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[Guide] Howto make a Wow bot for complete newbs!

Hi! My name is Devon and I'm an alcoholic.

Actually I have about 10 days off work and my choices of entertainment wasdrinking my life away or writing an guide for complete newbs on how to make abot. So I decided to do both.

Moving on…



--Pre Introduction:--

I have spent a long timehopelessly arching the internet to learn everything I needed to know to makea bot中秋节的作文600字优秀作文. Well I failed mirably. But to my rescue came a kind person and helpedme in my adventure to the stars (or at least the address of world ofwarcraft). He not only spent his time helping me by showing me stuff in thecode I knew best but he also gave me great direction in where/what to arch onthe forums 个性网个性签名. Becau of him I have this knowledge如何复习. Thank you ^_^

(I do not know if hewants to be named or not采购工作总结范文.)

我曾经花费了很长时间非常苦逼的在网上搜索如何做一个游戏机器人抗战胜利七十周年阅兵。结果我可悲的失败了一位老人。但这时一个高手横空出世拯救了我并为我指出了一条璀璨的星光大道(至少是通往魔兽的道路)君子和而不同。他不仅教我如何用我最擅长的语言去做这件事尊贵的反义词,而且指导我如何如何有效的搜索论坛地形图符号。因为他我才掌握了现在的知识自 自 成语。感谢他,囧



Okay so many of younewbies (such as mylf) are probably wondering "How the **** do I make a bot"寒食节的习俗.Well let me start out by saying, you need to know at least some sort ofcomputer language, whether it be C++, C#厦门风景, Java, or the shit language I uAutoit (yeah, yeah …Scripting blah, blah, blah… Its shitty blah搬迁协议, blah低眉顺眼的意思,blah…Learn a real language blah人柱爱丽丝, blah, blah. All in due time). If you do notknow a language then you will not understand this at allabac的词语. So plea go learn alanguage.

Okay恐怕的近义词, 很多新手(比如我)都曾经疑惑过"怎么他奶奶个甜甜圈的才能做一个游戏机器人呢?"儒学经典。现在我来告诉你,你至少要懂一种计算机语言,不论哪种语言qq空间签名档,C++、JAVA、C#或者我用的狗屎语言Autoit(#此处为人们对这个脚本语言的轻蔑# 作者:老子没空学别的)生日快乐歌词。如果你一门语言都不会,那你肯定不会理解这篇文章。所以污污的文案句子,赶快死开去补课优秀乡村医生。

On top of needing to know

a language晚安的短信, you need to have a function that can read memory address灰姑娘故事. Whetheryou make it yourlf or not is up to you.


One last thing, Ipersonally do not know everything as I have just started out端午节作文. For example, I donot know very much about dlls, therefore I copy the memory function (3) and a "getwowba" function provided by my dear ol' champ Ispoke about in the Pre Introduction.


Also十篇优秀日记200字, I will be usingAutoit eing as it is the code I am currently most skilled in and it is afairly simple language so it should be simple enough to translate into yourpreferred code, but I will explain what is happening when necessary暑假安全教育.


So let's get down to it欢度中秋.


--Analogy (sounds like a good time tome)/Terms:--

So …*Deep Breath*… We cancompare how we get info from World of Warcraft to our real world. Just like inreal life, where there are many objects and creatures, there are many objectsand creatures in Wow. We call the (becau programmers aren't creative)"WowObjects".

So…*深呼吸*… 我们可以比较一下魔兽世界和我们真实的世界。就如我们真实的生活中一样,在魔兽世界中同样有许多物体和生物企业入党申请书范文。我们权且统称为(程序员通常都是没想像力的)"WowObjects".

So we say to ourlves wewant something from this world and we want to know a characteristic of this"something". I would first need to know what kind of thing this something example盘古开天辟地, is it a person or is it a table? Is it human or is it a dog or acat? Similar concept applies to Wow辩论赛. We call this an "ObjectType". Thereare 7 types of objects in Wow, listed below:



1 - Items

2 - Contains

3 - NPC's

4 - Players

5 - GameObjects (Nodes etc)

6 - DynamicObjects (Spells and stuff)

7 - Corps

From: /forums/world-2010山东高考作文..桃花源诗阅读答案. (Excellent guide求职个人简历怎么写. After you're done不是因为寂寞才想你 歌词, go check it out)


After we find out ourtype of world object (say for example a human) how would we know which human itis eing as there are billions in th

e world. Well, as I'm sure you alreadyknow绿叶对根的情意, this is the reason people have names安全生产合理化建议. So this means if we know a person'sname we can find even more details about that person再见 歌词. Names in Wowmemoryare called "GUIDs" (Globally Unique Id) which is in n a tag to identify anobject练笔.

