects insured shall be agreed upon between
the insurant and the insurer and specified in the contract or determined
according to the actual value of the objects of insurance
at the time when the
insured risks occur办公室文秘工作总结./
The insured amount shall not exceed the insured value会计证换证. If it exceeds the insured
value元宵节祝福语大全, the part in excess shall be invalid颠倒黑白小游戏./
If the insured amount is less than the insured value, except otherwi provided
for, the insurer shall undertake to compensation according to the proportion
between the insured amount and the/
insured value./
第四十条 保险标的的保险价值个性婚礼策划方案,可以由投保人和保险人约定并在合同中载明妈妈的微笑,也可以按照保险事故发生时保险标的的实际价值确定尼克胡哲演讲视频。
保险金额不得超过保险价值;超过保险价值的,超过的部分无效。 /
Article 41 The insurant of double insurance shall notify all the insurers of the
double insurance我的五一假期作文400字./
If the insured amount of double insurance exceeds the insured value, the total
amount of compensation made by all insurers shall not exceed the insured value.
Except otherwi provided for in the contract柳树醒了教案, each insurer shall undertake to
compensation according to the proportion of its insured amount in the total
insured amount./
Double insurance refers to insurance contracts signed by an insurant with more
than two insurers for the same objects of insurance26个汉语拼音字母表, the same insurable interest
and the same insured risks./
第四十一条 重复保险的投保人应当将重复保险的有关情况通知各保险人鸿门宴背景。 /
重复保险是指投保人对同一保险标的、同一保险利益、同一保险事故分别向二个以上保险人订立保险合同的保险。 /
Article 42 When an insured risk occurs, the insured shall be obliged to adopt
all necessary measures to prevent or mitigate loss./
After an insured risk occurs原来的我 歌词, all the necessary and reasonable cost paid by the
insured to prevent or mitigate the loss of the objects insured shall be
covered by the insurer. The amount undertaken by the insurer shall be calculated
parately from the compensation for the loss of the objects insured, with the
maximum amount not exceeding the insured amount./
第四十二条 保险事故发生时小新语录,被保险人有责任尽力采取必要的措施计算机专业简历,防止或者减少损失。 /
Article 43 If part of the objects insured sustains loss关于祖国的诗歌, the insurant may
terminate the contract within 30 days after the in
surer pays the indemnities.
Except otherwi provided for初一数学期中考试卷, the insurer may also terminate the contract赠刘景文. In
the ca in which the insurer terminates the contract初中副校长述职报告, the insurer shall notify
the insured 15 days in advance and return the premiums on the part not
sustaining loss to the insured after deducting the part receivable from the
date when the insured liability starts to the date when the contract is
Article 44 If, after an insured risk occurs神笔马良, the insurer has paid up all the
insured amount and the insured amount is equal to the insured value, all the
rights of the objects insured sustaining loss shall be in the posssion of
the insurer. If the insured amount is less than the insured value入团志愿书, the insurer
shall retain part of the rights according to the proportion between the insured
amount and the insured value蚂蚁部落./
Article 45 If an insured risk occurs due to the damage of the objects insured by
a third party关于元旦的诗句古诗, the insurer shall, starting from the date of paying the
indemnities, subrogate the insured to exerci the right to indemnities from the
liable third party国网技术学院./
If爱国事例, after the insured risk occurs as provided for in the preceding paragraph收据样本,
the insured has already obtained indemnities from the third party, the insurers
may pay the indemnities in the amount after the indemnities paid by the third
party to the insured are deducted绘声绘色造句./
The subrogation of the insurer to exerci the right to claim for indemnities
according to the provisions of the first paragraph of this article shall not
affect the right of the insured to claim for indemnity from the third party on
the part not compensated for./
第四十五条 因第三者对保险标的的损害而造成保险事故的国庆节图片儿童画,保险人自向被保险人赔偿保险金之日起甜蜜日志,在赔偿金额范围内代位行使被保险人对第三者请求赔偿的权利清明节手抄报三年级。
Article 51 If the insured risk that has caud harm to the third party due to
the insured is brought for arbitration or before the court后进生转化, the necessary and
reasonable expens as arbitration fees or the litigation expens paid by the
insured shall be covered by the insurer./
Section 3 Life Insurance Contract 第三节 人身保险合同/
Article 52 A life insurance contract is an insurance contract that takes the
life and body of persons as the objects of insurance安全小知识手抄报./
The life insurance contract is called "contract" for short except otherwi
第五十二条 人身保险合同是以人的寿命和身体为保险标的的保险合同。 /
本节中的人身保险合同,除特别指明的外,简称合同。 /
Article 53 An insurant shall have the insurable interest for the following
1. The insurant himlf;/
2. Spou重阳节活动总结, children and parents;/
3. Other members of the family or blood relatives other than tho specified in
the preceding paragraph for whom the insurant has or shares the obligations of
Except the provisions of the preceding paragraph温馨文章, if the insured agrees to let
the insurant to sign the contract for him, the ca shall be regarded as the
insurant having insurable interest in the insured./
第五十三条 投保人对下列人员具有保险利益: /
(一)本人; /
(二)配偶、子女、父母; /
(三)前项以外与投保人有抚养、赡养或者扶养关系的家庭其他成员、近亲属希望树 刘寅。 /
Article 54 If the age of the insured stated by the insurant is not true and the
true age does not conform to the age limit agreed in the contract日语签名, the insurer
may void the contract and return the insurance premium after deducting the
commissions五年级下册语文课文第一课, except when the time has exceeded two years starting from the date
of the conclusion of the contract查岗制度./
If the insurance premium paid by the insurant is less than what is payable due
to the misstatement of age on the part of the insurant, the insurer has the
right to correct and demand retroactive payment of premiums from the insured or
pay the insurance money according to the proportion of the premiums actually
paid and the premiums payable./
If the insurance premium paid by the insurant is more than what is payable due
to the misstatement of age on the part of the insurant, the insurer shall return
the premiums in excess of the due am
Article 55 The insurant is not allowed to take out the whole life policies for
people incapable of civil acts; neither shall the insurer underwrite such
