平装: 283页
条形码: 9787220073199
尺寸: 26 x 18.5 x 1.2 cm
重量: 422 g
Chapter 1 An Overview of the Essay
Ⅰ What Is an Essay?
1. The Basic Structure of an Essay
2. Essays in Different Types of Writing
Ⅱ What Is a Rearch Paper?
Chapter 2 Writing an Essay
Ⅰ Planning and Shaping the Essay
1. Choosing and Limiting a Topic
2. Determining Our Purpo and Audience
3. Gathering Material
4. Formulating a Thesis Statement
5. Organizing and Outlining the Essay
Ⅱ Drafting the Essay
1. Writing the Introductory Paragraph
2. Writing the Concluding Paragraph
3. Gaining Unity and Coherence
4. Developing the Essay by Different Patterns of Organization
5. Essay Checklist
Ⅲ Revising the Essay
1. Revising the Essay
2. Editing the Essay
3. Dealing with the Final Draft
4. Proofreading
Chapter 3 Writing a Rearch Paper
Ⅰ Learning About the Central Information System of Modern Academic Library
Ⅱ Doing Prewriting Work
1. Choosing and limiting a Topic
2. Doing Preliminary Reading
3. Writing a Preliminary Bibliography
4. Writing a Prelimminary Outline and Thesis
5. Reading and Taking Notes
6. Revising the Outline and Thesis
Ⅲ Writing the First Draft
Ⅳ Rewriting the Paper
1. Revising the Draft
2. Editing and Documenting the Paper
Chapter 4 Making Good U of the Language
Ⅰ Strving for Clarity
Ⅱ Striving for Accuracy
Ⅲ Practicing Economy
Ⅳ Gaining Appropriateness
Chapter 5 Using Punctuation Marks Correctly
Ⅰ End Punctuation Marks
Ⅱ Internal Punctuation Marks
Ⅲ Enclosing Marks
Ⅳ Punctuationof Idividual Words and of Terms
AppendixⅠ Two-Letter Abbreviations for US States
AppendixⅡ Proofreaders' Marks
AppendixⅢ Correction Symbols
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