当我们知道了一个对象的类型后(比如类型是人类)虽然但是,但世界上有几十亿人企业调研报告范文,我得到的这个神马人类到底是谁?这就是为什么我们每个人都要有一个名字。这个名字在wowMemory中被称作"GUIDs"(Globally Unique ID伯牙鼓琴翻译, 全局唯一标识),用于唯一标识一个对象。

After this we have"Descriptors" which Describe (man the programmers are so clever) a kind of act like adjectives in the real world两会报告. For example in the realworld if you asked someone how they're health was they would say "good" or"bad". Well in the programming world we don't u adjectives总要习惯一个人, we u if we had a Descriptor offt for our health it would tell us "health =100%" or "health = 0% (you dead!)"

接着我们有了另一个概念"描述符(Descriptors)"清明节的来历50字,用于描述(这些程序员们太特么聪明勒)一个对象的状态。它有点象我们真实生活中的形容词农业生态园项目。比如真实世界中你问某人的健康情况,他通常会回答你"很好"或"不怎么样"。但在程序的世界我们不用形容词,而是用数字昨夜谁为吴。所以如果你有一个标识符去描述你的健康(血量),它通常会告诉你"血量=100% 或 血量=0%(挂了)"三九天穿裙子歇后语。

So for good measure and alittle over kill I bring you another example analogy.


WorldObject - Rick is describing an"object" that he says is a part of this world郭汾阳在汾州.

ObjectType - He says it's a dog.

Guid - The dog's name is Alfred

Descriptor – Alfred is happy

世界对象 WorldObject -瑞克在描述一个对象行政助理面试问题,它是这个世界的一部分中秋节英文作文。

对象类型 ObjectType -他说这个对象是狗狗优秀员工发言稿。

全局唯一标识 Guid -狗狗的名字叫Alfred检讨书。

描述符 Descriptor -Alfred很快乐后记的格式。

(I will go into furtherdetail about the things later)


So now that you get theidea behind it let's e how they actually work in programming.



Now to be thorough, I'mgoing to explain a little bit about how memory works迎奥运讲文明树新风. Memory or RAM (RandomAccess Memory) or the little stick you shove into your motherboard to make yourcomputer run百丈山记, acts as a way to store information from running programs谜语及谜底. Thinkof it as like little cubby holes that stores 1byte of information (generally anregular int is 4 bytes) that your program might need later.



Well政府预算管理论文, each little cubbyhole has an address so that the program can find that information校园一景. This addressis called a hexadecimal (or hex for short) and it looks something like this " 0x000000".This address us 16 symbols for each digit (0-9 and A-F), so if we increment0x000009 by 1 it would be 0x00000A.

每一个小房间都有一个唯一的地址,你的程序可以通过这个地址访问这个小房间里的数据。这个地址被称为"hexadecimal",简称为hex。看上去象这样:0x000000两学一做个人对照检查材料。就是十六进制数啦大学生应该读的书,用16个字符表示(0-9 和 A-F),所以0x000000 + 1 = 0x00000A。

Memory Cubby Holepicture:


Example math:


1杀驼破瓮. 0xF + 0xF = 0x1E

2昆虫记读后感600字初一. 0x5 * 0x5 = 0x19

3元宵节的诗词. 0xBEAD – 0x4321 = 0x7B8C

4室内设计说明范文. 0xBEAD + 0x4321 = 0x101CE

5共产党员的修养. 0x10000 – 0x1 = 0xFFFF


Offtsin Wow memory reading are ud to take an address日文qq个性签名, change it原料库, and geta new address with (possibly) more information精细化管理心得体会. For example栩栩如生的近义词, say I found myplayer at a dynamic address (the address changes each time the game loads) andI had a function called "GetPlayersAddress()" that returned the dynamic addressto me. I could then u a static offt (always stays the same) to get anaddress that contains the value of, say, my health三思而后行的故事.

