Ready Action-罗密欧与朱丽叶封面Ready, Action英文戏剧系列教材,通过唱歌,跳舞等戏剧表演环节,激发孩子英语学习热情,自动自发地融 入到自信的戏剧表演活动里。英语语言教育与戏剧文娱体系有机结合,寓教于乐。英语语言教育与戏剧文娱体系有机结合,寓教于乐。
语言世界出版公司(Language Worl d Co.,Ltd)为世界著名出版社E-public出版公司的姊妹公司。成立于2000年,成立十余年来,研发了超过300个教学产品,成为国际出版领域最强的出版公司之一。出版社旗下的A-list品牌尤其以高质量的ELT( EnglishLanguage Teaching)产品为著名,为众多的英语学习者提供了一流的教学材。教材编者均来自英美国家顶级专家团队,出版社还吸纳了最先进的国际元素,制作了大量紧贴课标,互动性强、动画形象精美的配套课件。
美国的儿童戏剧学者在20世纪二三十年代提出了“创造性戏剧(CreativeDrama)”,旨在通过儿童的“做戏剧( do-drama)”实现促进儿童发展的教育目的。创造性戏剧被界定为“一种即兴的、非演出的、以过程为中心的戏剧形式,参与者在引导者(leader)指导下想像、扮演和反思人类真实的或想像的经验。”
英国儿童戏剧学者多萝西·海滋考特(DorthyHeathcote )作为“戏剧教学”流派的创始人,她大力将戏剧视为教学的媒介,即在教育教学中运用戏剧来丰富儿童的觉察力,使他们能通过想像发现现实,发掘行为表面下所隐含的深刻意义,比如在“中世纪的服装”这一主题中,教师首先把儿童置身于一个中世纪的教堂情景里,儿童装扮成中世纪的骑士等角色,然后进一步继续主题的探索和学习。
Ready,Action! Classic | |
ISBN书号 | 标题 |
9788964809358 | Ready Action Classic (Low) : Jack and the Beantalk |
9788964809365 | Ready Action Classic (Low) : Little Simba and Four Tigers |
9788964809372 | Ready Action Classic (Low) : The Magic Cooking Pot |
9788964809341 | Ready Action Classic (Low) : The Ugly Ducking |
9788964809419 | Ready Action Classic (Mid) : Little Green Frog |
9788964809396 | Ready Action Classic (Mid) : Rudolph, the Red-Nod Reindeer |
9788964809389 | Ready Action Classic (Mid) : Sleeping Beauty |
9788964809402 | Ready Action Classic (Mid) : The Farting Lady |
9788964809440 | Ready Action Classic (High) : Little Match Girl |
9788964809426 | Ready Action Classic (High) : The Dancing Princess |
9788964809433 | Ready Action Classic (High) : The Golden Goo |
9788964809457 | Ready Action Classic (High) : The Wedding Mice |
Ready, Action! | |
ISBN书号 | 标题 |
9788962247732 | Ready Action 1: Chicken Little |
9788962247749 | Ready Action 1: Five Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed |
9788962247701 | Ready Action 1: Halloween Witch |
9788962247718 | Ready Action 1: Let's Be Friends |
9788962247725 | Ready Action 1: Little Red Riding Hood |
9788962247695 | Ready Action 1: The Missing |
9788962249262 | Ready Action 1: The Enormous Turnip |
9788962249248 | Ready Action 1: The |
9788962249231 | Ready Action 1: The Scary Dino |
9788962249279 | Ready Action 1: The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf |
9788962249255 | Ready Action 1: The Shoemaker and the Elves |
9788962249286 | Ready Action 1: The Wolf and the Five Little Goats |
9788962247756 | Ready Action 2: A Christmas Carol |
9788962247787 | Ready Action 2: |
9788962247770 | Ready Action 2: Stone Soup |
9788962247800 | Ready Action 2: The Emperor's New Clothes |
9788962247763 | Ready Action 2: The Haunted Halloween Party |
9788962247794 | Ready Action 2: The Wenny Man and the Three Goblins |
9788962249347 | Ready Action 2: Cinderella |
9788962249309 | Ready Action 2: The Ants and the Grasshopper |
9788962249330 | Ready Action 2: The Frog Princes |
9788962249316 | Ready Action 2: The Little Red Hen |
9788962249293 | Ready Action 2: The Three Billy Goats |
9788962249323 | Ready Action 2: The Three Little Pigs |
9788962247831 | Ready Action 3: Beauty and the Beast |
9788962247848 | Ready Action 3: Heungbu and Nolbu |
9788962247817 | Ready Action 3: The Christmas Prents |
9788962247824 | Ready Action 3: The Pumpkin Ghost on Halloween Night |
9788962249378 | Ready Action 3: Ali Baba Jr. and the Four Thieves |
9788962249385 | Ready Action 3: Hanl and Gretel |
9788962249361 | Ready Action 3: Snow White |
9788962249354 | Ready Action 3: The Blind Men and the Elephant |
9788962249392 | Ready Action 3: The Bremen Town Musicians |
9788962249408 | Ready Action 3: The Wonderful Wizard of OZ |
9788973317837 | Ready Action 1: The Enormous Turnip Big Book |
9788973317851 | Ready Action 1: The Gingerbread Man Big Book |
9788973317820 | Ready Action 1: The Scary Dino Big Book |
9788973317844 | Ready Action 1: The Shoemaker and the Elves Big Book |
9788973317899 | Ready Action 2: The Ants and the Grasshopper Big Book |
9788973317875 | Ready Action 2: |
9788973317882 | Ready Action 2: The Three Billy Goats Big Book |
9788973317868 | Ready Action 2: The Three Little Pigs Big Book |
9788973317912 | Ready Action 3: Snow White Big Book |
9788973317905 | Ready Action 3: The Blind Men and the Elephant Big Book |
Ready,Action! Advanced | |
ISBN书号 | 标题 |
9788964804063 | Ready,Action Advanced : Beowulf |
9788964804070 | Ready, Action Advanced: Romeo and Juliet |
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