背诵、朗读、阅读名篇佳作是提高英语学习能力的捷径,可全面提高英语语感和应试水平。 ——北京外国语大学 彭萍
行文优美、思想深刻的文章具有洗涤心灵的作用。将这些优秀的作品一一品读、背诵,对于提高英语阅读水平乃至写作水平都有裨益。 ——天津外国语大学 马钟元
学习英语,不仅仅是学习一种技能,更是学习一种对待生活的态度。我们所阅读的,可能是另一个人对生活的独特理解,也可能是另一个群体对事物的另类剖析,但这些归根结底都化为读者对自己的深度解码。这套丛书在帮助你提高英语水平的同时,或许也能为你提供一些思考的空间。 ——北京第二外国语学院 吴建设
1.The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Address, 2012 / 22012年英国女王登基60周年演讲 | 2.The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination / 7失败的附加好处和想象力的重要性 | 3.The Novelist in Wartime / 12战时作家 | 4.Unleashing Your Creativity / 16释放你的创造力 |
5.A Writer Must Have an Inexhaustible Voice / 20作家必须拥有永不停歇的声音 | 6.I Have a Dream / 25 | 7.Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death / 30不自由,吾宁死 | 8.The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itlf / 34我们唯一要害怕的是害怕本身 |
9.Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat / 38热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪 | 10.Keep Looking, Don’t Settle / 42继续寻找,不要停留 | 11.We Will Make the World Better Tomorrow Than It Is Today / 46我们会让明天的世界变得比今天更美好 | 12.Yes, We Can / 51是的,我们能行 |
13.The Audacity of Hope / 56无畏的希望 | 14.I Have Done My Very Best / 60我已尽自己最大的努力 | 15.Though Our Challenges Are Fearsome, So Are Our Strenghs / 64虽然我们的挑战令人生畏,但我们的力量也同样令人生畏 | 16.Good—bye and Good Luck! / 69再见,祝你好运! |
17.I Have Followed My Conscience / 74我凭良心行事 | 18.What Is the Meaning of Life / 78生活的意义 | 19.Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation / 82珍珠港事件告全国同胞书 | 20.Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr./ 87关于马丁·路德·金遇刺的演讲 名篇佳作Part Two |
21.The Two Roads / 92人生的两条路 | 22. | 23.Of Love / 101论爱情 | 24.The Road to Success / 105成功之道 |
25.What Is Enlightenment / 110什么是启蒙 | 26.Advice to Youth / 115致青年的忠告 | 27.The World as I See It / 119我的世界观 | 28.Gone with the Wind / 124飘 |
29.On Idleness / 129论懒散 | 30.Companionship of Books / 134以书为伴 | 31.On Doors / 138门 | 32.Pride and Prejudice / 142傲慢与偏见时文精选Part Three |
33.Cloned Ponies / 148克隆赛马 | 34.Why I’ve Stopped Relying on Online Reviews for Everything I Buy / 152为什么我不再依赖网上评价购物 | 35.The Ri of Solo Living / 156 | 36.Glad to Be Grey / 160乐意变老 |
37.Vape’em If You Got’em / 164到手就吸的电子香烟 | 38.Facebook: Search Me / 169 | 39.Modern Families / 174摩登家庭 | 40.But It Wasn’t You: When the “It Could Have Been Me” Narrative Takes Over / 178不合时宜的故事——“这本可能是我” |
41.Timed Out / 182与时代公司延迟的分手 | 42.When the Boss Sets the Style / 186当老板引领着装风格时 | 43.Shoe Stores Sock It to Online Buyers / 191实体店遭遇“试穿贼” | 44.Lights, Cameras...Nappies / 195宝宝引导师:灯光、相机……尿布美文赏析Part Four |
45.Reading Book Is Like Loving a Person / 200读书如恋爱 | 46.Power of Self—talk / 204自我交谈的力量 | 47.Loving with an Open Hand / 209放手去爱 | 48.Life Is Like a Train Ride / 213人生就像火车之旅 |
49.Ambition / 218抱负 | 50.Home / 222家 | 51.A Mere 瞬间的美丽,一生的快乐 | 52.The Story of Life / 231人生的故事 |
53.The Importance of Being Silly / 236糊涂之可贵 | 54.Six Famous Words / 240六字名言 | 55.You Have a Choice / 245你可以选择 | 56.A Father’s Job / 250父亲的职责 |
57.Get a Thorough Understanding of Onelf / 255悟透自己 | 58.Enthusiasm / 259热情 | 59.How to Be the Best Version of You / 264如何做最好的自己 | 60.How to Deal with Bullies / 269如何应对欺负你的人 |