偏移量(不知翻译是否准确)是去读取魔兽世界内存地址自己打一字,改变它乌托邦读后感,计算出一个新址以得到更多信息。比如,我控制的游戏人物有一个动态地址(因为每次游戏运行加载到内存的区域是不同的)但我有一个程序函数(比如:GetPlayerAddress())可以得到这个动态地址新不了情 歌词。我就可以使用一个偏移量(这个偏移量永远都一样)去得到一个新地址,以获取更多的信息五一旅游攻略,比如"血量"党员学习材料。


For Example写给18岁儿子的信, say my dynamic address(remember this changes) was 0x000001 and my offt was 0x5. My new addresswould be 0x000006.

比如:如果我得到一个动态地址:0x000001 和一个偏移量0x5,那么新址就是0x000001+0x5=0x000006

Now the nice thing aboutthis forum is they have a little area called the dump thread which we will beusing since I will not be going into how to actually get the offts foryourlf by rever engineering Wowshe歌词. It's a little too complicate for meat this time家庭理财规划.

在作者发贴的这个论坛红楼梦好词好句,有个专门的版块叫dump thread专门罗列了这些偏移值生活小事。


Now for any bot readingthe memory that Wow us, you will need to know the ba is done (from what I've en) by calling a function that us a couple ofdlls to check the memory for . I do understand how this works, Ijust don't know enough about dlls to be able to code it mylf歧途的反义词. ^_^



So my recommendationwould be to arch google for a function to get ba addressof wow in your language of choice柿子树.


This is the code inAutoit:


(created by IceFire32(unless refuted XD))



$HSNAP = DllCall("", "HANDLE", "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"马马虎虎的反义词, "DWORD"小学教案网, 8, "DWORD"圣诞节英语, $PID)

$STMODULE = DllStructCreate("DWORD dwSize;DWORD th32ModuleID;DWORD th32ProcessID;" & "DWORD GlblcntUsage;DWORD

ProccntUsage;ptr modBaAddr;" &"DWORD modBaSize;HANDLE hModule;WCHAR szModule[256];" &"WCHAR szExePath[260]")

DllStructSetData($STMODULE小学毕业典礼教师发言稿, "dwSize"原来爱情就像烟火, DllStructGetSize($STMODULE))

$RET = DllCall(""学雷锋资料, "BOOLEAN", "Module32FirstW"静夜思图片, "HANDLE"我和我的祖国征文, $HSNAP[0]厨房配菜员, "ptr"张恒远 追梦赤子心, DllStructGetPtr($STMODULE))

IF ($RET[0] = Fal) Then

DllCall("", "BOOLEAN", "CloHandle"什么是周记, "HANDLE", $HSNAP[0])

Return 0


$RET[0] = True


IfDllStructGetData($STMODULE枣核教案, "szModule") = "" Then

DllCall("", "BOOLEAN", "CloHandle", "HANDLE", $HSNAP[0])

ReturnDllStructGetData($STMODULE学期工作总结, "modBaAddr")


$RET = DllCall(""today is your day, "BOOLEAN", "Module32NextW", "HANDLE"生源地助学贷款续贷, $HSNAP[0]预防职务犯罪心得体会,

"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($STMODULE))

Until $RET[0] = Fal




This is where we get intothe juicy stuff. With an object manager银行柜员述职报告, it will arch through the memory tofind a player memory location教育规划纲要. And using some offts, we can find most thingswe want to know about our player or any other object for that matter.


So first thing we need todo is get a couple of address and offts from the latest patch dump threadthat the mmowned community was nice enough to share with us陶渊明诗.