policies. /
But the cas in which parents take out life insurance policies for their
children not coming of age are not limited by the preceding provisions我尝到了失败的滋味. But the
lump sum ttlement upon the death of the insured shall not exceed the limit t
by the insurance supervision and administration
第五十五条 投保人不得为无民事行为能力人投保以死亡为给付保险金条件的人身保险大学语文试题及答案,保险人也不得承保。 /
Article 56 A contract that makes death as the conditions for payment of proceeds
shall be invalid without the written approval of the insured for the contract
and the insured amount./
The insurance policies issued according to the contract that makes death as the
conditions for payment of proceeds shall not be transferred or ud as mortgage
without the written approval of the insured./
But the life insurance taken by parents for their children not coming of age is
not limited by the/
provisions in the first paragraph of this article./
第五十六条 以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同超甜短句,未经被保险人书面同意并认可保险金额的描写春天的诗句古诗,合同无效。 /
依照以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同所签发的保险单,未经被保险人书面同意他们作文,不得转让或者质押。 /
父母为其未成年子女投保的人身保险窦娥冤原文,不受第一款规定限制关于雪的散文。 /
Article 57 After a contract comes into effect, the insurant may pay the
insurance premium by a lump sum or by installments as agreed upon in the
If a contract provides for the payment of premium in installments, the insurant
shall pay the first payment of premiums at the time when the contract is signed
and pay the rest according to the time limit t in the
第五十七条 投保人于合同成立后周幽王失信身亡,可以向保险人一次支付全部保险费,也可以按照合同约定分期支付保险费感恩自然作文。 /
Article 58 After the insurant pays the first payment of premiums according to
contract that provides for premium payment in installments, but the insurant
fails to pay the premium of the period within 60 days of the prescribed period关于民风民俗的作文,
the contract shall become void or the insurer shall reduce the insured amount
according to the conditions provided for in the
contract如花美眷 似水流年./
Article 59 In the ca of the void of the contract as provided for in the
preceding article, the effect of the contract may be restored after the insurer
and the insured reach agreement through consultation and the insurant pays the
premium retroactively. However国旗下讲话 感恩, in the ca when the two sides fail to reach
agreement within two years after the termination of the contract社区重阳节活动, the insurer
has the right to terminate the contract./
If the contract is terminated as provided for in the preceding paragraph关于感恩节的诗歌, the
insurer shall return the cash value of the insurance policies as agreed upon in
the contract if the insurant has paid up insurance premium for more than two
full years高二政治. If the insurant has not paid up the premium for two years索赔函范文, the
insurer shall return the premium paid after deducting the
Article 60 The insurer shall not demand payment of premiums for life insurance
by taking legal actions./
第六十条 保险人对人身保险的保险费感想范文,不得用诉讼方式要求投保人支付。 /
Article 61 The beneficiaries of life insurance shall be designated by the
insured or the insurant名单公示范文. /
In appointing beneficiaries小学学籍管理制度, the insurant shall get the approval of the insured.
If the insured is a person incapable of civil acts or who capability of civil
acts is restricted人教版六年级下册语文期中试卷, the guardian shall appoint the
第六十一条 人身保险的受益人由被保险人或者投保人指定。 /
投保人指定受益人时须经被保险人同意。 /
Article 62 The insured or the insurant may appoint one or veral persons as
beneficiaries. /
In the ca of veral beneficiaries, the insured or the insurant may determine
the order and shares of the benefit among them. If the share of benefit is not
determined, the beneficiaries shall share the benefit
第六十二条 被保险人或者投保人可以指定一人或者数人为受益人老师教师节贺卡怎么写。 /
Article 63 The insured or the insurant may change the beneficiaries and notify
the insurer in writing爱在冬天. The insurer shall take notes on the insurance policies
after receiving the written notice on the change of the beneficiaries.
In changing the beneficiaries, the insurant shall get the connt of the
第六十三条 被保险人或者投保人可以变更受益人并书面通知保险人守望明天。保险人收到变更受益人的书面通知后,应当在保险单上批注写海的作文。
投保人变更受益人时须经被保险人同意。 /
Article 64 After the death of the insured小学二年级家长会班主任发言稿, the insurance money shall be treated
as the legacy of the insured and the insurant shall perform the obligation of
paying the insurance money to the inheritors of the insured if any of the
following cas occurs:/
1安全第一的原则是指. Beneficiaries are not appointed;/
2. The beneficiaries die before the insured and there are no other appointed
3最新女生网名. The beneficiaries lo the right to the insurance benefit according to law or
forfeit the right to benefit and there are no other
第六十四条 被保险人死亡后,遇有下列情形之一的,保险金作为被保险人的遗产综合教研组工作总结,由保险人向被保险人的继承人履行给付保险金的义务:
(一)没有指定受益人的; /
(二)受益人先于被保险人死亡,没有其他受益人的; /
Article 65 If the insurant or the beneficiaries deliberately cau the death十大劳动模范人物事迹简介,
injury or sickness of the insured网名 繁体字, the insurer shall not undertake to pay the
insurance money. If the insurant has paid up insurance premiums for more than
two full years骑驴看唱本, the insurer shall江雪 古诗, according to the provisions of the contract,
return the cash value of the policies to the other beneficiaries enjoying the
right to benefit汽车促销软文. /
If a beneficiary deliberately caus the death or injury of the insured or
deliberately and unsuccessfully murders the insured形容雪的词语, the beneficiary shall lo
the right to the benefitqq介绍./
Article 66 If the insured to the contract that takes the death of the insured as
the condition of payment commits suicide什么样的路不能走, the insurer shall not undertake to pay
the insurance优秀毕业生申请, except the cas provided for in the cond paragraph of this
article, but the insurer shall return the insurance premiums paid by the
insurant according to the cash value of the policy如何管理好员工./
If the insured commits suicide two years after the contract that takes death as
the condition of payment is signed计件工资管理办法, the insurer shall pay the insurance
according to contract./
以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同关于英雄人物的成语,自成立之日起满二年后,如果被保险人自杀的,保险人可以按照合同给付保险金伤逝 警示教育片。/
Article 67 If the insured deliberately commits crimes that lead to its own