61.When “Good Enough” Is Better Than Perfect / 273当“够好”胜过“完美”时 | 62.The Power of Imagination / 277想象的力量 | 63.I Will Live This Day as If It Is My Last / 281我会把今天当做生命中的最后一天 | 64 Reborn / 285重生哲理故事Part Five |
65.The Other Side of the Coin / 290硬币的另一面 | 66.Facing the Enemies Within / 295面对内在的敌人 | 67.Do Something to Improve Your Life / 300采取行动改善生活 | 68.Who Is Packing Your Parachute? / 304谁在打包你的降落伞? |
69.I’m Proud of You / 308我为你骄傲 | 70.Are You Ignoring That Little Thought? / 312你是否忽略了小想法? | 71.Broken Wings, Flying Heart / 316虽已折翼,但我心飞翔 | 72.Abundance Is a Life Style / 320富足是一种生活方式 |
73.How to Turn Off Negative Thoughts in Your Mind / 324如何杜绝内心的消极想法 | 74.To Win at Marriage, Learn to Lo / 329学会认输,赢得婚姻 | 75.Where Can You Find the Riches? / 334何处寻宝? | 76.Life as 生活如筷 |
77.Removing Rocks / 342移石 | 78.An Invisible Smile / 345看不见的微笑 | 79.Our Pursuit of Happiness / 350追求幸福 | 80.You’ll Never Regret It / 355永不后悔 |
81.Tiny Wisdom: How We Are Valuable / 360小智慧:如何让我们有价值 | 82.The Difference / 364细节决定成败 | 83.Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams / 368 别让任何人偷走你想 | 84.Playing a Violin with Three Strings / 372琴弦已断,音乐不止真题回顾Part Six |
85.How to Solve the Elderly Care? / 378如何解决老年人护理? | 86.Protecting Endangered Turtles / 383保护濒危海龟 | 87.Who Needs Humans? / 387谁需要人类? | 88.Why Americans Think Wrongly That Illegal Immigrants Hurt the Economy? / 391为什么美国人错误地认为非法移民对经济有害? |
89.How Good Are You at Saying “No” ? / 396你擅长说“不”吗? | 90.Prestige Panic / 400面子恐慌症 | 91.Deferential Language and Japane Women / 405敬语和日本女性 | 92.Fear Mechanism / 409恐惧应对机制 |
93.Business—leaders—to—be’s Morality / 413未来商业领袖们的道德 | 94.The Dark Side of Goal—tting / 417目标设定的负面效应 | 95.A Challenge to MBA / 422对工商管理硕士学位的质疑 | 96.Treating People by Occupation / 426以工作待人 |
97.Should We Over—Schedule Our Children / 430我们是否应该过度安排孩子的时间 | 98.Who’s Poor in America? / 435在美国,谁是穷人? | 99.What Issues Are Raid by the Latest Wave of Immigrants? / 440新移民浪潮带来了哪些问题? | 100 What’s Hot for the Very Rich? / 445富豪们的关注焦点附录 2013年大学英语六级考试大纲词汇表 / 449 |
I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work-a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something wluch did not exist before.
Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it.There are no longer problems of the spirit.There is only the question: When will I be blown up? Becau of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itlf which alone can make good writing becau only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.
He must learn them again.He must teach himlf that the of all things is to be afraid; and, teaching himlfthat, forget it forever,leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed-love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice.Until he does so, he labors under a cur.He writes not oflove but of lust, of defeats in which nobody los anything of value, of victories without hope and, worst of all, without pity or compassion.
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