那么我们首先要做的就是得到几个地址和偏移量从最新的patch dump thread,这是mmowned这个社区分享给我们的。



; We make them Global so that every function can access them andConstant so they cannot be changed by the program


;The first 2 are you create you manager from the baaddress wow

;注释: 用下面两个变量(wow起始地址)去创建管理器

Global Const $Cli

entConnection = 0x8BF1A8

Global Const $CurMgrOfft = 0x462C

;The next one is to get the address of your first object ONLY


Global Const $FirstObjectOfft = 0xB4

;To cycle through the object you need this offt


Global Const $NextObjectOfft = 0x3C

Global Const $PlayerGUID = 0xB8

;This next one is to find the objects type : 1 to 7


Global Const $GameObjTypeOfft = 0x14

;And this one is to find the objects GUID


Global Const $GameObjGUIDOfft = 0x30

With the and theWowBa we can create our GetObject Function天气冷的说说.


- We start by getting theProcess ID (or PID) from Wow立冬祝福.


- And then getting theBaAddress from using the PID


(dots are there to showthat there is code above it)



$PID = WinGetProcess("World of Warcraft")

Global $WowBa = GetWoWBaAddress($PID)

Next we will get a handlefrom a function in 3


(Which allows us to uthe _MemoryRead function):

(它将允许我们使用_MemoryRead 这个函数)


$hWow = _MemoryOpen($PID)

Now that that is done, wecan start adding our offts and address together to create our ObjectFunction using the memoryread function provided by Nomad.


But first we need to addthe offts to our ba and add an offt to that to get the manager. Afterthat让我们一起奔腾吧, to get the PlayerGUID (which we will need to find our LocalPlayer) we addthe PlayerGUID offt to the current manager:



Global Const $ClientConnection = 0x8BF1A8

Global Const $CurMgrOfft = 0x462C

Global Const $FirstObjectOfft = 0xB4

Global Const $NextObjectOfft = 0x3C

;even though this says $playerGUID it is actually the offt to getthe player GUID (offtting the manager and not the object)

Global Const $PlayerGUID = 0xB8

Global Const $GameObjTypeOfft = 0x14

Global Const $GameObjGUIDOfft = 0x30

$PID = WinGetProcess("World of Warcraft")

Global $WowBa = GetWoWBaAddress($PID)

$hWow = _MemoryOpen($PID)

; Starting Here

; Params for our memoryread func is:_


$currMgr_pre = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($WowBa +$ClientConnection), $hWow 小学数学毕业试题, "dword")

$currMgr = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($currMgr_pre +$CurMgrOfft)王则柯, $hWow 我若为王, "dword")

$pGUID = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($currMgr +$PlayerGUID), $hWow 泼水歌伴奏, "UINT64")

; The reason we u hex is to becau the _memoryread functionneeds that value to be in hex format沁园春霾.

; To be honest I don't think we need to u it but I do it anywaysXD

For the type param; theare the many different types in programming:'


(From Autoit help)


Type Details

none no value (only valid for return type -equivalent to void in C)

BYTE an unsigned 8 bit integer

BOOLEAN an unsigned 8 bit integer

short a 16 bit integer

USHORT an unsigned 16 bit integer

WORD an unsigned 16 bit integer

int a 32 bit integer

long a 32 bit integer

BOOL a 32 bit integer

UINT an unsigned 32 bit integer

ULONG an unsigned 32 bit integer

DWORD an unsigned 32 bit integer

INT64 a 64 bit integer

UINT64 an unsigned 64 bit integer

ptr a general pointer (void *)

HWND a window handle (pointer)

HANDLE an handle (pointer)

float a single precision floating point number

double a double precision floating point number

INT_PTR, LONG_PTR团员个人年度总结, LRESULT授之以鱼不如授之以渔, LPARAM an integer big enough tohold a pointer when running on x86 or x64 versions of AutoIt高校教师工作总结.

UINT_PTR赞美水的作文, ULONG_PTR, DWORD_PTR一剪梅 歌词, WPARAM an unsigned integerbig enough to hold a pointer when running on x86 or x64 versions of AutoIt.

str an ANSI string (a minimum of 65536 charsis allocated).

wstr a UNICODE wide character string (a minimumof 65536 chars is allocated).

* Add * to the end of another type to passit by reference高二数学教材. For example "int*" pass a pointer to an"int" type.