injury or death, the insurer shall not undertake to insurance payment母亲节由来. If the
insurance premium has been paid for more than two full years跨越百年的美丽, the insurer may
return the cash value according to the policy英语美文./
被保险人故意犯罪导致其自身伤残或者死亡的高一作文,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任高中毕业感言。投保人已交足二年以上保险费的热爱生命的感人故事,保险人应当按照保险单退还其现金价值勇敢的心 影评。/
Article 68 If a person covered by life insurance dies杂文, is injured or sick due to
the acts of any third party, the insurer shall not be entitled to recover from
the third party after paying insurance to the insured or beneficiaries剪纸方法. But the
insured or the beneficiaries shall have the right to claim compensation against
the third party./
Article 69 If a contract is terminated by the insurant, who has paid up premiums
for more than two full years难忘的军训, the insurer shall return the cash value of the
policies within 30 days starting from the date of receiving the notice of
contract termination. If the premium has been paid for less than two full years,
the insurer shall return the premium after deducting the commissions according
to the provisions of the contract观看建国大业观后感./
Chapter III Insurance Company 第三章 保险公司/
Article 70 Insurance companies shall adopt the following organizational
1. Joint stock company;/
2. Wholly state-owned company./
第七十条 保险公司应当采取下列组织形式: /
(一)股份有限公司; /
Article 71 The opening of an insurance company shall get the approval of the
insurance supervision and administration department我想发明的机器人./
第七十一条 设立保险公司,必须经保险监督管理机构批准怀念母亲课文。/
Article 72 The opening of an insurance company shall meet the following
1摩擦力说课. It shall have articles of association as provided for by this law and the
company law;/
2农村土地承包. It shall have the minimum registered capital provided for in this
3. It shall have nior management staff with professional knowledge and work
4农村教育调查问卷. It shall have a sound organizational tup and management
5. It shall have offices and other related facilities that are up to the
In examining and approving the applications for tting up insurance companies,
the insurance supervision and administration department shall take into
consideration the need of the development of the insurance business and fair
第七十二条 设立保险公司摔跤吧爸爸观后感,应当具备下列条件:/
(一)有符合本法和公司法规定的章程; /
(二)有符合本法规定的注册资本最低限额; /
(三)有具备任职专业知识和业务工作经验的高级管理人员; /
(四)有健全的组织机构和管理制度; /
(五)有符合要求的营业场所和与业务有关的其他设施。 /
Article 73 The minimum amount of registered capital for an insurance company
shall be RMB200 million2020年安全生产月主题./
The minimum amount of registered capital shall be the paid in money
Insurance supervision and administration department may adjust the minimum
amount of registered capital in the light of the business lines of an insurance
company and its operational scale. But the amount shall not be less than the
limit t in the first paragraph of this article./
第七十三条 设立保险公司,其注册资本的最低限额为人民币二亿元执法资格考试题库。 /
保险公司注册资本最低限额必须为实缴货币资本。 /
Article 74 In applying for the establishment of an insurance company, the
following documents and materials shall be submitted:/
1高中生周记大全. An application, which should specify the name, registered capital and
business line of the insurance
company to be t up;/
2帮妈妈做家务的作文. Feasibility study report;/
3. Other documents and materials required by the insurance supervision and
administration department./
第七十四条 申请设立保险公司,应当提交下列文件、资料: /
(一)设立申请书,申请书应当载明拟设立的保险公司的名称、注册资本、业务范围等; /
(二)可行性研究报告; /
Article 75 An applicant may start preparations for the establishment of the
insurance company according to the provisions of this law and the company law
after the application pass the preliminary examination. If it has the
conditions of establishment as provided for in Article 71 of this law孝道作文, an
official application shall be filed with the insurance supervision and
administration department, together with the following documents and
1. Articles of association of the insurance company;/
2. List of shareholders and their shares or investment contributors and the
amount of investment each contributes;/
3六一儿童节的日记. Certificates of credit rating and related materials for shareholders who hold
over 10 percent of the shares of the company;/
4电话销售工作总结. Certificate for capital verification produced by the registered capital
verification organizations;/
5蝴蝶泪. Resumes and qualification certificates of nior management personnel to be
6. Operational principles and plans;/
7. Materials about the operational sites and other facilities associated with
the business operations; and/
8. Other documents and materials as required by the insurance supervision and
administration department./
七十二条规定的设立条件的教师德育工作计划,向保险监督管理机构提交正式申请表和下列有关文件、资料: /
(一)保险公司的章程; /
(二)股东名册及其股份或者出资人及其出资额; /
(四)法定验资机构出具的验资证明; /
(五)拟任职的高级管理人员的简历和资格证明; /
(六)经营方针和计划; /
(七)营业场所和与业务有关的其他设施的资料; /
Article 76 Insurance supervision and administration department shall take the
decision of approval or disapproval within six months starting from the date of
reception of the official applications for establishment of insurance
第七十六条 保险监督管理机构自收到设立保险公司的正式申请文件之日起六个月内,应当作出批准或者不批准的决定学员代表发言。/
Article 77 If the establishment of an insurance company is approved, the
department of approval shall issue the permit for insurance operation九九重阳节图片大全大图, and the
insurance company shall, on the strength of the operati
In replacing board chairman and general manager, an insurance company shall
submit it to the/
insurance supervision and administration department for examining the
第八十二条 保险公司有下列变更事项之一的,须经保险监督管理机构批准: /
(一)变更名称; /
(二)变更注册资本; /
(三)变更公司或者分支机构的营业场所; /
(四)调整业务范围; /
(五)公司分立或者合并; /
(六)修改公司章程; /
(七)变更出资人或者持有公司股份百分之十以上的股东; /
(八)保险监督管理机构规定的其他变更事项。 /
Article 83 The provisions of the Company Law shall apply with regard to the
organizational tup of an insurance company./
第八十三条 保险公司的组织机构江畔独步寻花的诗意,适用公司法的规定桃花笑春风。/
Article 84 A wholly state-owned insurance company shall t up a board of
supervisors which shall be made up of reprentatives from the insurance
supervision and administration department关于环保的诗歌, related experts and lected staff
members of the insurance company我的家在哪里. The board shall exerci supervision over the
various rerve funds drawn by the company, the minimum ability of payment and
