
更新时间:2022-11-12 14:09:02 阅读: 评论:0



需要:need 欲望want

需求:demand 产品:product

关系营销:relationship marketing 营销网:marketing network

生产观念:the production concept 产品观念:the product concept

相关群体:reference group 购买者角色:buying role

购买行为:buying behavior 认知需求:problem recognition

搜集信息:information arch 组织者市场:orqanization market

派生需求:derived demand 缺乏弹性:inelastic demand

品牌策略:brand strategy 制造商品牌:manufactures brand

定价策略:pricing strategie 现金折扣:cash discount

数量折扣:quantity discount 功能折扣:functional discount

季节折扣:asonal discount 新产品定价:new product pricing

产品组合定价:product-mix pricing 分销渠道:distribution channel

密集分销渠道:intensive distribution 选择性分销:lective distribution

独家分销:exclusive distribution 中间商品牌:intermediaries brand

批发商:whoksaler 零售商:retailer

百货公司:department store 超市:supermarket

便利店:convenience store 折扣店:discount store

促销组合:promotion mix 交流信息:communicating information

人员销售:personalo lling 广告策略advertising strateqie

公共关系public relation 营销调研:marketing rearch

产品策略:product strategie 产品组合:product mix

营销观念:the marketing concept 消费者市场consumer market

顾客满意:customer satisfaction 顾客总价值:total customer value

顾客总成本:total customer value 营销环境:marketing environment

营销信息系统:marketing information syste

市场细分策略:market gmentation startegie

目标市场策略:market tageting strategie

市场定位策略market positioning strategie

产品市场寿命周期;the product life cycle

销售观念:the lling/sales concept

社会营销观念:the societal marketing concept

宏观营销环境:macro-marketing environment

消费者行为模式:model of consumer behavior

价值,成本和满意 :value,cost,andsatisfaction

交换和交易exchange and transaction

营销者和预期顾客 :marketers and prospect


The production concept 生产观念

Wide distribution 广泛的分销

Expand market 市场扩张

Prospective buyers/potential customers/prospect 潜在顾客

Hard lling 卖力的推销

Dissatisfied customer 不满意的顾客

Marketing con


expected value 期望价值

export agents 出口代理(商)

family life cycle 家庭生命周期

growth rate of market 市场增长率

market oriented 以市场为导向的

marketing mix 营销组合

mature stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成熟阶段

multichannel distribution 多渠道分销

mutual trust 相互信任

penetration pricing 渗透定价

perceived customer value 顾客感知价值

perceived quality 感知到的质量

perceived value 感知到的价值

personal lling 人员推销

post-purcha/after-sale rvice 售后服务

product life cycle (PLC) 产品生命周期

product life cycle curve 产品生命周期曲线

profitability analysis 盈利性分析

profitability 盈利性/盈利能力

sales force 销售队伍

sales force size 销售队伍规模

stock levels 库存水平

straight salary compensation plan 纯薪金制薪酬方案

substitute goods 替代品

variable costs 可变成本

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