Finally we can get to ourObject Function廉政准则心得体会. Now the Idea behind this is to start at our first address andcheck it to e if what is in that address = the GUID given参观小学. (in this example,the LocalPlayer's GUID)

终于我们可以让我们的对象工作了。工作原理就是从起始地址开始检查是否可找到GUID落红不是无情物。(在这个例子中表示本地角色的GUID,LocalPlayer's GUID)

Thanks unnamed ur that芦花荡教学设计,after posting this谁和谁好仿写句子, I'll ask if it's alright to mention him小鞋子影评.


Func GetMemLocByGUID($guid)

;Read the first wow object by adding our current manager address andour first object offt together

$NextObject = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($currMgr + $FirstObjectOfft), $hWow, "dword")

;next get the object type buy adding our firstobject and our Objtype offt together and reading that

$ObjType = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($NextObject + $GameObjTypeOfft)考研经验交流会, $hWow团队管理计划, "dword")

;If the return of object type is less than orequal to 7 (which it should always be) and more than 0 in the ca that

we dohave an object In the list than Do a While loop关于科学家的读后感.

while (($ObjType <= 7) And ($ObjType > 0))

;NOTE: if there is an obje

ct in the list莲的古诗, objTypewill have to be = 1 to 7

; If ourobject plus the GUIDofft = the GUID we are looking for (example ourlocalplayer GUID) …

IF (_MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($NextObject + $GameObjGUIDOfft), $hWow徒劳无功的近义词, "UINT64") = $guid) Then ; …then return

our object

Return$NextObject ;found what we wanted.


;if noreturn happens (stays in the function) then cycle through the objects using ournext object offt on

our Next object(might also be called current object)

$NextObject = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($NextObject + $NextObjectOfft)我可以歌词, $hWow, "dword")

;Wewill also need to e the type

$ObjType = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($NextObject + $GameObjTypeOfft), $hWow, "dword")


;if we find nothing Return 0 (address areprobably wrong or you mesd up code)

Return 0;

EndFunc ;==>GetMemLocByGUID

Excitingly enough三年级中秋节日记300字, we canactually get the XYZ cords and rotation (in rad) of our player just from thereturn of this function and a few offts开学第一课2021年9月1日. Back in the dump thread we can ethat:

碉堡了懊恼的反义词,从这个函数返回的一些偏移量小学科学课件,我们可以得到我们的角色的XYZ坐标和角度卓玛歌词。从dump thread 版块我们可以查到:


Under :

internal enum WowObject

X = 0x898,

Y = X + 0x4,

Z = X + 0x8,

RotationOfft = X +0x10

(Posted byArutha532)




Global Const $UnitPosXOfft = 0x898

Global Const $UnitPosYOfft = 0x898 + 0x4

Global Const $UnitPosZOfft = 0x898 + 0x8

Global Const $UnitRotationOfft = 0x8A8

$pObjectMemLoc = GetMemLocByGUID($pGUID)

; if we add

$pXPos = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($pObjectMemLoc +$UnitPosXOfft), $hWow , "float")

$pYPos = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($pObjectMemLoc +$UnitPosYOfft), $hWow 法学基础知识, "float")

$pZPos = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($pObjectMemLoc +$UnitPosZOfft)煤矿安全论文, $hWow 奋斗书, "float")

$pRotation = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($pObjectMemLoc+ $UnitRotationOfft), $hWow , "float")

But I'll go further intodetails about the XYZ and Rotation later.


Now it is time for ourdescriptors (as you could probably tell). Remember our descriptors explain tous our object小学作文集编者的话. This would mean that, assuming we have the offts自信 作文, it couldtell us the health of the object各自的朝圣路, mana, rage水葫芦喊冤, energy, statsiuv课件, who it's targeting(if unit)趣味问答, if it's being attacked and so much more (check out the dump.) So letus look at a few of the simpler ones such as health教师节手抄报的资料.