the maintenance and increment of the values of state asts and the acts of
nior management personnel in obrving the laws, administrative degrees or
regulations and the acts harmful to the interests of the
Article 85 In the cas of paration小荷才露尖尖角, consolidation or the occurrence of the
caus for dissolution according to the articles of association, an insurance
company shall be dissolved with the approval of the insurance supervision and
administration department交通安全日. The company shall t up a liquidation group
according to law to conduct liquidation勿以善小而不为./
Insurance companies operating life insurance business are not allowed to be
dissolved apart from paration or consolidation./
第八十五条 保险公司因分立、合并或者公司章程规定的解散事由出现,经保险监督管理机构批准后解散小学生家访记录。保险公司应当依法成立清算组,进行清算合作意向书。
Article 86 If an insurance company has its insurance operational permit revoked
by insurance supervision and administration department due to violations of law
法破产的,破产财产优先支付其破产费用后,按照下列顺序清偿: /
(一)所欠职工工资和劳动保险费用; /
(二)赔偿或者给付保险金; /
(三)所欠税款; /
(四)清偿公司债务。 /
Article 90 If an insurance company terminates its business operations according
to law家人, it shall cancel its insurance operational
第九十条 保险公司依法终止其业务活动,应当注销其经营保险业务许可证黑板报花边。/
Article 91 The Company Law and other related laws and administrative decrees and
regulations shall apply to items about the establishment, alteration,
dissolution and liquidation of an insurance company that have not been provided
for in this law./
第九十一条 保险公司的设立、变更、解散和清算事项,本法未作规定的,适用公司法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定。/
Chapter IV Insurance Operational Rules 第四章 保险经营规则/
Article 92 The business scope of an insurance company:/
1办公室工作存在问题. Property insurance幸福的像花儿一样, including property loss insurance, liability insurance
and credit insurance;/
2连锁加盟合同. Personal insurance, including life insurance, health insurance and accidental
injury insurance中国共产党发展史. No insurer is allowed to engage in property insurance and life
insurance concurrently; however收条模板, an insurance company undertaking property
insurance business may undertake short-term health insurance and accidental
injury insurance business upon verification of the insurance supervision and
administration department夏林菲./
The business scope of an insurance company shall be verified by the insurance
supervision and administration department说说我的心里话. An insurance company shall operate
within the business scope verified这件事感动了我作文./
An insurance company may not concurrently operate any business other than
tho specified in this Law and other laws and administrative
第九十二条 保险公司的业务范围: /
(一)财产保险业务,包括财产损失保险、责任保险、信用保险等保险业务; /
(二)人身保险业务美食评价,包括人寿保险、健康保险、意外伤害保险等保险业务。 /
保险公司的业务范围由保险监督管理机构依法核定感恩演讲稿。保险公司只能在被核定的业务范围内从事保险经营活动爱情真美丽。 /
Article 93 With the approval of the insurance supervision and administration
department, an insurance company may undertake the following re-insurance
business of the insurance operations provid
ed for in the preceding
1. Outward re-insurance;/
2. Inward re-insurance./
第九十三条 经保险监督管理机构核定,保险公司可以经营前条规定的保险业务的下列再保险业务: /
(一)分出保险; /
Article 94 An insurance company shall draw various kinds of liability rerve
funds in accordance with the principles of safeguarding the interests of the
insured, and guaranteeing the payment capacity考试中./
The specific measures for drawing and carrying down liability rerve funds by
insurance companies shall be formulated by the insurance supervision and
administration department./
第九十四条 保险公司应当根据保障被保险人利益、保证偿付能力的原则建设节约型社会,提取各项责任准备金。 /
Article 95 An insurance company shall夸夸自己的家乡, according to the insurance indemnities or
payment claimed and the insurance indemnities or payment not yet claimed after
the insured contingencies occur留香, draw rerve for outstanding
Article 96 Apart from drawing rerves according to the provisions of the
preceding two articles冬至节的古诗15首, an insurance company shall draw public accumulation
funds according to the provisions of relevant laws, administrative decrees or
regulations and the requirements of the state financial and accounting
第九十六条 除依照前二条规定提取准备金外天真的反义词,保险公司应当依照有关法律、行政法规及国家财务会计制度的规定提取公积金。
Article 97 In order to protect the interests of the insured and support the
steady and safe operations of insurance companies关于质量的文章, an insurance company shall
draw insurance guaranty fund according to the provisions by the insurance
supervision and administration department史铁生的母亲. /
The insurance guaranty fund shall be managed in a concentrated way and be ud
in a planned way./
The specific measures for management and u of the insurance guaranty fund
shall be formulated by the insurance supervision and administration
第九十七条 为了保障被保险人的利益,支持保险公司稳健经营,保险公司应当按照保险监督管理机构的规定提存保险保障基金静水踏歌一流年。
保险保障基金应当集中管理,统筹使用学会谦让。 /
Article 98 An insurance company shall have the minimum payment ability
compatible with its size of business operations中国式美丽. The difference of the actual
asts subtracting actual liabilities shall not be less than the amount
stipulated by the insurance sup
purchasing of government bonds, financial bonds and other way of fund operation
provided for by the State Council西游记赏析./
No insurance company may u its funds to t up any curity operation
organization or enterpri irrelevant to insurance考试秘笈./
The proportion of the fund operated by an insurance company or the funds for
specific projects in the total amount of funds shall be provided for by the
insurance supervision and administration department幼儿园工作总结./
第一百零五条 保险公司的资金运用必须稳健,遵循安全性原则论证报告,并保证资产的保值增值大自然的启示。 /
保险公司的资金运用,限于在银行存款、买卖政府债券、金融债券和国务院规定的其他资金运用形式。 /
Article 106 An insurance company and its staff members are not allowed to commit
the following acts:/
1高校辅导员工作总结. To deceive insurants年度工作报告, the insured or beneficiaries;/
2我的心儿怦怦跳作文300字. To conceal important information associated with insurance
3. To obstruct the insured from performing the obligation of making faithful
reprentations according to the provisions of this law or induce the insured
not to perform the obligations of making faithful reprentations provided for
by this law任职讲话./
4快乐是一种能力. To promi rebates or other interests other than tho provided for in the
contracts to the insurant端午节祝福语 简洁大气, the insured or beneficiaries七彩丹霞.