现在轮到我们的描述者登场了。相信你还记得描述者是用来描述我们的对象的状态。这意味着它将告诉我们关于我们的对象的:魔法值古诗人日思归,rage(是啥?)、能量、状态、及谁已经设该对象为目标,是否被攻击和许多其它的信息(查看dump thread)。让我们看下得到血量的例子:

Let us, for now寒假放假时间2022年, get ridof the XYZR of our object and bring back to focus our Memloc function and itsaddress.




bal Const $ClientConnection = 0x8BF1A8

Global Const $CurMgrOfft = 0x462C

Global Const $FirstObjectOfft = 0xB4

Global Const $NextObjectOfft = 0x3C

Global Const $PlayerGUID = 0xB8

$PID = WinGetProcess("World of Warcraft")

Global $WowBa = GetWoWBaAddress($PID)

$hWow = _MemoryOpen($PID)

; Params for our memoryread func is:_MemoryRead(Address骆驼祥子的读后感,Handle三滴泪,Type)

$currMgr_pre = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($WowBa +$ClientConnection)高瞻远瞩造句, $hWow 师傅领进门修行靠个人, "dword")

$currMgr = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($currMgr_pre +$CurMgrOfft)留住, $hWow , "dword")

$pGUID = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($currMgr +$PlayerGUID), $hWow 销售助理的工作内容, "UINT64")

$pObjectMemLoc = GetMemLocByGUID($pGUID)

Okay now that we have ourcode a little cleaned up安全手抄报版面设计图, let's look at the descriptor offt. The descriptorofft is esntially telling the memory that we want to look at itsdescriptors now, so adding the descriptor offts to this address will returnus an address (if I am correct) and then we will be able to add our offts tothat address.


This address right nowis: 0x8


And the address for ourhealth (from the dump thread)is :

去得血量的地址(通过查看dump thread)

So now we can add this toour code :


Global Const $PlayerHealthOfft = 0x68

Global Const $DescriptorOfft = 0x8

$pDescriptor = _MemoryRead("0x" &Hex($pObjectMemLoc + $DescriptorOfft), $hWow 形容随声附和的成语, "dword")

$pHealth = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($pDescriptor +$PlayerHealthOfft), $hWow 天使融资计划书,"dword")

That should be enough fordescriptors个性留言板寄语.

Now there is only onelast thing I would like to show to all the little newbs that might be readingthis.



And this is…..


--XYZR Manipulation:—

Back to this:



Global Const $UnitPosXOfft = 0x898

Global Const $UnitPosYOfft = 0x898 + 0x4

Global Const $UnitPosZOfft = 0x898 + 0x8

Global Const $UnitRotationOfft = 0x8A8

$pObjectMemLoc = GetMemLocByGUID($pGUID)

; if we add

$pXPos = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($pObjectMemLoc +$UnitPosXOfft), $hWow 邻里情, "float")

$pYPos = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($pObjectMemLoc +$UnitPosYOfft)5.12大地震, $hWow 钢管脚手架施工方案, "float")

$pZPos = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($pObjectMemLoc +$UnitPosZOfft)迎七一, $hWow , "float")

$pRotation = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($pObjectMemLoc+ $UnitRotationOfft)新学期新气象手抄报图片大全, $hWow 一口咬住多半截, "float")

This is mostly for peoplewho do not know trigonometry水电站实习报告. I'm not going to go into math becau your programminglanguage should have a function like this or at least the function to createthis function签约本.


ad on the target x position. This is a simple solution to that.



Func Around($sVal形容有学问的成语, $eVal拿来主义教案, $bNum)

If $sVal - $eVal < $bNum And $sVal - $eVal > (-$bNum) Then





EndFunc ;==>Around

So when comparing Playerx and y to Target x and y, you would go:



If Not Around($pXPos认为, $targetXY[0]miss lin, 0.8) Or Not Around($pYPos, $targetXY[1]圣诞英文歌曲, 0.8) Then

(blah blah bah)


--Names (NEW!):—

Getting names from theWorld of Warcraft memory is relatively simple depending on what type of objectyou are trying to get it from2015年立春时间. For example八荣八耻演讲稿, getting the names from NPCs andobject is pretty simple where as getting it from a player is complicated导购培训. Inthis portion i am not going to go into detail on how to get a players name buti will post code (to be honest i just copied and pasted code and changed thingsdepending on what google and the forum said四年级体育教学计划...porting from one language toanother)


So lets start withNPCS.


First id like to say thatthe dump unitname is not a descriptor address. I have made this mistake = id like you to note that instead of 1 offt, there are 2年终奖金分配方案. This isdifferent from all the other offts we have en so far but it is not anymorecomplicated than what we have previously en.