5. To deliberately fabricate insurance risks that have never occurred to make
fal indemnities and cheat for insurance money通知函范文./
第一百零六条 保险公司及其工作人员在保险业务活动中不得有下列行为: /
(一)欺骗投保人、被保险人或者受益人; /
(二)对投保人隐瞒与保险合同有关的重要情况; /
(三)阻碍投保人履行本法规定的如实告知义务石兰松,或者诱导其不履行本法规定的如实告知义务; /
(四)承诺向投保人、被保险人或者受益人给予保险合同规定以外的保险费回扣或者其他利益; /
Chapter V Supervision and Administration of the Insurance
第五章 保险业的监督管理/
Article 107 The basic insurance claus and insurance rates for the categories
of insurance that concern public interest or the compulsory or newly developed
categories of life insurance shall be submitted to insurance supervision and
administration department for examination and approval什么人始终不敢洗澡. The insurance
supervision and administration department shall abide by the principles of
protection of public interest and prevention of unfair competition in the
examination and approval学会倾听. The scope of and specific measures for examinat
ion and
approval shall be formulated by the insurance supervision and administration
The insurance claus and insurance rates of other categories of insurance shall
be submitted to insurance supervision and administration department for
关系社会公众利益的保险险种、依法实行强制保险的险种和新开发的人寿保险险种等的保险条款和保险费率,应当报保险监督管理机构审批。保险监督管理机构审批时树林的深处写一段话,遵循保护社会公众利益和防止不正当竞争的原则the whole story。审批的范围和具体办法当前党的三大历史任务是,由保险监督管理机构制定。
Article 108 Insurance supervision and administration departments shall establish
and perfect the regulatory index system for payment capacity to monitor the
minimum payment capacity of insurance companies./
第一百零八条 保险监督管理机构应当建立健全保险公司偿付能力监管指标体系,对保险公司的最低偿付能力实施监控。/
Article 109 An Insurance supervision and administration department shall have
the right to check the operations, financial situation and operation of funds of
insurance companies and have the right to demand for the supply of related
written reports and materials within the prescribed time
Insurance companies shall be subject to the supervision and check pursuant to
An insurance supervision and administration department shall have the right to
check the deposits of insurance companies in financial
第一百零九条 保险监督管理机构有权检查保险公司的业务状况、财务状况及资金运用状况,有权要求保险公司在规定的期限内提供有关的书面报告和资料。
保险公司依法接受监督检查。 /
Article 110 If an insurance company fails to draw or carry down various rerves
or fails to make reinsurance as provided for by this law or riously violates
the provisions of this law about fund operation, insurance supervision and
administration department shall order the insurance company to adopt the
following measures to correct within a prescribed time
1. To draw or carry down various rerves according to
2. To handle re-insurance according to law;/
3. To correct the acts of law-violating fund operation;/
4消防安全知识. To re-appoint leading members and related managing
(一)依法提取或者结转各项准备金; /
二)依法办理再保险; /
(四)调整负责人及有关管理人员。 /
Article 111 If insurance supervision and administration department have taken
the decision demanding correction within a prescribed time limit according to
the provisions of the preceding article and the insurance company has failed to
correct within the prescribed time limit李开复写的书, the insurance supervision and
administration department shall decide to nd professional personnel or
designate related personnel of the insurance company to form an organization to
carry out overhaul of the insurance company./
The overhaul decision shall specify the name of the insurance company to be
overhauled打桩合同, caus for overhaul, overhaul organization and time limit for the
overhaul and make an announcement夫人何处去./
Article 112 In the cour of the overhaul烟花璀璨打一生肖, the overhaul organization has the
right to supervi over the routine operations of the insurance companydragonboatfestival. The
responsible members and related managing personnel of the insurance company
shall perform their functions under the supervision of the overhaul
Article 113 The original business operations shall continue while the company is
being overhauled学习雷锋心得体会. But the insurance supervision and administration department
have the right to stop it from underwriting new policies or suspend part of its
original operations and adjust the operation of funds./
第一百一十三条 在整顿过程中,保险公司的原有业务继续进行,但是保险监督管理机构有权停止开展新的业务或者停止部分业务让真情自然流露500字作文,调整资金运用。
Article 114 If an insurance company subject to overhaul has corrected its
law-violating acts and restored its normal operation2010广东高考, the overhaul organization
shall file a report to the insurance supervision and administration department
for approval before the overhaul is declared ended初二英语教学工作总结./
Article 115 If an insurance company has violated the provisions of this law and
jeopardized the public interests and will possibly riously t
pany shall, at the end of each month爱情有多远, submit the
operational statistics of the preceding month to the insurance supervision and
administration department李嘉诚名言./
第一百二十条 保险公司应当于每月月底前将上一月的营业统计报表报送保险监督管理机构中秋节放假通知范文。/
Article 121 The actuaries to be employed by an insurance company shall have been
acknowledged by the insurance supervision and administration department and the
insurance companies shall establish an actuarial report
第一百二十一条 保险公司必须聘用经保险监督管理机构认可的精算专业人员2016年高考答案,建立精算报告制度。 /
Article 122 The business reports, accounting reports2016广东高考志愿填报, actuarial reports and
other related statements圣诞节作文, documents and materials must faithfully record the
insurance operations, and may not contain any fal records, misleading
statements or major omissions弃之可惜./
保险公司的营业报告、财务会计报告、精算报告及其他有关报表、文件和资料必须如实记录保险业务事项关心 作文,不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述和重大遗漏为梦想喝彩。/
Article 123 An insurer or the insured may retain independent appraisal
organizations or experts with legal qualifications to carry out appraisal and
evaluation of the insured risks./
The appraisal organizations or experts legally retained to make appraisal and
evaluation of the insured risks shall do so impartially pursuant to law. Tho
causing damages to the insurer or insured deliberately or by neglect shall be
liable for compensation pursuant to law./
The appraisal organizations or experts legally retained to make appraisal and
evaluation of the insured risks shall follow the laws and administrative
regulations with respect to taking charges铁路客户服务中心用户身份信息核对申请表./
第一百二十三条 保险人和被保险人可以聘请依法设立的独立的评估机构或者具有法定资格的专家有关于春天的诗句,对保险事故进行评估和鉴定。
依法受聘对保险事故进行评估和鉴定的评估机构收取费用中秋节祝福短信大全,应当依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。 /
Article 124 An insurance company shall keep properly all the books about its
business operations, original vouchers and related
The books大学社团活动, original vouchers and related materials provided for in the preceding
paragraph shall be kept for at least ten years starting from the date of the
termination of insurance contracts想飞徐志摩./
第一百二十四条 保险公司应当妥善保管有关业务经营活动的完整账簿、原始凭证及有关资料。 /
Chapter VI Insuran
ce Agents and Insurance Brokers/
第六章 保险代理人和保险经纪人/
Article 125 An insurance agent is an entity or individual who托物言志诗, entrusted by the
insurer, collects commissions from the insurer and哈克贝利芬历险记, on behalf of the insurer副局长述职报告,
handles insurance business within the scope authorized by the
Article 126 An insurance broker is an entity which我喜欢 作文, for the sake of the
interests of the insurant四级作文万能句子, provide intermediary rvices in signing insurance
contracts on behalf of the insurant with the insurer and collect commissions
according to law./
第一百二十六条 保险经纪人是基于投保人的利益,为投保人与保险人订立保险合同提供中介服务瓜瓜吃瓜,并依法收取佣金的单位食品安全培训。/
Article 127 In entrusting an insurance agent to handle the insurance business赞美雪的诗,
an insurer shall sign an agent agreement with the insurance agent to agree upon
the rights and obligations as well as other agent matters pursuant to
第一百二十七条 保险人委托保险代理人代为办理保险业务的植树的好处,应当与保险代理人签订委托代理协议,依法约定双方的权利和义务及其他代理事项卖花。
Article 128 An insurance company shall be responsible for the acts of an
insurance agent to handle insurance business as authorized by the
If an insurance agent conducts any acts beyond the authorized scope in handling
insurance business for the insurer2021年最后一天怎么发朋友圈, and the insurant is justified to believe
that it is authorized and has signed the insurance contract妇女病普查工作总结, the insurer shall
bear the insurance liabilities; however, the insurer may claim damages against
the insurance agent ultra vires pursuant to law./
第一百二十八条 保险代理人根据保险人的授权代为办理保险业务的行为非主流个人说明,由保险人承担责任感谢环卫工人的作文。 /
保险代理人为保险人代为办理保险业务唐风绸缪,有超越代理权限行为张先 天仙子,投保人有理由相信其有代理权,并已订立保险合同的,保险人应当承担保险责任;但是保险人可以依法追究越权的保险代理人的责任求人看稿说什么。/
Article 129 In the handling of life insurance business, an individual insurance
agent is not allowed to accept the trust of more than two insurers at the same
第一百二十九条 个人保险代理人在代为办理人寿保险业务时软文撰写,不得同时接受两个以上保险人的委托成长的烦恼作文600字。/
Article 130 If loss have been incurred on the insured due to the fault of an
insurance broker, the insurance broker shall be liable to
第一百三十条 因保险经纪人在办理保险业务中的过错祝福女人越来越漂亮的句子,给投保人、被保险人造成损失的,由保险经纪人承担赔偿责任梅花魂ppt。/
Article 131 In handling insurance business, i
nsurance agents and insurance
brokers are not allowed to conduct any of the following
1. To deceive the insurer中国共产党员党内监督条例, insurant青树翠蔓, insured or
2论文的格式要求. To conceal any important information about the insurance
3第十三次我爱你. To frustrate the insurant from performing the obligation of faithful
statement provided for in this Law符合网名, or to induce it not to perform such
4. To promi the insurant, insured or beneficiary of any interest other than
tho stipulated in the insurance contract;/
5. To u their administrative power, position or the advantage of their
profession or any other illicit means to force企业管理的重要性, induce or restrict the insured
to sign insurance contracts./
第一百三十一条 保险代理人、保险经纪人在办理保险业务活动中不得有下列行为: /
(一)欺骗保险人、投保人、被保险人或者受益人; /
(二)隐瞒与保险合同有关的重要情况; /
(三)阻碍投保人履行本法规定的如实告知义务,或者诱导其不履行本法规定的如实告知义务; /
(四)承诺向投保人、被保险人或者受益人给予保险合同规定以外的其他利益; /
Article 132 An insurance agent and an insurance broker shall acquire the
qualifications provided for by insurance supervision and administration
department and obtain the insurance agency business permit of insurance
brokerage permit from the insurance supervision and administration department
and go through the registration procedures with the administrations for industry
and commerce营养学论文, obtain business licens and pay the guaranty money or take out
professional liability insurance policies./
Article 133 An insurance agent and an insurance broker shall have their own
operational sites中元节的由来, special books to record the receipts and expenditures of
their agency operations or brokerage operations教师节贺卡设计, and accept the supervision by
the insurance supervision and administration department./
Article 134 Insurance agency commissions and broker commissions may only be paid
to the insurance agents and insurance brokers with legal qualifications变形计龚韦华, and may
not be paid to others书画展./
第一百三十四条 保险代理手续费和经纪人佣金,只限
Article 135 An insurance company shall t up a record of its own insurance
第一百三十五条 保险公司应当设立本公司保险代理人登记簿。/
Article 136 An insurance company shall strengthen the training and management of
the insurance agents, enhance the professional ethics and quality of the
insurance agents那首歌, and may not abet or mislead the insurance agents to do any
activities against the obligation of good faithsuiyue./
第一百三十六条 保险公司应当加强对保险代理人的培训和管理,提高保险代理人的职业道德和业务素质,不得唆使、误导保险代理人进行违背诚信义务的活动。
Article 137 The provisions of Article 109 and Article 119 of this Law shall
apply to insurance agents and insurance brokers梦想起航./
第一百三十七条 本法第一百零九条、第一百一十九条的规定已知代数式ax的平方,适用于保险代理人和保险经纪人。 /
Chapter VII Legal Liability 第七章 法律责任/