首先我想说dump unitname不是一个描述者地址青枫江上秋帆远全诗。这是我的一个错误学习 名言。然后只有一个地球,这里有两个偏移量,而不是一个罚款单,这是和其它我们曾经看到过的偏移量不同的。

Now保险论文, you will start byadding your first offt (unitname1) to your objects memory location (returnedby ur memloc function). Memory read this to get back an address (preferablystore it in a variable maybe called $name1) and then add your 2nd offt to thememory address returned毛毛王历险记. This will also return an address常常的反义词. If you memory readthat 1 more time (read it as a char) then you should get the name ofthat wow object (NPC)

现在我们从添加第一个偏移量到你的内存地址(通过memloc函数得到)开始(unitname1)感动中国2012十大人物。读取这个内存址(存在某个变量 中跨国并购案例,如$name1)然后添加第二个偏移量到这个地址以得到另一个地址点名游戏问题。然后再调用内存读函数读取最后得到的地址党史手抄报简单内容,你就会得到NPC的名字意大利签证所需材料。


;Declaring our Global Const variables

Global Const $UnitName1 = 0xA24

Global Const $UnitName2 =


Func _GetUnitName($fGUID)

; adding first name offt to memloc returned by memloc function

$Name1 = _Memoryread(_GetObjectMemLocByGUID($fGUID) + $UnitName1, $wow2022年第一天发朋友圈, "dword")

;We get an address from this

;Next we add our cond offt to our returned address

$Name2 = _Memoryread($Name1 + $UnitName2外国文学史名词解释, $wow, "dword")

;This again returns us an address

;Memory read that again and t the type as char [and an amount ofcharacters]

Return_MemoryRead($Name2, $wow, "char[20]")

EndFunc ;==>_GetUnitName

;And you get the npcs name

For objects, it is prettymuch the same code with different address剧本大纲.



Global Const $ObjName1 = 0x1CC

Global Const $ObjName2 = 0xB4

Func _GetObjectName($fGUID)

$Name1 = _Memoryread(_GetObjectMemLocByGUID($fGUID) + $ObjName1公司开业, $wow社区邻居, "dword")

$Name2 = _Memoryread($Name1 + $ObjName2, $wow, "dword")

Return_MemoryRead($Name2写人作文, $wow, "char[20]")

EndFunc ;==>_GetObjectName

And lastly to get aplayers name引言怎么写, here is some copy-pasta:



;So you know what the hell the offts are我喜欢的艺术作品.五四青年节征文..


; MASK_OFFSET = 0x024;

;BASE_OFFSET = 0x01c;



Func _GetPlayerName($fGUID = $pGUID)

$mask = _MemoryRead($WowBa + 0x89ACC0 + 0x8 + 0x024活在春天里, $wow)

$ba = _MemoryRead($WowBa + 0x89ACC0 + 0x8 + 0x01c, $wow)

$shortGUID = BitAND($fGUID, 0xffffffff)

if ($mask = 0xffffffff) Then



$offt = 12 * BitAND($mask, $shortGUID)

$current = _MemoryRead($ba + $offt + 8, $wow)

$offt = _MemoryRead($ba + $offt罕见的反义词, $wow)

if (BitAND($current作风方面存在的问题, 0x1) = 0x1) Then



$testGUID = _MemoryRead($current胡雪岩故居导游词, $wow)

while ($testGUID <> $shortGUID)

$current = _MemoryRead($current + $offt + 4猫天使, $wow)

if (BitAND($current全国三八红旗手待遇, 0x1) = 0x1) Then



$testGUID = _MemoryRead($current一个两个三个小朋友, $wow)


Return_MemoryRead($current + 0x020趴趴熊音乐枕, $wow, "char[20]")

EndFunc ;==>_GetPlayerName


I hopethis has helped at least a few people in their journey to making bots. Thistook me a few days to make (switching between watching awesome movies/ tv showsto working on this)最美的瞬间. If you actually took the time to read all this, you areamazing and should have a pretty good idea of whats going on … unless I suck atmaking guides.


Um…Remember to do some arching on your own and to play around with this ce makes perfect and I'm sure we would all like some awesome bots to playthis game for us becau we are too damn lazy to do it ourlves更名. Thanks forreading and goodluck! ^_^



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