Article 138 Where any insurant走遍天下书为侣课件, insured or beneficiary commits any of the
following acts for the purpo of deception and if the cas are rious enough
to constitute a crime, he shall be subject to criminal
1. The insurant deliberately fabricates the objects of insurance to deceive into
getting insurance money;/
2. To defraud the insurer of insurance money by falsifying the occurrence of
insured risks that have not actually happened;/
3实验报告. To defraud the insurer of insurance money by deliberately causing the
occurrence of insured risks that have caud property
4. To defraud the insurer of insurance money by deliberately causing the death中秋节的诗词佳句,
injury or sickness of the insured and other
5. To defraud the insurer of insurance money by forging or altering
certificates演讲比赛流程, materials and other evidence associated with insured contingencies
or by instigating, inducing or buying over others to provide fal evidence关于圣诞节的作文,
materials or other evidence, or by fabricating the caus of contingencies or
exaggerating loss./
If the ca involving one of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph is not
rious enough to constitute a crime, administrative punishments shall be meted
out according to relevant state regulations./
第一百三十八条 投保人、被保险人或者受益人有下列行为之一,进行保险欺诈活动关于秋天的作文600字,构成犯罪的可爱的小猫,依法追究刑事责任: /
(一)投保人故意虚构保险标的,骗取保险金的; /
(二)未发生保险事故而谎称发生保险事故寒露是什么意思,骗取保险金的; /
(三)故意造成财产损失的保险事故,骗取保险金的; /
(四)故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病等人身保险事故,骗取保险金的; /
Article 140 If an insurance agent or insurance broker is found to have deceived
any insurer奋不顾身到全身而退, insurant, insured or beneficiaries, and if any crime is
constituted艾青诗选读书笔记摘抄, he shall be subject to criminal responsibilities pursuant to law;
if the ca is not rious enough to constitute a crime, the insurance
supervision and administration department shall order the agent or broker to
correct, concurrently with a fine ranging from more RMB 50,000 to RMB 300七一建党100周年活动方案,000;
if the ca is rious enough机构改革实施方案, the insurance agency business permit or the
insurance brokerage business permit shall be revoked./
Article 141 If any insurance company or its staff members is found to have
fabricated the occurrence of insured risks to ttle claims so as to gain by
fraud any insurance money三过家门而不入, and if the ca is rious enough to constitute a
crime大学物理公式大全, the offender shall be subject to criminal responsibilities pursuant to
Article 142 Tho who establish insurance companies or engage in commercial
insurance activities without authorization in violation of this Law shall be
stopped by the insurance supervision and administration department; if a crime
is constituted, the offender shall be subject to criminal liabilities pursuant
to law; if the ca is not rious to constitute a crime教师节日快乐祝福语, the insurance
supervision and administration department shall confiscate the illegal gains校园开放日,
and impo a fine ranging from 1 time to 5 times of the illegal gains, if there
are no illegal gains or the illegal gains are less than RMB 200七年级信息技术教案,000阳光校园集体舞, a fine
ranging from RMB 200安全操作规程,000 to RMB 1,000,000 shall be
Article 143 If an insurance company, in violation of this Law体育老师, operates beyond
e business scope approved or concurrently operates any business other than
tho provided for by this Law or any other law and administrative regulation有关中秋节的诗,
the offender shall be subject to criminal liabilities pursuant to law if a crime
is constituted; if the ca is not rious enough to constitute a crime关于环保的画, the
insurance supervision and administration department shall order it to correct,
and to return the premiums collected, confiscate the illegal proceeds and impo
a fine ranging from one time to five times the illegal proceeds; if there are no
illegal proceeds or the illegal proceeds are less than RMB 100观后感开头,000, a fine
ranging from RMB 100文化建设实施方案,000 to RMB 500名人名言的故事,000 shall be impod; if the acts are not
corrected within the prescribed time limit or have caud rious conquences牧童古诗,
the insurance company shall be ordered to suspend operation for overhaul or its
insurance business permit shall be revoked./
Article 144 If an insurance company is found to have changed the name7夕祝福短信, articles
of association秋天的图画教案, registered capital or the operational sites of the company or
its subsidiaries without approval and in violation of this Law神奇蓝药水, the insurance
supervision and administration department shall order it to correct and impo a
fine ranging from RMB 10,000 to RMB 100,000./
违反本法规定,未经批准国际金融论文,擅自变更保险公司的名称、章程、注册资本、公司或者分支机构的营业场所等事项的,由保险监督管理机构责令改正,并处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款自传 入党。/
Article 145 If any of the following acts is committed in violation of the
provisions of this law站内网, the insurance supervision and administration department
shall order the law violators to correct and concurrently impo a fine ranging
from RMB 50周立波脱口秀,000 to RMB 300漫画的启示假文盲,000; if the ca is rious展开的反义词是什么, the business scope may
be limited or handling of new operations shall be suspended or even the
insurance operation permit shall be revoked:/
1英语单词顺口溜. To fail to draw and deposit guaranty funds or u guaranty funds in violation
of the regulations;/
2. To fail to draw or carry down various kinds of liability rerves or fail to
draw rerve for outstanding loss according to the provisions of this
3提一条安全生产建议. To fail to draw insurance guarantee fund or public accumulation
4门可罗雀的反义词. To fail to handle re-ins
urance according to
5幼儿教师工作总结. To operate the funds of an insurance company in violation of related
6. To t up subsidiaries or reprentative offices without
710个简短的党史小故事. To parate or consolidate without approval会飞的母鸡./
8. To fail to submit the insurance claus or rates of the categories of
insurance that shall be submitted for examination and approval pursuant to
(一)未按照规定提存保证金或者违反规定动用保证金的; /
(二)未按照规定提取或者结转各项责任准备金或者未按照规定提取未决赔款准备金的; /
(三)未按照规定提取保险保障基金、公积金的; /
(四)未按照规定办理再保险分出业务的; /
(五)违反规定运用保险公司资金的; /
(六)未经批准设立分支机构或者代表机构的; /
(七)未经批准分立、合并的; /
Article 146 If any of the following acts is committed in violation of the
provisions of this Law, the insurance supervision and administration department
shall order correction, and for failure in the correction within the prescribed
time limit六年级寒假作业的答案, a fine ranging from RMB 10聚会小游戏,000 to RMB 100,000 shall be
1伏尔泰的名言. To fail to submit relevant reports斯科特的绝命书, statements, documents and materials
according to related provision;/
2卧春原文. To fail to submit for the record the insurance claus or rates of the
categories of insurance that shall be submitted for record according to related
第一百四十六条 违反本法规定雏鹰起飞,有下列行为之一的担保人的义务,由保险监督管理机构责令改正狗叫进行曲,逾期不改正的纪检监察案件审理,处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款:
(一)未按照规定报送有关报告、报表、文件和资料的; /
Article 147 If any of the following acts is committed in violation of the
provisions of this law妇女节送什么小礼物, the offender shall be subject to criminal liabilities
pursuant to law if a crime is constituted; if the ca is not rious enough to
constitute a crime群众工作, the insurance supervision and administration department
shall order the violator to correct and impo on a fine ranging from RMB
100,000 to RMB 500党的青年运动史,000; if the ca is rious, the business scope may be
limited or handling of new operations shall be suspended or even the insurance
operation permit shall be revoked:/
1. To provide fal reports不忘初心干好本职工作, statements, documents or
2. To refu or
obstruct the checks and supervision according to
(一)提供虚假的报告、报表、文件和资料的; /
Article 148 If any of the following acts is committed in violation of the
provision of this law, the insurance supervision and administration department
shall order correction and impo a fine ranging from RMB 50中小企业管理制度,000 to RMB
1. Serious cas of over-insurance;/
2. To underwrite insurance policies with death as the conditions for payment for
people incapable of civil acts七七事变具体时间./
第一百四十八条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由保险监督管理机构责令改正,处以五万元以上三十万元以下的罚款: /
(一)超额承保,情节严重的; /
Article 149 Tho who violate the provisions of this Law by illegally engaging
in the insurance agency business or brokerage business without getting the
insurance agency business permit or brokerage permit, the insurance supervision
and administration department shall stop them; the offender shall be subject to
criminal liabilities pursuant to law if a crime is constituted; if the ca is
not rious enough to constitute a crime, the insurance supervision and
administration department shall confiscate their illegal proceeds and
concurrently impo a fine more than one time and less than five times the
illegal proceeds. If there are no illegal proceeds or the illegal proceeds are
less than RMB 100,000北京爱情故事语录, a fine ranging from RMB 100雪花的快乐,000 to RMB 500,000 shall be
Article 150 Insurance supervision and administration department shall随笔300字, regarding
the different situations, give such punishments as a warning or replacement and
the concurrent imposition of a fine ranging from RMB 20繁体网名大全,000 and to RMB 100诗朗诵相信未来,000
to the nior management personnel or other people directly responsible for an
act that violates the provisions of this Law and is not rious enough to
constitute a crime./
Article 151 For an act that violates any provisions of this Law and has caud
damages to others, the violators shall undertake the civil
第一百五十一条 违反本法规定越长大越孤单 歌词,给他人造成损害的七年六爱,应当依法承担民事责任。 /
Article 152 For tho who are found to have approved the application for the
establishment of an insurance company not up to the required standards or
approved an insurance agent or broker not up to the requirements, or tho who
abu their power or neglect their duties小柳树和小枣树课件, if the cas are rious enough to
constitute a crime, the offender shall be subject to criminal liabilities
pursuant to law; or administrative sanctions shall be given if the cas are not
rious enough to constitute a crime./
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附 则/
Article 153 For marine insurance the relevant provisions of the commercial
maritime law shall be abided by蒙眼睛. This law shall apply to matters not covered by
the commercial maritime law三字经儿歌./
第一百五十三条 海上保险适用海商法的有关规定;海商法未作规定的,适用本法的有关规定我13岁。/
Article 154 The provisions of this law are applicable to Chine-foreign joint
equity insurance companies, solely foreign-funded insurance companies and
branches of foreign insurance companies; if there are parate provisions by
other laws or administrative regulations副班长, tho laws and regulations shall
Article 155 The state supports the development of insurance business in the
rvice of agricultural production雷锋节. Regulations on agricultural insurance shall
be provided for by other laws and administrative
第一百五十五条 国家支持发展为农业生产服务的保险事业四年级小学生评语,农业保险由法律、行政法规另行规定。/
Article 156 There shall be parate provisions of laws or administrative
regulations concerning/
insurance organizations other than tho provided for in this
第一百五十六条 本法规定的保险公司以外的其他性质的保险组织八年级上册数学题,由法律、行政法规另行规定特岗教师个人总结。/
Article 157
The insurance companies approved before the law is promulgated shall
continue to operate and tho not up to the requirements provided by this law
shall strive to measure up to the requirements within a prescribed time limit.
Specific procedures shall be formulated parately by the State
Article 158 The law shall enter into force as of October 1读后感范文,
第一百五十八条 本法自1995年10月1日起施行。/
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